Any atheists here who were once believers?

Even your belief in atheism is faith.

That's nice.

Atheism is rooted in science

Really? I thought atheism was merely a lack of religious beliefs? Could you please show me a definition that states atheism is rooted in science?

...part of science is cosmology. Cosmologists don't know where the big bang came from, as there was nothing before it. Science has faith that they will figure it out some day. Therefore, your belief in atheism is indeed, faith. You have faith that science will supply the answer to questions I have raised.

Your ridiculous questions are irrelevant as they are nothing more than preludes to preaching the gospel. It's pathetic to watch.
So, your free to to insist others believe as you do and anyone who calls you on your manipulation is evil.

No wonder your religion causes so much conflict and grief in the world.
I'll say the same to you, "You can continue in your evil ways all I care", for it is not you who concerns me at the moment.
I'll say the same to you, "You can continue in your evil ways all I care", for it is not you who concerns me at the moment.

Yes, I understand you are taught by your religion to hate and fear me as your enemy and that I am pure evil. This is why your religion causes so much conflict in the world.

As a non-believer, I don't think you're evil, nor do I hate or fear you. You are a good person who is being taught to do bad things by religion.

I completely understand that. No problem.
Yes, I understand you are taught by your religion to hate and fear me as your enemy and that I am pure evil. This is why your religion causes so much conflict in the world.

As a non-believer, I don't think you're evil, nor do I hate or fear you. You are a good person who is being taught to do bad things by religion.

I completely understand that. No problem.
I don't have a religion as such for I'm on my own. My beliefs are so different no one wants me in their church.
But anyone who accuses me without good cause gets my back up for sure.
I don't have a religion as such for I'm on my own. My beliefs are so different no one wants me in their church.
But anyone who accuses me without good cause gets my back up for sure.

Yes, you have a religion, you have made one up to suit whatever it is you want to believe, this is no different than most other folks on the planet who have their own versions of religions.
Yes, you have a religion, you have made one up to suit whatever it is you want to believe, this is no different than most other folks on the planet who have their own versions of religions.
It is a type of Christianity, bordering on Buddhism and Muslim as well.
What are you?
So, you have both hate cults included in your beliefs, sorry to hear that.

I must admit you are pretty cool. You don't abuse me and yet you argue the point. I actually quite like you.
But at the moment you are reclusive and hiding but once you open up the other buggers will pounce on you.
I must admit you are pretty cool. You don't abuse me and yet you argue the point. I actually quite like you.
But at the moment you are reclusive and hiding but once you open up the other buggers will pounce on you.

And, I would care about that, why?
nothing that we can understand or that is covered by our present limited models!!!!!!
How can you make a working model for the physics constants? For the laws of physics? Everything that we can work with in nature, standard model particles, E^M fields, gravity, etc., owe there existence to the physics constants, to immutable laws. At what point during the big bang were the physics constants not constant? I can't think of anything more absolute than the speed of light, Planck constant, and gravitational constant. Such absolute things are either perfectly implemented by invisible mechanisms or they are properties of invisible things. The space-time continuum, for all practical purpses, is invisible, undetectable, immutable, and will exist forever. Where did it come from? Probably a source that spits out lots of things with similar qualities.
How can you make a working model for the physics constants? For the laws of physics? Everything that we can work with in nature, standard model particles, E^M fields, gravity, etc., owe there existence to the physics constants, to immutable laws. At what point during the big bang were the physics constants not constant? I can't think of anything more absolute than the speed of light, Planck constant, and gravitational constant. Such absolute things are either perfectly implemented by invisible mechanisms or they are properties of invisible things. The space-time continuum, for all practical purpses, is invisible, undetectable, immutable, and will exist forever. Where did it come from? Probably a source that spits out lots of things with similar qualities.

Your religious beliefs and invisible boogie men are irrelevant to the world around us.
Your religious beliefs and invisible boogie men are irrelevant to the world around us.
Wrong! Religious belief is one of the most important and relavent things in the world. Just look at the numbers.
1.Christianity: 2.1 billion

2.Islam: 1.5 billion

3.Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion

4.Hinduism: 900 million

5.Chinese traditional religion: 394 million

6.Buddhism: 376 million

7.primal-indigenous: 300 million

8.African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million

9.Sikhism: 23 million

10.Juche: 19 million

11.Spiritism: 15 million

12.Judaism: 14 million

13.Baha'i: 7 million

14.Jainism: 4.2 million

15.Shinto: 4 million

16.Cao Dai: 4 million

17.Zoroastrianism: 2.6 million

18.Tenrikyo: 2 million

19.Neo-Paganism: 1 million

20.Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand

21.Rastafarianism: 600 thousand

22.Scientology: 500 thousand
Saying this is evil "Here you're attempting to guilt wegs into believing in your god, which probably ranks behind only "by force" as the shittiest way to change someone's mind. Is that how you want to be known? As a manipulator?"
Who gives you the authority to talk to me like that?

Your own words give me the authority to talk to you like that. You told this person that your life depended on her accepting your worldview. That's a guilt trip. If it's the best you can offer as an argument for either the validity or superiority of your beliefs, then perhaps you should reevaluate your life choices.

I don't know, perhaps no one has ever challenged you when you've tried such a dishonest and shameful tactic. That would explain your incredulity now. It would also explain why you've only the feeble "You're evil," in response; you've never had to answer for your actions, so you can't, and building up a wall of mysticism is preferable to facing the music. Whatever the case, you're making yourself look like a fool and a snake. Are you comfortable being perceived in such a way? If not, instead of throwing stones, you should examine how you behave, and make a change.
Yes, this ^^
ALL the preaching needs to stop. And also, please stop the personal attacks of other members here. Try to be respectful. Not to mention, it's against forum rules to carry on the way you have been.

The interesting irony of all the preaching though, is I don't see religion helping those here who are preaching it. Lots of angry, judgmental and bitter folks, pretending they know something about ''God'', as if they are better than everyone else.

Such a lack of respect for those who simply disagree with your views, is why religion is viewed in a negative way. Bashing people for their beliefs, is wrong. One would think...that religion 'should' elicit joy, not contempt for those who follow it.
Nicely said Wegs.
Your own words give me the authority to talk to you like that. You told this person that your life depended on her accepting your worldview. That's a guilt trip. If it's the best you can offer as an argument for either the validity or superiority of your beliefs, then perhaps you should reevaluate your life choices.

I don't know, perhaps no one has ever challenged you when you've tried such a dishonest and shameful tactic. That would explain your incredulity now. It would also explain why you've only the feeble "You're evil," in response; you've never had to answer for your actions, so you can't, and building up a wall of mysticism is preferable to facing the music. Whatever the case, you're making yourself look like a fool and a snake. Are you comfortable being perceived in such a way? If not, instead of throwing stones, you should examine how you behave, and make a change.

I take an accuser as a sign of Satan for Satan is the Accuser. But you have some good points and I will take them to heart.
Never accuse me of being dishonest.
Shameful maybe.
There are limits.
Foolish to confound the wise.
Yes comfortable.
So you're going to listen to me even though I'm Satan?
Or what?

If you accuse me of being dishonest I would expect you to prove my dishonesty, and I know for a fact every thing I've said for the last 23 years been the truth. It was my vow to the Lord Jesus never to tell a lie (for personal gain, advantage) but I realize it might be necessary to lie to save another.
Well Jesus said to Peter "Get thee behind me Satan" and Peter became the head of the Christian Church , so you work that one out and apply it to your question "So you're going to listen to me even though I'm Satan?"