Any atheists here who were once believers?

and for the most part, thirst
Living Water
John 7:37
Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. 38"He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'"…
I suppose in the back of their minds they hope they are right.
Possibly, but probably since they may spend eternity with God, He probably prefers to have them in heaven instead of a bunch of irrational "yes men" who will swallow all sorts of biblical nonsense.
SUMMARY: Be at least an agnostic, to get into heaven.
Possibly, but probably since they may spend eternity with God, He probably prefers to have them in heaven instead of a bunch of irrational "yes men" who will swallow all sorts of biblical nonsense.
SUMMARY: Be at least an agnostic, to get into heaven.

haha, great post. ;)
Thing is (Q)...speaking from experience, spirituality can be very comforting to those who feel it. I know you laugh at a lot of things said about it, but it's not unusual for mankind to question there more than the material world? brucep made an excellent point though...that faith or a belief system or spirituality, shouldn't compromise one's intellectual honesty. He spoke from his own vantage point, but I agree with that.

But, He is being intellectually dishonest trying to feed us some gobbledegook about souls and that physics support souls. This is not questioning anything, this is straight forward lying.
You don't see evidence that people have spiritual experiences?

There is plenty of evidence to show there are religiously indoctrinated fools who claim they have spiritual experiences, but no such experiences have ever been shown to exist.
My first comment is that atheists and agnostics are probably hostile towards anything having to do with a soul, spirits, spirituality, religion, and God because of Jesus Christ's very own teachings about hellfire and damnation. Who wouldn't feel threatened by the idea of one's soul suffering in hell. For this reason I think the topic is polarized and does not reflect a careful examination of the subject.

LOL. Funny how you equate hysterical laughter and ridicule with hostility and threats. Yes, the subjects have been carefully examined and found to be wanting and comedic.

My second comment is that anyone who has not had spiritual or deeply religious experiences has missed out. You've missed out probably because everything is a joke to you, nothing is truly sacred, nothing is truly precious to you. Or for whatever reason, it wasn't your kharma to experience these things, or it wasn't part of some cosmic plan.

I for one am not sorry I missed out on fantasies and delusion, which are most certainly not sacred or precious. Yes, your beliefs are a joke.

Third comment, I can come up with a theory that makes your immortal soul compatible with cosmology. If you will take an honest and truthful look at the space-time continuum, it is one object that cannot be ripped, destroyed, or damaged even by black holes. It is immutable and it is forever. It's constants and it's laws are forever unchanging. And it was born out of what science can only describe as nothingness. Believe whatever you want to believe. What I believe is that the big bang came from an unseen/undetectable source that is capable of giving birth to lots of variations of our universe, such as other universes. We don't know why the laws of physics are what they are, we don't know how the constants are enforced. We don't even know what other universes there are that might exist.

To compare a universe to a soul is a vast definitional stretch that might be difficult to grasp. One of the problems is that a soul is supposed to be able to experience things; if it doesn't have consciousness, then what is the point? There is no evidence that the space-time continuum has consciousness. However, the space-time continuum is an information transmission system; does anyone doubt this? Information is transmitted at the speed of light by EM waves, or slower if transmitted by particles.

Now, you're just making up mumbo-mumbo in a vain attempt to sound smart and pretend your ridiculous beliefs have anything to do with scientific understanding. It is very dishonest. Souls have never been shown to exist, they are just another superstition in the long line of superstitions you have swallowed, hook, line and sinker. Hilarious.
Complete rubbish. It is a blessing just to believe in something, something meaninful, something that sets the tone for ones life and describes who you are.

Since Christianity is little more than a hate cult, it certainly wouldn't be meaningful to align oneself with that. But, if that's the way you wish to describe yourself, then we can expect a whole lot of conflict coming from you.

Beware mortals for it is I who await you in the afterlife.

Seriously, dude, that is soooo childish. Are you ten years old?
@ OP,

I was an Atheist and then became a believer, although that is opposite what you are asking. I suppose many people believe because their parents tell them, but then their rational minds say it cannot be.

My path was a bit different. I was influenced Early on by writings of Harold Sherman and was convinced enough to attempt ESP experiments which worked out extraordinarily well. My first effort made someone write me a letter from another country who said "last night I had a dream that prompted me to write". From then on I continued with this as hobby research and then became a professional psychic researcher, although I am mainly retired.

I understand many here will suspect experimental conditions and mental health, however that is their issues on the matter as positive results really are simple to achieve, although due to the nature of the measuring devices (human beings), the only results can be explained as probabilities and do not match the 100% repeatability required by the scientific method.

If you come to accept psychic / telepathy, then you must also embrace a concept of all minds being connected in some unknown way. If that is true then the possibilities of a mass consciousness or even a god are less hard to grasp. In fact; any belief in telepathy would go hand in hand with a belief in mass consciousness. We are Borg.

Obviously, arguing this further will only attract trolls, so I will likely limit this extract to this one post.
LOL. Funny how you equate hysterical laughter and ridicule with hostility and threats. Yes, the subjects have been carefully examined and found to be wanting and comedic. I for one am not sorry I missed out on fantasies and delusion, which are most certainly not sacred or precious. Yes, your beliefs are a joke. Now, you're just making up mumbo-mumbo in a vain attempt to sound smart and pretend your ridiculous beliefs have anything to do with scientific understanding. It is very dishonest. Souls have never been shown to exist, they are just another superstition in the long line of superstitions you have swallowed, hook, line and sinker. Hilarious. Since Christianity is little more than a hate cult, it certainly wouldn't be meaningful to align oneself with that. But, if that's the way you wish to describe yourself, then we can expect a whole lot of conflict coming from you.
I thought you were the hate cult? Everything that you say is calculated to inflict hate and harm...

And that is where you will go in the afterlife.
There is plenty of evidence to show there are religiously indoctrinated fools who claim they have spiritual experiences, but no such experiences have ever been shown to exist.

There are many fools who did not have spiritual experience , come to their own conclusion meaning nobody could have , Hoe does that sound camarade ?
It doesn't seem so. You appear to be an imbecile. "Those invisible barriers" are windows!

geeser, answers... still...puerile inane attempted indication of open, honest, reasonable or rational logic... still...just preaching...still...???!!!???!!!

BTW, geeser, your "invisible barriers" seem to be "self installed blinders" and and some sort of "fiercely gripped ignorance".

geeser, you do realize that mommy and daddy will probably not mind helping you with the words that are more than 3-letters or 1-syllable in length - do you not?

geeser, 'nuf sed'...yrt??!!??!!