Any atheists here who were once believers?

I remember reading about Cell Theory and thought it was so beautiful. Biology is amazing and should be taught the way it is understood by science. Keep your atheist values out of the school system and let students draw their own conclusion.

In the context of how you intended this, can you define what you mean by "atheist values?"
Religion doesn't belong in the public school system. For a number of reasons not to mention -- which of the many religions would take precedence? :confused:
In the context of how you intended this, can you define what you mean by "atheist values?"
Religion doesn't belong in the public school system. For a number of reasons not to mention -- which of the many religions would take precedence? :confused:

Teachers should teach the facts about biology. In a public school, let the students draw their own conclusions. I don't want teachers telling students that God exists or that God doesn't exist. Just the facts.
Teachers should teach the facts about biology. In a public school, let the students draw their own conclusions. I don't want teachers telling students that God exists or that God doesn't exist. Just the facts.

Yeah, they don't. I don't think they even can legally.
You have the right to express freedom of speech, even if you make unwise and disparaging statements. Thank God we live in America. I also have the right to tell you to take your derogatory comments and ...

Make unprovoked derogatory comments of your own? No you don't. At least not here.

If secular values work for you, so be it. They don't work for me.

Of course they work for you. They're why you're free to worship as you please. Not just in legal terms, either; secularism means that minority religious groups can't be persecuted by larger, more established ones.

Virtually nothing to take for granted today would exist if not for secular values.

I remember reading about Cell Theory and thought it was so beautiful. Biology is amazing and should be taught the way it is understood by science. Keep your atheist values out of the school system and let students draw their own conclusion.

What atheist values are those? Again, you're speaking out of total ignorance. Teaching evolution means teaching fact. Teaching creationism is not. There is no controversy between evolution and creationism except in the political arena, and that has no place in biology class.
Are you saying that we shouldn't love our neighbor? Are you saying that we shouldn't try to lower hostilities? Are you saying that "morality = not hurting others" is nonsense?
Considering how the growing global population is stealing low cost to produce resources from the yet unborn, the rule should be "Eat your neighbor - show love for the yet un born."... ;)
The facts of what? Your bias and preconceived notions?
Right on target. See post 2615 for proof.
The facts of what? Your bias and preconceived notions?

Certainly, there are kind and compassionate religious people all over the world, but my point in posting that article was in direct response to Mazulu -- to dispel his preconceived notions about atheism and non-religious people.
You have the right to express freedom of speech, even if you make unwise and disparaging statements. Thank God we live in America. I also have the right to tell you to take your derogatory comments and ...

If secular values work for you, so be it. They don't work for me.

Ah, so you don't think people should have the right to express and practice their religious beliefs? You want to live in a theocracy, instead, and find yourself persecuted for your beliefs? How very strange.

Who's talking about ''religions''?
We're talking about ''God''. Do try and keep up.

Are you that much of an idiot, Jan? Religion is the belief in a god. Do try and get yourself a dictionary.

How does their ''one and only God'' differ conceptually than other religions/individuals who believe in ''God''?


Each religion has their own description, Jan. If you actually read any other scriptures other than the one you've been indoctrinated to believe, you would know that.
Why do you think he's right?

''Of course, without the acceptance of belief without question, one will not accept or adhere to any religion.''

Do you really think people just say ''I think I'll believe in God'', then they are believers?

Those who have been indoctrinated become believers, Jan, like yourself.

(Q) may be an adult, but he acts like a child, closing his mind off to everything except his negative emotional, ignorant attitude toward anything remotely religious (as far as he sees religion).


And, you are a complete idiot. Feel better, now?
Remarkably, the only thing you have posted in around a decade with which I remotely agree turns out to be a negative attack on another person. I wonder what that tells us about things.

It tells us you are an ass hat. Nice to hear from you, again.
No it's not. Your expected to act with wisdom, good judgement and compassion. If a spiritual leader, a priest, your boss or anyone tells you to do something inherently wrong, unethical or immoral, you're expected to use good judgement. Obviously, atheists like Q are fools and should be ignored.

LOL. Sure, we find that all kinds of people try to get us to do things inherently wrong, unethical and immoral every day. But then, those are the kinds of people we have chosen to associate with, well... at least, those are the kinds Mazulu evidently associates. We can therefore assume what kind of definition Mazulu must have for "wisdom, good judgment and compassion"
No it's true. Q is a very negative person. I have him on my ignore list.

Yes, the presentation of reality to the deluded must be a very negative experience for them, their fantasies disintegrating around them.
Atheism alone doesn't bother anyone. It's when you disparage things that are meaningful to a lot of religious people, well, what do you expect? Duh! Of course it's going to create hostility. Of course calling someone's religion a fairytale is going to piss them off. Many religions tell people to be loving, turn the other cheek and to lower hostility. But if those religions are fairy tales, then what do you think will happen?

Those very same people will not exhibit loving, will not turn the other cheek and will be quite hostile. In other words, your behavior to a tee.

You atheist cowards are perfectly content to tear down Christianity because Christians are very tolerant compared to Muslims.

Yes, the Crusades, Inquisitions and Witch Burnings were all about the behavior of tolerant Christians.

Muslims will kill you for attacking their religion. If they can't kill you, they will kill somebody. That's why atheists shut their mouths when it comes to Allah, Mohammed and Islam.

Islam is going through the very same thing Christianity went through some centuries ago, it too will become as docile and irrelevant as Christianity.
So nothing can change your mind from where it is now?


I think it's important to stay open to new ideas, possibilities, etc. But, as far as our ongoing dialogue goes, it is starting to mirror the movie, Groundhog Day. ;)
I think it's important to stay open to new ideas, possibilities, etc. But, as far as our ongoing dialogue goes, it is starting to mirror the movie, Groundhog Day. ;)

Only because you avoid important questions.

You seem to have this fixed view of God, faith, religion, theism, and so on, but are not prepared to give explanation of them, or answer questions that would bring these ideas out in the open.

Are you afraid that the decision you made will be proven to be wrong?
Or are you satisfied with your present mindset because it suits your relationship with your fiance and think any leanings toward a theistic worldview may jeopodize it?

I don't know, but for some reason you are and have been avoiding my questions for a long time.

Only because you avoid important questions.

Honestly, I've tried to reply to your questions, as they have come up throughout the thread. If you have any questions you feel I have not yet answered, please list them, and I will reply in one post. (the important questions, that is, that you feel I'm ''avoiding.'')

You seem to have this fixed view of God, faith, religion, theism, and so on, but are not prepared to give explanation of them, or answer questions that would bring these ideas out in the open.

I hold an agnostic view, which should be self explanatory by its definition. In a nutshell, I can't say God exists or does not. It's unknowable, to me.

Are you afraid that the decision you made will be proven to be wrong?
No. (I'm not afraid) Of course, I could be wrong. To me, there is much we don't know about our universe, and certainly I can only just offer my opinions, just like you or anyone else has in this thread.

Or are you satisfied with your present mindset because it suits your relationship with your fiance and think any leanings toward a theistic worldview may jeopodize it?

His atheistic view hasn't played a part in my own unsavory feelings about religion, and my agnostic view.

I don't know, but for some reason you are and have been avoiding my questions for a long time.

You sometimes don't answer my questions as well, Jan, but I don't leap to a conclusion that you are ''avoiding'' them. I'm not avoiding your questions, as I mention above -- please post them again, (the ones you feel are important) and I will do my best to answer them, if you are still interested in the answers, that is. :)
Certainly, there are kind and compassionate religious people all over the world, but my point in posting that article was in direct response to Mazulu -- to dispel his preconceived notions about atheism and non-religious people.

Given the bias of that study, it's not clear how it could dispel anyone's doubts ...