Anti-Gay Church to Protest Ledger Funeral


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
ABC news America said:
A fundamentalist church whose members demonstrate at the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and believe God hates gays will protest the Academy Awards and the funeral of Heath Ledger, because the actor played a gay cowboy in the 2005 film "Brokeback Mountain."

Actor's Life Cut ShortMembers of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kan., are trying to find out where the 28-year-old actor's funeral will be held and have already made signs to hold outside the Oscars that read "God Hates Fags and Fag Enablers," "Heath in Hell" and "Mourn for Your Sins," Shirley Phelps-Roper, daughter of the church's controversial founder Pastor Fred Phelps, told

Though Ledger was not gay, the church believes he "misused the giant megaphone given to him by God Almighty to speak the truth about fags," Phelps-Roper said, and instead "used his position of prominence to say God is a liar and that homosexuality is not an abomination."

The time and location of the Ledger's funeral remain unknown, but it is widely believed it will take place in the actor's native Australia.

Viewed 25/01/08

This is discraceful. I watched an interview on ACA (A current affair) on channel 9 tonight. Besides attacking the interviewer and insulting the whole of Australia it was one of the worst interviews i have ever seen. Not for the presenter who was punching WELL above the average for that show (its usually commercial rubbish), rather his rabid eyed attitude. For the first thing as Mad has pointed out in another thread no one in Australia really lissen's to religious figures but it went further than that. He was just a hairs width from threatening vilonce against our country because Heath Ledger stared in Broke Back Mountain. This is in noway going to help relations with the US and i would be surprised to see people advocating washing our hands of the lot of you over this. If they post the transcript on there website i will post it tomorrow but for the moment i cant find it. He was threatening vilonce at the funeral which is likely to be here. I can think of a case like this but he could by rights be charged if he entered the country with inciting vilonce.
I can think of a case like this but he could by rights be charged if he entered the country with inciting vilonce.

If that's his agenda, he will be booted back out before the plane has even landed. And this is not my normal position but yeah, drop him out over the pacific and see how our gracious, heterosexual "god" deals with him.
The interviewer (sorry i dont normally watch ACA so i dont know her name) said (and this is my best recolection)

"your no christan are you, what happened to love one another" her
"you have never read the bible have you, god hates gay" him
"i hope when you meet your creator you can explaine this to him" her
"i talk to him everyday and he tells me he aproves of what im doing" him

I honestly dont understand this, the guy wasnt even gay (not that he would deserve this if he was at all), he is getting it because he PLAYED a gay caricter in a movie

I dont know how big this story is in the US but he was one of our biggest stars here so its like this happerning to George Clonie or Sharwn Connory
The Westboro Baptist Church is the same group of people who hold up signs saying "Thank God For Dead Soldiers" at their funerals.
Why do people who don't know anything about America try to suggest that those people are even considered Christians by Americans?

Please stop showing your bias by even acknowleding this cultish family and their so called 'church'.
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Its not my bias. I can garentiee that Australians in general who saw that will paint at least a fair percentage of the Christans in the US with the same brush though
I provided him a list of links that show that that cult is not acknowledged in the USA as even a Christian group, but to no avail.
Asguard, this church has absolutely zero credibility and respect in the US. You shouldn't be taking them seriously, or as something representative of the US.
Phelps is the same wingnut that shows up at funerals of dead soldiers.

Please don't even for a minute suggest he is anything otherwise. He in no way represents American ideals or attitudes toward anything. He's a fringe element just like David Koresh, or Jim Jones, and he's an embarrassment to the country.

That so-called church is just a thinly disguised hate group, and they are recognized as such by anybody who keeps up with their antics.
HAY guys IM not taking him seriously. Im furiously angry at HIM and his organisation and only that. I know you guys to well to take and all for one stance. By the same token though the US image IS going to be tarnised by this nutcase here in Australia just like Australia's image was tanished in Asia by Pauline Hanson. I find that sad because i know that your not all like that but i find his atitude infuriating. How dare this nut case even THINK about disturbing the family with there rubbish. As for making terrioust threats about our country Im sure the AFP will have something to say about that if he ever turns up and if they chose not to the state police will for inciting hatred. Of course i dont think that immigration would let him through the gate but i would LOVE to see his ass locked up for days and days under the Terrioust protection act and hauled in front of a judge. I would LOVE to see that life sentance that those charges come with, i highly doubt that the judge would be light
They're not Christians. They're a bunch of lunatics using Christianity to get some attention. Their "church" is tax-free so they can spread their venom unchecked.:(

They are NOT recognized as a Christian group. They call themselves Baptists but even the Baptists don't acknowledge them.:rolleyes:

They display about as much christian love and understanding as you, 'Sandy'.

Anyway, who is to say who is 'christian' and who is not? Jesus started a revolution, and the majority at the time did not believe he was who he said he was. Therefore you cannot claim one church to be truer than another, 'cos it's all horse shit.
For anyone who is interested the video is avialable here

If you click on "Heath Ledger: Minister speaksHeath Ledger: Minister speaks 25/01/2008" it will pop up in the video window above. I cant find a transcript of it though just the video
Great, The citizenry of the US sinks even lower in world opinion since that chaser video. This time, It's not the government or the people, It's the church.
Asguard, I'm surprised ACA turned out to be useful for once.
I'm back! Missed me?

Anyway, while I don't know much about this Church, you still need to remember that homosexuality is banned in Christianity and therefore what they are doing is following their religion.