Anti Gay Baptists

that's idealistic. All this kind of hate speech does is mobilize public opinion into conducting pogroms against helpless people by demonizing them. Regurgitated cogitations over the corpses of hundreds of thousands (aka soul searching) are too little too late, as far as I'm concerned.
Yes, it is in some ways idealistic. I believe the majority of people will ignore these bozos. Experience in the States has proven right. These people are fringe elements. There have always been, and always will be, fringe elements.

But sometimes the fringe elements are useful. Sometimes they stand for just cause. And I do not support taking away the free speech of any fringe element (unless it's inciting violence), lest they in turn take away the free speech of the valuable fringe elements.
Certainly their brand of christianity can be classed as hate speech -and we have very clear laws on that over here - so if their visit was to promote their views - then it would be in clear violation of our laws - in which case refusing entry is entirely appropriate.
Then I'm not sure how the Bile stands up as anything other than hate speech.

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them

This, of course, is only one of the many places the old testament sanctifies murder.
However, if you are deliberately trying to incite violence as the Phelps
I'm not sure there is any evidence they're trying to incite violence. They haven't done so in the US, why would they start once they hit British soil?
Yes they are banned from Canada already and I agree, letting your own fruitcakes talk is important but there is no reason you have to let some one else's fruitcakes in. The US often bans dangerous foreigners like John Lennon and Damien Moran, English teacher, former seminarian and anti-war activist.

John Lennon lived in U.S
What do the verses on their signs have to do with homosexuality? Especially the Malachi one.

nothing they say or do makes much sense. it would be best to just prohibit them from putting on their performnces but then you would cause more problems.

people would be protesting them being stopped from protesting...all kinds of headaches.
What do the verses on their signs have to do with homosexuality? Especially the Malachi one.

Luke 13:5
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

It's just to convey that being gay is a sin, I suppose. And that if they do not change their way they will perish..

Malachi 1:3
And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.

LOL.. I have no clue whatsoever.
John Lennon lived in U.S

If fact the dangerous man was murdered here.

Nixon tried to get him deported because of his dangerous use of marijuana, or perhaps it was because JL supported McGovern....naw the republicans wouldn't do anything like that ... they are all about civil rights :rolleyes:
“ Originally Posted by ggazoo
As a Christian, I would pray that they see the truth. The Bible doesn't say that there is anything wrong with being gay. Biblical ignorance is an epidemic, especially in the United States. ”

“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
It certainly does say it's wrong. Seems you're part of the epidemic. ”

Please show me where; I'd be more than happy to discuss.

Have you read your bible? Have you researched it? Have you googled anything?
Anti-gay preachers Fred Phelps and Shirley Phelps-Roper have this week been banned from Britain. They are most famous for their God hates fags boards.
Do you think that the UK should ban people like this.

I disagree (entirely) with what they say, but I will defend to the death their right to say it.
Anyone who wouldn't is a douchebag.

Keep in mind, saying something and doing something are entirely different things.
I have risked my life more than once for good. I won't do it for evil.
My death for the sake of ignorant arrogant hate & hate mongering would certainly be a shameful waste.
You having such a nonsense view of free speech doesn't justify personal insults here.
As a punishment for homosexuality. That's about as strongly against homosexuality as you can be.

Do you have some sort of reading comprehension problem?

The verse to which you are referring (Leviticus) has nothing to do with homosexuality at all (just as none of the other verses in the Bible). Leviticus is about the Holiness Code and procreation.

Again, Biblical ignorance abounds. Often people who love and trust God’s word, and apparently, even those who don't, have never given careful attention to what the Bible does or doesn’t say about homosexuality.
The verse to which you are referring (Leviticus) has nothing to do with homosexuality at all (just as none of the other verses in the Bible). Leviticus is about the Holiness Code and procreation.

Again, Biblical ignorance abounds. Often people who love and trust God’s word, and apparently, even those who don't, have never given careful attention to what the Bible does or doesn’t say about homosexuality.

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them

So this is a mistranslation? How should it read then? Because that sentence seem quite plain to me in both what it is condemning, and the prescribed penalty. Please enlighten me.
The Phelps loonies use the word 'Hate' in their banners. We have strict rules against 'Hate Speech' and clearly by their own admission, that's what they are selling.

Also, it's good they aren't allowed in the UK because I would have no qualms about kicking the living shit out of them if I saw them, as would many citizens of the UK. We like free speech, but we don't like hatemongers, and we fought a war against a regime that rounded up homosexuals, amongst other minorities, and we haven't forgotten that yet. Free speech has it's limits, it's a right that also conveys responsibility, and it doesn't mean you can say anything. It does not allow people to defame, or incite violence.
The Phelps loonies use the word 'Hate' in their banners. We have strict rules against 'Hate Speech' and clearly by their own admission, that's what they are selling.

Also, it's good they aren't allowed in the UK because I would have no qualms about kicking the living shit out of them if I saw them, as would many citizens of the UK. We like free speech, but we don't like hatemongers, and we fought a war against a regime that rounded up homosexuals, amongst other minorities, and we haven't forgotten that yet. Free speech has it's limits, it's a right that also conveys responsibility, and it doesn't mean you can say anything. It does not allow people to defame, or incite violence.
Luke 13:5
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

It's just to convey that being gay is a sin, I suppose. And that if they do not change their way they will perish..

Malachi 1:3
And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.

LOL.. I have no clue whatsoever.

That would explain their choice of quotations.
They want to use the word hate, but cannot do it legally, so point to it with a biblical quotation.