Anti-Christ/Hidden Iman prophesies

madanthonywayne said:
Ghost had me convinced they were seperate guys, not this makes it obvious they are the same guy!

I told my wife about this Mahdi/anti-christ deal and she dragged us all out of bed Sunday and made us go to church! She wants to be raptured before all this shit goes down.

Please continue posting in this thread.

Muslims believe in the previous revelations however we are told we have to be careful in interpreting them. Regarding what Christians call the rapture, we are taught something else. Firstly we don't call it the rapture...

We believe it will happen after Jesus' reign. We believe that when all the fighting finishes and there is peace, he will marry, have children then pass away and be buried in Medina (where Muhammad) is buried. After this slowly evil will return to the World, at this point God will send a pleasant wind that will soothe people, it will cause the believers to pass away peacefully (Sahih Muslim Hadith 7015). Only the sinners will be left on Earth, they will face all the Earthquakes, hurricanes etc. The World will come to an end after that. It will stay like that for I think 40 years, there will be nothing. We will then have the day of resurrection and then the day of Judgement.

We are actually right near the end. Mystics have revealed the life of this Ummah (Muslim nation) is about 1500 years, we are currently at 1427.
Adstar said:
The only way she will get out of it is if God ends her days on earth (death) before it happens. The rapture happens after the great tribulation. Upon the return of the Messiah Jesus.
I believe that question has been the subject of much debate. Clearly, the authors of Left Behind subscribe to the view that the rapture will occur first. It makes sense, to me, to spare the believers the tribulations. Indeed, in the way the rapture itself would serve as further evidence to convert the nonbelievers. And isn't the purpose of the time of tribulations one last chance for unbelievers to see the light? If you won't accept Christ after having seen all the true believers disappear before your eyes, after seeing multiple prophesies come true, after seeing the antichrist seize control of the earth. Well, nothing will convince you.
Ghost_007 said:
The Muslims under Imam Mahdi will sign a peace agreement with the Christians (American forces), this will be after they fight together against a common foe (PM me ;) ), this battle will be the battle of Armageddon, it will be the fiercest battle fought in the history of Mankind. This will take place around current day Turkey. (Jesus will not have descended yet)

The war with Israel is a completely different event and will happen shortly afterwards.
So the Americans and the Muslims, led by the Mahdi, will sign a treaty and fight against a common foe? Who? China?
madanthonywayne said:
I believe that question has been the subject of much debate. Clearly, the authors of Left Behind subscribe to the view that the rapture will occur first. It makes sense, to me, to spare the believers the tribulations.

Why? If this was the case then what did God allow true Christians to be fed to the loins for the entertainment of the Romans in their coliseums? Jesus never said we would be ruptured out to avoid persecution and tribulation. On the country.

John 16
33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

The doctrine of pre-tribulation rapture is a sweet sounding lie for those who want to avoid troubles in this world. The only thing we will be protected from is the Wrath of God that will be poured out upon the globe in response to the tribulation that true believers have and will suffer under the anti-christs.

Indeed, in the way the rapture itself would serve as further evidence to convert the nonbelievers.

Oh if the rapture happened it would be proof positive. No scientist would be able to explain away the sudden disappearance of millions of people into thin air. But that would do away with the need for faith wouldn't it? People would believe because of the sign of the rapture rather than the message of the Love of God through the act of atonement of the Messiah Jesus. And what then? People would flock to the doctrines and teachings of the disappeared Christians, right? So they would be Christians. right? So how could God justify removing some true believers so as not to face tribulation while leaving other true believers to face tribulation? Nope no one is getting out for free. God has a mission for the tribulated saints. And that is to reach out to the lost until the day they are beheaded. Even in the end times some will come to believe Jesus and be saved. maybe one or two of the executioners will be moved to believe? We can only hope. :)

And isn't the purpose of the time of tribulations one last chance for unbelievers to see the light?

Yes. But most of them will come to believe in someone who they will think is God on earth. Truly belief in God will explode worldwide during the time of tribulation and those who persecute and behead us will think they are doing God a great service.

If you won't accept Christ after having seen all the true believers disappear before your eyes, after seeing multiple prophesies come true, after seeing the antichrist seize control of the earth. Well, nothing will convince you.

Those who love the truth need no signs. But those who hate the truth will be deceived by someone who will perform great lying signs and wonders. In fact people who study prophecies without the guidance of the Holy Spirit will proclaim the anti-christ as the Messiah as fulfilling prophecy. You got to understand that God will allow those who have rejected the Love of the truth but love unrighteousness to be deceived.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The Prophet Zechariah detailed some physical conditions that the anti-christ would suffer from.

Zechariah 11
17 “ Woe to the worthless shepherd,
Who leaves the flock!
A sword shall be against his arm
And against his right eye;
His arm shall completely wither,
And his right eye shall be totally blinded.”

So The Anti- Christ will have both a blind right eye and a withered arm. But it will not be from birth. He will suffer these things because of an attempt on his life. I believe someone will identify him as being the anti-christ before he receives these wounds and will make an assassination attempt on his life. But of course the assassin will be wasting his time because prophecy will be fulfilled and no attempt could possibly succeed.

The anti-christ will have a side kick. In prophecy he is referred to as the false prophet:

Revelation 13
11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. 12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

The false prophet will heal the deadly wound the anti-christ will receive and it will be seen as being a great sign, a miracle. Some speculate that the anti-christ will die in the assassination attempt and that the false prophet will bring him back to life.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Sorry about the delay. :eek:

madanthonywayne said:
So the Americans and the Muslims, led by the Mahdi, will sign a treaty and fight against a common foe? Who? China?

It’s not China. This ‘common foe’ will be supported by some countries in Europe, this will cause war to erupt there. (Europe)

PM me.