Anti-Christ/Hidden Iman prophesies


Morning in America
Registered Senior Member
Anti-Christ/Hidden Iman: Same guy?

I was listening to a report on President Bush's speech today where he made reference to the fact that Al'qada is now calling for a global caliphate based in Iraq. Now didn't Iraq used to go by the name, Babylon?

There seems to be a scary convergence of Islamic and Christian prophesy.

Revelations says that an anti-christ will arise during a time of tribulations and establish a global government based in Babylon {Iraq}. We can never be sure when this will happen, but many believe the antichrist is alive now, but hidden. Waiting for the correct time to make his move.

Islam believes in a hidden Iman who will arise during a time of great strife and establish a global caliphate. He may be alive now, but hidden. Waiting for the time to be right. Osama claims this caliphate will be based in Iraq {Babylon}.

Are the two prophesies talking about the same guy? I confess that my knowledge of Islam is quite limited, so perhaps I'm way off base. But both religions clearly speak of a hidden person who will come to prominence during a time of great tribulation and restore order. One says he's a savior, the other says he is the devil incarnate.
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madanthonywayne said:
I was listening to a report on President Bush's speech today where he made reference to the fact that Al'qada is now calling for a global caliphate based in Iraq. Now didn't Iraq used to go by the name, Babylon?

There seems to be a scary convergence of Islamic and Christian prophesy.

Revelations says that an anti-christ will arise during a time of tribulations and establish a global government based in Babylon {Iraq}. We can never be sure when this will happen, but many believe the antichrist is alive now, but hidden. Waiting for the correct time to make his move.

Islam believes in a hidden Iman who will arise during a time of great strife and establish a global caliphate. He may be alive now, but hidden. Waiting for the time to be right. Osama claims this caliphate will be based in Iraq {Babylon}.

Are the two prophesies talking about the same guy? I confess that my knowledge of Islam is quite limited, so perhaps I'm way off base. But both religions clearly speak of a hidden person who will come to prominence during a time of great tribulation and restore order. One says he's a savior, the other says he is the devil incarnate.

Babylon was a city, the capital of the Babylonian Empire, which was once the greatest empire in the world. The city of Babylon was once the largest city in the ancient world.

Despite this in around 700 B.C. Isaiah prophesied its ruin and although it is not clear exactly what times and events are being prophesied where, the Medes (Persians or in modern terms Iranians) are mentioned (Isaiah 13).
Babylon was actually captured in 539 B.C. by Darius the Great (who was the King of the Medes) It was then conquered again by Alexander the Great the Macedonian (Greek) emperor in 331 B.C.. It was downhill from there and Isaiah's prophecy that no one would live there for centuries was accurately fulfilled.

Saddam Hussein started to rebuild some of the ancient ruins (seeing himself as a latter day Nebuchadrezzar, one of Babylon's famous kings) but of course today the US army resides there.

The Book of Revelation is of course very much in 'picture language' and 'Babylon' is used of evil regimes generally in the Bible (including the Roman Empire sometimes) so whether the reference really is to a specific place is not clear. If you take it to mean the old Babylonian empire this at its greatest extent (about 550 B.C.) covered a large part of what we would today call the Middle East including Iraq, part of Iran, Syria and Israel. Both the Persian and Macedonian Empires were larger however.


madanthonywayne said:
I was listening to a report on President Bush's speech today where he made reference to the fact that Al'qada is now calling for a global caliphate based in Iraq. Now didn't Iraq used to go by the name, Babylon?

There seems to be a scary convergence of Islamic and Christian prophesy.

Revelations says that an anti-christ will arise during a time of tribulations and establish a global government based in Babylon {Iraq}. We can never be sure when this will happen, but many believe the antichrist is alive now, but hidden. Waiting for the correct time to make his move.

Islam believes in a hidden Iman who will arise during a time of great strife and establish a global caliphate. He may be alive now, but hidden. Waiting for the time to be right. Osama claims this caliphate will be based in Iraq {Babylon}.

Are the two prophesies talking about the same guy? I confess that my knowledge of Islam is quite limited, so perhaps I'm way off base. But both religions clearly speak of a hidden person who will come to prominence during a time of great tribulation and restore order. One says he's a savior, the other says he is the devil incarnate.

It may seem that the prophecies of islam and Christianity are mirror prophecies and while i believe the mulsims will follow a very evil man into war at the end times I do not think this man will be the anti-christ. This man whom some call the mahdi has more correlation to the man prophesised in the Book of Daniel as "The King of The South". This man will lead his followers into an initial victory over "The King of The North" where the king of the north will lose an entire army (all executed) But the king of the North will raise a far greater army and come back to reap bloody revenge upon the arab nations. This Army will exterminate many of the arab peoples. This King of the North will be the true Anti-christ who will deceive the world as the great leader who saved the world from the islamic menace. He will deceive the Jews and they will initially embrace Him as their long awaited Messiah King. He will then go out to persecute true Christians and deceive false Christians. Many who join in the persecution will think they are doing Gods service. The Anti-christ will then declare himself God. This will cause many of the Jews to reject him as their messiah and remove him from the temple and isreal, The Anti-christ will then call upon His followers all over the world to gather an army together to destroy the jews once and for all. He will amass an army of 200 million but before he launches his attack The True Messiah Jesus will destroy his army upon His second coming. This will herald the start of the Messiah's 1000 year rule on earth.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Another interesting parallel, the hidden iman is supposed to come out of a well. The antichrist:
Revelation 11:7
And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.​
Hi Madant

Thank you for this post, this is really interesting stuff.

hopefully soemother people with far greater knowledge then me will post to enlighten me.. i find this fascinating....

So what you are saying is that the islamnic revelation are the same or opposite?

sorry i am having a no brain morning
madanthonywayne the anti-christ is already here, and in fact he is involved heavily in Irag "Babylon" anyhow it is not whom you expect him to be, it's in fact the world's most powerfull man, it has already deceived a nation.

Anti-Christ is Here!

Well if you are to believe the shit that you do, then it's not so hard to believe the bs above!! :D :p
samcdkey said:
The Islamic prophesies are based on Hadiths which show many weaknesses and have attained tawatur only because they were so numerous.
I'm glad you posted. It's good to have someone who knows what they're talking about with respect to Islam. Anyway, what about the parallels between these two prophesies? Doesn't it sound as though they're talking about the same guy? Also, what does tawatur mean?
madanthonywayne said:
I'm glad you posted. It's good to have someone who knows what they're talking about with respect to Islam. Anyway, what about the parallels between these two prophesies? Doesn't it sound as though they're talking about the same guy? Also, what does tawatur mean?

Like I said, the Hadeeths are weak and have credibility (sorry bout that) only because they were numerous. So the accuracy is doubtful.

Seems like they are talking about the same guy, but I have not been able to get hold of an objective discussion from a credible source. I'll keep looking and see if I can find anything.
Zakariya04 said:
So what you are saying is that the islamnic revelation are the same or opposite?
The description of the antichrist and the hidden iman seems practically identical. A man who will arise during a time of great tribulation and establish a one world government based in Iraq. Christians believe he is evil, literally the devil incarnate. While the Muslims consider him a savior. It's as though the prophesies are the same, but the two religions are on opposite sides. It would imply that the battle of armageddon will be Christians against Muslims. Although it sends chills up my spine, given present world events, it doesn't seem that far fetched.
SamCD said:
Like I said, the Hadeeths are weak and have credibility (sorry bout that) only because they were numerous. So the accuracy is doubtful.
So is this prophesy only believed by a certain sect among Muslims? Where do the Hadeeths come from?
I already told you who the antichrist was, just look it up, it has plenty of "facts" there to prove to your bs believing crap that he is!! LOL
Godless said:
I already told you who the antichrist was, just look it up, it has plenty of "facts" there to prove to your bs believing crap that he is!! LOL
For a guy with the username, Godless, you spend a lot of time in the Religion part of the forum. I looked at your link, a bunch of numerology crap figuring out different ways to come up with 666 from George Bush's name. Very clever. :rolleyes: But we're trying to have a serious discussion here about a convergence of Christian and Islamic prophesy.

Are you actually an objectivist? I'm a big fan of Ayn Rand.
madanthonywayne said:
So is this prophesy only believed by a certain sect among Muslims? Where do the Hadeeths come from?

They are oral traditions of the Prophet collected 200 years after his death.
For a guy with the username, Godless, you spend a lot of time in the Religion part of the forum.

It's a SCIENTIFIC forum jackass, with a subforum on religion.
Godless said:
It's a SCIENTIFIC forum jackass, with a subforum on religion.
Did you notice where I said the religion part of the forum? My comment stands. You've got a pretty big chip on your shoulder about religion. Kind of like an ex-alcoholic who won't let anyone else enjoy their booze.
samcdkey said:
They are oral traditions of the Prophet collected 200 years after his death.
It sounds like the Hadeeths are the equivilent of the Apocrypha. You said they are not generally considered tawatur {Credible}. What about this Hidden Iman prophesy in particular, is it something most Muslims believe in? Or is, perhaps, something like the gospel of Judas?
madanthonywayne said:
It sounds like the Hadeeths are the equivilent of the Apocrypha. You said they are not generally considered tawatur {Credible}. What about this Hidden Iman prophesy in particular, is it something most Muslims believe in? Or is, perhaps, something like the gospel of Judas?

Not all Hadeeths are equal, it depends on the isnad (chain of narrators). Ironically the Prophet himself forbade the writing down of anything he said or did, and recommended only the Quran.

I really do not much beyond what you have said.
My coment stands as well, as soon as you and any theist start coming up with some "EMPERICAL EVIDENCE!!!" I like to see it, obviously though you got nothing to offer, but more mysticism garb...
Adstar said:
This man whom some call the mahdi has more correlation to the man prophesised in the Book of Daniel as "The King of The South".
You mean the antichrist is TI?

Godless said:
It's a SCIENTIFIC forum jackass, with a subforum on religion.
Irrelevant, Jackass.
This particular phrase is so used up so many times in here.
this is a science forum with a subforum on religion and blah blah blah.
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