Another poll on attitudes to rape

Please mark all statements below that you DO NOT agree with.

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OMG, draqon, stop pretending that just because someone has a few drinks that they are incapable of consenting to sex. And leave VI alone...

ok if you had a few drinks and I were taking you upstairs for some a c t i o n and you managed to say "yes" it would be ok to fuck you?
yeah but the government has other opinions on this...if word got out that we did it, and you did manage to say yes but you were also drunk...I am at fault, babe. :p

First of all, I am not going to say "yes". Second, who cares what the government has to say. Stay out of my bedroom. Third, "I am at fault, babe" is the fundamental point of contention here. You are not at fault, I am for saying "yes", even if I am drunk, because I am the one that got drunk in the first place. Think about it...
First of all, I am not going to say "yes". Second, who cares what the government has to say. Stay out of my bedroom. Third, "I am at fault, babe" is the fundamental point of contention here. You are not at fault, I am for saying "yes", even if I am drunk, because I am the one that got drunk in the first place. Think about it...

:eek: you seeee...what I just changed your "yes" to a "no"...and I already did it (metaphorically speaking) I am screwed...

And that is why being alone and single at age the only way to live this life. :bawl:
:eek: you seeee...what I just changed your "yes" to a "no"...and I already did it (metaphorically speaking) I am screwed...

And that is why being alone and single at age the only way to live this life. :bawl:

But I'm allowed to change my yes to no. Right, femnazis?
But I'm allowed to change my yes to no. Right, femnazis?



you agreed to me having sex with you while you were drunk

and then later in court you said " I would never had said yes to him having sex with me"

which contradicts what you said to me, but justifies you since you were drunk, which means I am at fault at having sex with you.

Now lets reverse sexes here...and the guy being drunk with a girl not drunk and they have sex...which is what Visceral_Instinct did. Now under their own agreenment, they are not doing anything wrong...but under jurisdiction of the government Visceral_Instinct is the rapist.


you agreed to me having sex with you while you were drunk

and then later in court you said " I would never had said yes to him having sex with me"

which contradicts what you said to me, but justifies you since you were drunk, which means I am at fault at having sex with you.

Now lets reverse sexes here...and the guy being drunk with a girl not drunk and they have sex...which is what Visceral_Instinct did. Now under their own agreenment, they are not doing anything wrong...but under jurisdiction of the government Visceral_Instinct is the rapist.

I think you are beginning to catch on to how screwed up this path of thinking is. Good for you. There is hope.
OMG, draqon, stop pretending that just because someone has a few drinks that they are incapable of consenting to sex. And leave VI alone...

Thanks, Randwolf. :)

and draqon:

but you raped him...he never agreed to having sex with you, he was drunk.

The word agree implies that I asked and he gave his consent. He didn't. He initiated it, I consented. How is it rape if he initiated it?
drugs...well that is illegal. I am a law abiding citizen. that is why for example I want to have sex as the government tells me to have it.

Drugs are not illegal if they are prescribed. And you "want to have sex as the government tells me to have it"?

Thanks, Randwolf. :)

and draqon:

The word agree implies that I asked and he gave his consent. He didn't. He initiated it, I consented. How is it rape if he initiated it?

he was anything he does or says does not matter. Same goes with the girl, if she is drunk and initiates sex by unzipping my pants...well that is still illegal.
That if someone plies another with alcohol and/or drugs so they are so incapacitated that they can't understand and say yes and even participate, when the individual knows that if they were sober they would have said no, it is rape. I mean really, is it that hard to understand?

why drink? to loosen up and relax? laugh more/be sociable/be fuckable?
what are the effects of alcohol on a person? are they intended or just side effects?


about "plying"
that old hoary
kinda like the rohypnol fear mongering

However, when alcohol was added into the equation, women were more likely to be violent than men, reinforcing other studies which have shown a surge in the number of binge-drinking 'ladettes.'​
Binge drinking to blame for half of all UK violence

But the setbacks have not deterred her. On a recent blustery night, she and five of her closest girlfriends, dressed in unseasonable short sleeves, downed cocktails and took shots of "buttery nipples," a syrupy blend of butterscotch schnapps and Baileys Irish Cream. It was a Tuesday during midterm exams, but they closed down the bar anyway. "You don't want to be that dumb girly girl who looks wasted and can't hold her liquor. I know it's juvenile, but I've had boys comment how impressed they are at the amount of alcohol I've consumed," Diebold explains. "To be able to drink like a guy is kind of a badge of honor. For me, it's a feminism thing."​
Women On a Binge

then there is this book by Ariel Levy - Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture


so thats why dworkin says all intercourse is rape

be informed. bitches set the standards. we guys mutely look on.
yet the moment the scenario does not unfold in the manner expected... rape!

imagine if all women understood that being legally intoxicated would prevent them from having sex because all men have decided, either through their own volition or fear of persecution not engage in sex with them in that state

there would be a revolution.
life as we know it will never be the same
entire industries would go out of business

the weaker sex
so passe
since i understand politics, go ahead and keep on milking it
we guys are coming around and payback will be a bitch
this i vow
Because the individual would have to be so drunk that they are unable to consent. For some, it could take a few drinks. For others, it can take 3 bottles of tequila.

So if the individual is blind drunk, says "yeah sure", gets turned on during the act and participates, has an orgasm, but during that time is so drunk they can't even remember their own name or where they are.. yeah.. it's rape. Do you know why? Because they are so drunk that they can't understand what's going on.
This is all pretty absurd. You give the example of a comatose person. Thats a pretty clear line one ought not to cross. But as to the rest, it seems to me that if they're both actively participating, it's consentual no matter how much each of them had to drink (unless someone slipped someone else a micky). I mean, what are you proposing, a road side sobriety test before sex?

I remember a scene in the movie, The Cutting Edge. The female lead gets really drunk and the male lead (despite the fact that he really does like her) turns her down. Why? Because he didn't want their first time to be some drunken tumble she'd regret.

How does she respond to him turning her down? She gets pissed off and throws him out of the room.

Now if the male lead didn't actually have feeling for the girl, I"m sure he'd have been open to her advances and I wouldn't call that rape. Hell, he actually bumped into some random girl after being thrown out of the room and had sex with her, no sobriety test was administered.

The point is, people are responsible for themselves. So long as they're concious and seem reasonably coherent it's not up to the rest of the world to look out for them.
This is all pretty absurd. You give the example of a comatose person. Thats a pretty clear line one ought not to cross. But as to the rest, it seems to me that if they're both actively participating, it's consentual no matter how much each of them had to drink (unless someone slipped someone else a micky). I mean, what are you proposing, a road side sobriety test before sex?

I remember a scene in the movie, The Cutting Edge. The female lead gets really drunk and the male lead (despite the fact that he really does like her) turns her down. Why? Because he didn't want their first time to be some drunken tumble she'd regret.

How does she respond to him turning her down? She gets pissed off and throws him out of the room.

Now if the male lead didn't actually have feeling for the girl, I"m sure he'd have been open to her advances and I wouldn't call that rape. Hell, he actually bumped into some random girl after being thrown out of the room and had sex with her, no sobriety test was administered.

The point is, people are responsible for themselves. So long as they're concious and seem reasonably coherent it's not up to the rest of the world to look out for them.

I put in bold, what is deemed necessary. Yes, that's right. So long as they are conscious and reasonably coherent, when they consent, I don't know of any prosecutor who would touch it. I'm not talking about people who are tipsy. The law is intended to protect those who are not coherent at all due to being drunk or stoned out of their skulls. I kept pointing out people being passed out because that's kind of what it would have to take. That or if someone were so drunk that they didn't even know their own name, didn't know where they were, who they were with, etc. You know, the people who are so drunk that they become completely incoherent and unaware of their surroundings.. they can't understand anything at all... Like people who are so incoherent that they can't even go to the toilet, instead do it in their pants..

But for some reason, no one seems to understand that.

The original list itself appears to have been written by a retard, intent to inflame. And for some reason, other retards appear to have taken all of it at face value and as the absolute truth. No, if someone has a few drinks, are in possession of their faculties and then consents to sex, it's not rape. But if someone has a few drinks (or a lot of drinks), becomes completely incapacitated (like me for example.. three glasses of wine and I can't even spell my own name.. four glasses and I pass out cold) to the point where they can't walk or talk anymore, they are in no position to consent to anything at all. That is where it might be considered rape.

There's getting drunk and then getting so drunk that you can't comprehend anything at all, don't know who you are or they are, piss in your pants because you couldn't figure out how to pull your underwear down, etc. As I said, the law is intended to protect those who are so incapacitated that they are unable to consent. And as I've pointed out so many times, it would basically be at the point where they are so drunk as I pointed out above or passed out.
And for some reason, other retards appear to have taken all of it at face value and as the absolute truth.

Excuse me? Careful here, this is your own radical femnazi buddies that are proclaiming this tripe. They seem to claim it as gospel. Google it. Nowhere do I see it condemned as the thinking of "retards". However, I certainly appreciate your enlightened views, Bells....
Excuse me? Careful here, this is your own radical femnazi buddies that are proclaiming this tripe.
Yes, because real feminists call their sites Biting Beaver and describe themselves as:

Biting Beaver is the online handle of a 34 year old cumdumpster from Ohio with strong, fundamentalist beliefs in feminism.

Ya, really credible. You're taking as fact a list written by a woman who wants to kill her own son because he is male? It's amazing how you and others like you, as well as stupid women (the supposed feminazis), take this as being fact. Look at where it's stemming from. It's akin to believing and following a self proclaimed prophet because he says he speaks to Jesus in his bowl of cereal every morning.

They seem to claim it as gospel. Google it. Nowhere do I see it condemned as the thinking of "retards".
Again, anyone with an inch of sense can see that it is a load of BS. Those who follow her fundamentalist feminist ideals are like those people who would believe in the asshat who claims to see Jesus in his cereal.

However, I certainly appreciate your enlightened views, Bells....
I'm a feminist and I find it insulting that people calling themselves feminists can actually crap on like this woman does. She is a fundamentalist and a loon. I mean honestly, what in the hell kind of woman wants to kill her son because he is a normal male teenager?

I think most thinking feminists would recognise her as being a loon and anyone who believes what she says, and holds it as absolute fact, are also loons.

For god's sake, if you want to discuss feminism, at least use credible resources, instead of someone who refers to herself as "Biting Beaver".:rolleyes:
The word agree implies that I asked and he gave his consent. He didn't. He initiated it, I consented. How is it rape if he initiated it?

Funny that the misandrist piece of shit was talking about how if there were a few drinks involved that there was no legal means of consenting a few pages ago. Though who cares when you can just be a good feminist and have all kinds of double standards, right?