Angels (For Theists)

catholics didn't create the sunday sabbath its biblically based. on the seventh day god rested.

The true Biblical Sabbath is from Sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday. Ask any Torah observant Jew. You lack of knowledge is breath taking.

Sunday is not the 7th day it is the first day of the week.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The true Biblical Sabbath is from Sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday. Ask any Torah observant Jew. You lack of knowledge is breath taking.

Sunday is not the 7th day it is the first day of the week.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Not according to the Western calendar.. of course, Adstar knows God personally.
I disagree, but still I have to ask- what the fuck does that have to do with me? :confused:
You seem to be labouring under the mistaken assumption that I am an atheist. I simply said that I am not a monotheist.

allright than what religion are you part of?

(You simply cannot not have some sort of assumption about this world...materialistic and whatnot)