Angels (For Theists)

You do realise that simply you saying that there is "one god" is not going to convince me, right? I've had it bleated to me by several proselytisers. I still do not, and will not believe such. There is simply no compelling evidence for me to believe in monotheism.

well lets follow a path where you believe anything you want. And lets us assume that none of the essential beliefs in life cannot be proven true, they are to be given faith, blind faith by all accounts.

So what faith would be good the one where you do not believe in God but rather in materialism as purely the only thing there is or the one where you do believe in God and all that God stands for (morals).

God unites people, atheism does not (it dissolves societies) or makes pacts of haters and "non-believers" who end up following "nothing" in the end.
poisoned heaven than it is, with rivers of cyanide and rain of acid, with trees made of latex burning scattering ashes.
There is nothing poisonous about the nude female form presented as art.

Maybe you've contracted some viral meme? You haven't been visiting local churches again have you :p You know how contagious those places can be. Memes dripping all over the place. If you should go, wear an iPOD for protection at least :cool:
Who here believes angels are real? If so, do you believe in the concept of Earth Angels?

I had a vision of an angel once and was able to observe its characteristics visually.

I also believe that an angel inhabited my body so that I was able to channel some writing, and at that time I got to observe physical manifestations of sorts.
Who here believes angels are real? If so, do you believe in the concept of Earth Angels?

Yes i believe in the existence of Angels.

And from Scripture Angels can come to earth and appear as normal human beings. If that is what you are referring to as Earth Angels?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I don't really support the concept of a guardian angel... It is way too catholic for me. But i believe God can instantly send an Angel to assist when needed.

The concept of everyone needing an Angel seem to come from a mindset that believes God is limited by universal time and space. God can react instantaneously to any situation because he knows beforehand exactly what is going to happen.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I don't really support the concept of a guardian angel... It is way too catholic for me. But i believe God can instantly send an Angel to assist when needed.

The concept of everyone needing an Angel seem to come from a mindset that believes God is limited by universal time and space. God can react instantaneously to any situation because he knows beforehand exactly what is going to happen.
M*W: I don't remember anything being taught by the Catholic Church about guardian angels. Where are you getting this?
There is nothing poisonous about the nude female form presented as art.

Maybe you've contracted some viral meme? You haven't been visiting local churches again have you :p You know how contagious those places can be. Memes dripping all over the place. If you should go, wear an iPOD for protection at least :cool:

lol ipod for protection. nah I am just taking some time out.
M*W: I don't remember anything being taught by the Catholic Church about guardian angels. Where are you getting this?

I was taught it as a child in a catholic home and in a catholic primary school run by nuns.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: from wikipedia

A guardian angel is an angel assigned to protect and guide a particular person. The belief in guardian angels can be traced throughout all antiquity. The concept of tutelary angels and their hierarchy was extensively developed in Christianity in the 5th century by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite.

The theology of angels, and tutelary spirits, has undergone many refinements since the 400s, and belief in both the East and the West is that guardian angels protect whichever person to whom God assigns them,[1] and present prayers to God on that person's behalf. The Catholic Church's calendar of saints includes a memorial for the guardian angels on October 2.
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I have no evidence to support a belief in angels, therefore I don't believe in them. Should I be presented with sufficient evidence I will change my belief.

Who here believes angels are real? If so, do you believe in the concept of Earth Angels?

well, i beleive in god, so i beleive in angels,
also i beleive that humans are better than angels, it's in my relegion
because, god created angels, so they worship him, but humans, obey god, and worship God, with a free will, and a free mind, also humans can think, and make arts and other stuff,

that's what it says in my relegion, and i beleive it
I was taught it as a child in a catholic home and in a catholic primary school run by nuns.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: from wikipedia
M*W: Still, I don't recall ever being taught by the Catholic Church that angels were all that important or significant. They were mentioned, they had their place, but not much credibility was ever given to them. That's one of the problems I had with the CC, they couldn't explain the things they taught... but I may have missed the day they talked about angels.

However, I was taught by my hard shell Baptist grandmother that I had a guardian angel watching over me. Now I realize now that was just her wishful thinking. Anytime I came out of a situation unscathed, it was because I had my wits about me, because there was no unearthly creature showering me with protection.
When the Bible makes reference to angels, they are delivering a message from God. God cannot present himself to mortals, because his countenance would kill them, so he sends angels.

They must be frightening, because they begin by saying, "Do not be afraid", or "Fear not".

There are exceptions. One is, angels went to Jesus after Satan tempted him, in order to "minister to him." I take that to mean, comfort and nourish, not preach.

I do not think there are ANY scriptures about "guardian" angels. There are passages written about angels in the heavenly realm. There are several kinds of angels and they have varying levels of status. The ones seen on earth were messengers.
M*W: Still, I don't recall ever being taught by the Catholic Church that angels were all that important or significant. They were mentioned, they had their place, but not much credibility was ever given to them. That's one of the problems I had with the CC, they couldn't explain the things they taught... but I may have missed the day they talked about angels.

However, I was taught by my hard shell Baptist grandmother that I had a guardian angel watching over me. Now I realize now that was just her wishful thinking. Anytime I came out of a situation unscathed, it was because I had my wits about me, because there was no unearthly creature showering me with protection.

And i bet your "hard shell Baptist grandmother" went to church on the catholic created Sunday sabbath too. There are a lot of catholic man made traditions that have been kept by protestant churches. For most of them the break from rome was more about political control and less about actual teachings and beliefs.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
And i bet your "hard shell Baptist grandmother" went to church on the catholic created Sunday sabbath too. There are a lot of catholic man made traditions that have been kept by protestant churches. For most of them the break from rome was more about political control and less about actual teachings and beliefs.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

catholics didn't create the sunday sabbath its biblically based. on the seventh day god rested.
And i bet your "hard shell Baptist grandmother" went to church on the catholic created Sunday sabbath too. There are a lot of catholic man made traditions that have been kept by protestant churches. For most of them the break from rome was more about political control and less about actual teachings and beliefs.
M*W: No, actually, she lived up in the remote hills of Southern WV. There were no churches, and they didn't have a car. She read her bible and preached her understanding of it to me every day of the week. She didn't like catholics. They were different and foreign to my beloved grandmother. There weren't too many of them in them thar hills.
God unites people, atheism does not

I disagree, but still I have to ask- what the fuck does that have to do with me? :confused:
You seem to be labouring under the mistaken assumption that I am an atheist. I simply said that I am not a monotheist.