Angels (For Theists)


Valued Senior Member
Who here believes angels are real? If so, do you believe in the concept of Earth Angels?
I believe Angels are real and that they can come in human form if they wish (in other words change form). So that may be understood as 'earth angels' ?

Peace be unto you ;)
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Swell. Can someone- ANYONE... from ANY RELIGION show me the story/origin/nature/proliferation of angels?

Cite me the biblical verse or sura.

You've all been bought.
Swell. Can someone- ANYONE... from ANY RELIGION show me the story/origin/nature/proliferation of angels?

Cite me the biblical verse or sura.

You've all been bought.

huh? Perhaps instead of posing a challenge you can use google? I don't even understand what you're trying to ask really..

Peace be unto you ;)
Swell. Can someone- ANYONE... from ANY RELIGION show me the story/origin/nature/proliferation of angels?

Cite me the biblical verse or sura.

You've all been bought.

According to Islamic philosophy, there are three kinds of beings, creatures whose essence is earth, those whose essence is air and those whose essence is fire.

Angels are beings whose essence is air and jinns are those whose essence is fire. Man s of those whose essence is earth.

What this means in real terms would constitute zannah or what we call pointless speculation on religious belief[not to be confused with jannah which is another name for paradise] The Qur'an has a negative view of such pointless speculation.
Here's a real picture of a real angel.

Who here believes angels are real? If so, do you believe in the concept of Earth Angels?

In my book, angels are quite real. The bible says we are assigned angels to help us in our lives. I have every reason to believe that. But if you're heading into things like midwayers/Urantia and such, I'll gladly exit the discussion.
Could you please list your reasons?

Long story. Not one I'd give out in public. Lets just look at it this way. For all the dozens of times I should be room temperature, have been close, and still live.... Prior to 2007 I had no core beliefs about angels, no strong convictions, nothing. But I have had some life altering experiences that warrant my beliefs now.

Tragic that many if not most Christians don't even realize they have been assigned angels who have been by their side from day one. They regard angels as some sort of unreachable higher class of deity reserved for special events, rather than the daily buddy and watch dog they are. The lord said- I knew you before you were born. If he knows you before you were born, he knew all you were going to get into and the protection you needed. Like Me. :)
Show me the lines, verses and chapters from any holy book that tell us all about angels. Still waiting.
I believe in Angels.

Their tears flowed down their cheeks unto lava of planet Earth and formed oceans below. May their gift of life be blessed for eternal faith in us all.
Who here believes angels are real? If so, do you believe in the concept of Earth Angels?

What the hell are "Earth Angels"?
And, no, I don't believe in angels. I believe that if and when the gods contact and communicate with people, they do it themselves; there is no need for intermediaries.
What the hell are "Earth Angels"?
And, no, I don't believe in angels. I believe that if and when the gods contact and communicate with people, they do it themselves; there is no need for intermediaries.

there is one god and there are billions of us. God can't talk to us all, there is just not enough time.
You do realise that simply you saying that there is "one god" is not going to convince me, right? I've had it bleated to me by several proselytisers. I still do not, and will not believe such. There is simply no compelling evidence for me to believe in monotheism.