Ancient pyramids built by U.F.O.s?

Another theory is that they could have been built through levitation (a lost art I believe). Same as that Coral Castle in Florida.:)
Originally posted by MRC_Hans
Mmmm, boring serious answer to the initial question:

We have more or less established how the pyramids were built (by the eqytians), how much manpower it took, and how long time it took. I dont have the figures in my head, but a Google search should soon find some info.

I would get another company. They recently built a bridge her in my neck of the woods. The road elements were put in place by a crane. They weighed 400 tons.

2 men with wedges and levers can lift a 200 ton stone. Its gonna take time, but.....

two men can move a 200 ton block??? you jest sir
Why? You can lift your car, right? Its just a question of having enough jacks, -- or, before the age of jacks, wedges.

"Did you all take stupid pills this morning?" -Potato Head
Of course the aliens built them!!!! Notice how the three pyramids of Giza are lined up just like Orion's Belt????
Hello, I am new here just to let you know. I respect your insights on this subject, but take a look at this from a realistic perspective. The blocks the Egyptians allegedly moved were at least a few tons in weight. Even if it did take a while to build the Pyramids, than how did they stack them? And how in God's name did they line three Pyramids up with the stars in Orion's Belt, and sized them according to the size of the star each Pyramid was alligned with? Explain that.
And how come we can't duplicate the Pyramids when our civilization has higher technology than the Ancient Egyptians ever had? I am suspecting a higher intelligence here.
I am suspecting intelligence higher than ours , but you don't know how smart people really were in those days.

It's either our advanced gradfathers (but the knowledge is lost- some ancent civilization) or aliens.

I would prefer some ancient civilization
re: the alignment with Orion's Belt:

- Don't forget that the exact position of stars will have changed since today and when the pyramids were built.

- Secondly, not all the pyramids ever built line up with Orions Belt, only a selected few. Similarly, I believe that if you selected a few MacDonald stores in America, you'd be able to make them fit a constellation too. :)
Hello, I am new here just to let you know. I respect your insights on this subject, but take a look at this from a realistic perspective. The blocks the Egyptians allegedly moved were at least a few tons in weight. Even if it did take a while to build the Pyramids, than how did they stack them? And how in God's name did they line three Pyramids up with the stars in Orion's Belt, and sized them according to the size of the star each Pyramid was alligned with? Explain that.

It has been established pretty well how the pyramids were built, technically. There are books to read about it, consult your local library.

Developing pyramid technology to the level of the Giza complex took the Egyptians many centuries of trial and error, as testified by older, more primitive constructions, including some that didnt work, but collapsed. We have also found incomplete pyramids, giving us good opportunity to study building technique.

Seems people always connect the word "pyramids" with the Giza complex, but there are over a hundred pyramids, built over a long time.

Once able to build pyramids, what problem should they have with aligning them with the Orion belt? And varying the size according the apparant magnitude of the stars? They had those stars in plain view every night.

Anyway, the "Orion connection" is just a theory. The alignment is not overly precise, and could be a coincidence. After all, if you put three pegs in the ground and started to look for constellations that fitted them, chances are you would find one.

Originally posted by MRC_Hans
It has been established pretty well how the pyramids were built, technically. There are books to read about it, consult your local library.
Different books give different theories. Which particular one do you think is true?
no- there is connection with Orion
Orion plays a role in ancient Egyptian mythology
If aliens built them, why were disruptive slaves used as bricks for the pyramid and entoumbed inside their walls?

perhaps they were religous aliens and it was an offering to their god, thanking it for helping them find this new land.... ;)

acutally, my mother beleives that we were all brought here by aliens in someway, and that is why most people look to the sky for answers and god and everything. that it is our instinct because inside we really know where we come from.... and it is that instinct that is driving us to explore space further, in search of our real home...
shes a nut. :)
Originally posted by Avatar
actually the great pyramid of Giza is one of the oldest, and none greater have been built since it- merely a smaller reproductions.

another interesting thing about the great pyramid is that there are no writing, no pictures painted in it- in all the other pyramids there is a hell lot of them

There was a recent PYRAMIDS LIVE show on fox where they drilled thru the blockage in the queens chamber shaft. They found another blockage. this almost proves entirely Christopher Dunn's theory in GIZA POWER PLANT.
about how the blocks were "moved" there is proof no blocks were "moved" they were "poured" the blocks are made of artificial stone. All they had to do was carry the mix materials to the site & pour into molds. This is from a book by joseph Davidovitz - (exact title escapes me) Great Pyramid solved.
the other later pyramids were made of mud bricks & the interior chambers used the stone mix.
Different books give different theories. Which particular one do you think is true?
The ones forwarded by scientists. Wether they used earth or wood ramps? Who knows? maybe both.
no- there is connection with Orion
Orion plays a role in ancient Egyptian mythology
OK, then Orion it is. They were pretty good astronomers and mathematicians, so they shouldnt have any trouble mapping Orion in a ground structure.

What role does Orion play in Egyptian mythology?

I don't think the pyramids were built by slaves - one theory is that it was a workforce of mainly farmers, who worked in the part of the year when their fields were flooded.
And how come we can't duplicate the Pyramids when our civilization has higher technology than the Ancient Egyptians ever had?
Actually thats 100% wrong. A theam of archeologist was able to construct a small pyramid using only technology available to the egyptions. It wasnt big but each block was apoximatly the same size and the team wasn't nearly the size of the workfore the eqyptions had and they didnt had a pretty short time limit to complete it in.
And how come we can't duplicate the Pyramids when our civilization has higher technology than the Ancient Egyptians ever had? I am suspecting a higher intelligence here.

The reason we cant replicate a (full-scale)pyramid is nobody will foot the bill.
You provide the funding, and I'll get the builders. No worries, mate!
