Ancient pyramids built by U.F.O.s?

Originally posted by Xevious
The pyramid at Gaza if I remember my archaeology, was originally just a giant step-pyramid like all the others. Later, it's sides were filled in to create the first "true" pyramid.

the first and the greatest of all know to us
pyramids and ufos

i have read so many thoeries on this subject that i have literally become more confused that when i first started...LOL... all i can say is IF the Egyptians did indeed build these structures that they could have had guidance from some extraterrestrial intelligence. Researchers like Zecharia Sitchin has written about the Sumerians and how they spoke of the Anunaki "The Sons of Heaven" Sitchin has several books in case anyone is intersted. Also there's a site that some of you may find interstesting as well.
May be we should search for any artifacts left by these sons from heaven....

The best place to start is the ocean where items could be encrusted by marine life and get protected from the environment.

Another place could be manmade caves in major mountains or underground. Still another could be to develop a machine that scans the sub-suface on a hyper-spectral basis and use it in Egypt rather than digging by hand...
actually the great pyramid of Giza is one of the oldest, and none greater have been built since it- merely a smaller reproductions.

No, the Giza complex is not one of the oldest. Of the really large pyramids its one of the last. It sort of forms the apex of pyramid technology. After that, right, they became smaller. None of the later dynasties had the ressources for this kind of things.

here we can argue on the dating of pyramids

Sfinx is really old- about 10 000 to 15 000 years
(you know about the flood water marks on it- those floods could be only 10-15K years bce)

The great pyramid of Giza has one distinguishing fact- there are NO writtings in it- no texts, no drawnings- nothing. it is really weird
may be people at the time were telepathic...more like they wrote on paper (the blue prints) that fell victim to dont write on house and church walls - do you?

Any advanced civilization must build rest for that...
may be people at the time were telepathic...more like they wrote on paper (the blue prints) that fell victim to dont write on house and church walls - do you?
we paint

and in all the other pyramids there are paintings of the pharoh and his deeds and life after death and gods

but not in the great pyramid
as if it was not thought for burrial

don't want to theorise about thelepaty in ancient egypt- we have no facts to confirm it - I think at least
Which proves that the great pyramid was from an earlier civilization who hate paints on the wall?

Oh... during vedic time, people passed on the vedas as a human carriers of knowledge (vedasruti) for generations until someone later developed a mechanism to write it down. Since the language was a well developed one, it is speculated that either the people did not know how to write or writing instruments were in short supply or that a catastrophe happened that put the people in a nomadic life style for many generations.

Assuming a likely catastrophe as asteroid strike, we may have lost a lot of documentation prior to that....
Which proves that the great pyramid was from an earlier civilization who hate paints on the wall?
:D of course NOT
simply came into my mind as a very interesting fact- that's all
From Red Dwarf

Rimmer: I can't see how they moved such big pieces of stone
Lister: They had whips Rimmer. Big Whips
recent year excavations show that they used paid workers there or, if they were slaves, they were treated like paid workers
It was one rich guys idea of building a home on the hill. If there is no hill, just create one.
But, to return to the original issue: There is no reason to bring aliens or other mysticism into it. The Egyptians built lots of pyramids, and we know in general how they could do it.

Avatar: Mmmmm I'll have to look up pyramid dating; right away, I was under the impression that the Sphinx was contemporary with the rest of the complex. I dont think any of the Egyptian artefacts date as far back as -10,000 . Most of the action happened from 2000 BC and onwards.

Ahhh, well. I was referring to dating using conventional methods. You know, the entire Giza complex, including the sfinx are described rather thourougly in historical accounts. And there are numerous other indications of their age.

In contrast, the theories you refer to, are based on single parameters. Interesting theories, perhaps, but marginal. They do raise a number of questions, also.

Like, who built them, since Egypt didnt exist at that time?
Like, if the Giza complex is nearly five times older than the oldes Egyption monument, why is so well-preserved?

Chalk lines

On a Discovery program about how the pyramids were made one clip showed chalk lines on the inside of the pyramids. Why in the “outer world” would ET need to use chalk line?
Originally posted by Avatar
recent year excavations show that they used paid workers there or, if they were slaves, they were treated like paid workers
They were paid, but in currency of the time - food. They were also likely farmers, who were out of a job half the year (cos of lack of crops, in the winter for example), and for that half they could work on the pyramids.