Ancient pyramids built by U.F.O.s?


Registered Member
you may have heard this theory before.. just wondering what other people's views are?

A good point has been made in that if the Egyptians did build them, then it obvioulsy would have taken many hundreds of years, yet the Egyptians never once left wall-paintings/etchings etc of them building them.. just pictures of them carrying friut on their head.

This is gonna be moved into pseudoscience ANY second...

I'd have to say that bigfoot, not those pesky aliens, built the pyramids. Only because he's so hot he had to go down to Egypt and find some BIG sandles. Haha. Get it?:D

Actually, in spite of moderator status I don't know how to move threads around....oh well.

You'll just have to quiver in your shoes for the time being.
i think that we look for easy answers when we are baffled. much the same way religions give god credit for creation, since the ancient people did not have science they accepted fairy tales about a diety that lived in the sky. they used to beleive that a rainbow was a sign from god, then science comes along and explains it as a refraction of light, comets were a sign from god untill once again science comes along and says, no you religious morons, its a ball of ice being melted by the solar winds. its easy to say well, god must have put us here or aliens did this or that. its an easy explanation. but... i saw a show on discovery channel about the pyrimids, and they asked a major crane company if they could move a block of stone that weighed 200 tons, they said there is no equipment on the planet that could lift that kind of weight.:confused: hell,i dont know, maybe leprechauns did it.
Assuming the Aliens did it...and if I am one of them...

I would laser carve the pictures inside on the granite stones. I would definitely carve earth with the relief features of that time. While at it, I would also show the solar system too if not the Milkyway galaxy for posterity.

I would also draw the water symbol showing two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen. At the minimum, I would show some advanced knowledge of spherical geometry and may be Calculus.

I would also leave a small nuclear powered LED light on. I would have 500 banks of LEDs with each bank lit up for every 1 million hours on the ceiling. That would keep the stuff glowing for close to 60,000 years. OR, I would paint something using glow in the dark paint and have a UV source setup.

I am sure you can think up many interesting stuff to live behind as a time capsule for people to discover only when they get technically advanced.

Has anyone found these things yet?
But what would you do if you were bigfoot? Why build a giant pyramid in the first place?

Originally posted by Pollux V
Actually, in spite of moderator status I don't know how to move threads around....oh well.

You're joking right? If not goto edit/thread options and move :)
Mmmm, boring serious answer to the initial question:

We have more or less established how the pyramids were built (by the eqytians), how much manpower it took, and how long time it took. I dont have the figures in my head, but a Google search should soon find some info.

but... i saw a show on discovery channel about the pyrimids, and they asked a major crane company if they could move a block of stone that weighed 200 tons, they said there is no equipment on the planet that could lift that kind of weight. hell,i dont know, maybe leprechauns did it.

I would get another company. They recently built a bridge her in my neck of the woods. The road elements were put in place by a crane. They weighed 400 tons.

2 men with wedges and levers can lift a 200 ton stone. Its gonna take time, but.....

To be more accurate, most of the pyramids were built by Egyptian slaves. If aliens built them, why were disruptive slaves used as bricks for the pyramid and entoumbed inside their walls?
I think that if I was going to be buried anywhere, it would have to be in one of those pyramids. So as I realized my life was coming to a close I would get ancy, be killed, and tombed inside a pyramid. No worms, just hot air and sand to tear the flesh away from your bones.
Actually, the slave theory is falling in miscredit lately, as we are discovering the cities for the workers. But its a bit academic; the conditions for a "free" man in ancient egypt would probably be indistinguishable from slavery from our point of view. Anyways, we can agree EARTHLINGS built them, with EARTH technology.

Yeah, either that or BIGFOOT technology with BIGFEET's carrying the 200 ton blocks into place. I mean come on, why not?
I figure the pyramids were built by lots of guys pulling on ropes. Ten thousand men can do a lot.
The brainpower that built the pyramids is more important than how they physically built it I reckon. The ancient Egyptians were sufficiently advanced to build such structures as they built many similiar things over a long peroid & before you ask where they went to & why they didn't write anything down as to how it was done keep in mind that a similiar thing happened with the druids who just disappeared & because it was in their custom to not commit their teachings to writing we will never know how they knew all they knew. There are heaps of such examplesa of A seemingly advanced civilisation that seems to have flourished then disappeared but that dosen't mean it was UFOs - maybe due to engineering, maths, skywatching etc being kept to a small number of people meant it was only a matter of time before a war or such disatster wiped out the few with the knowledge. Just my opinion.;)
Which means, they had the short term objective but no long term time capsules or documentation.

I hate when people do projects and leave no documentation. We had to reverse engineer and it takes a long time to figure out what the idiots did...I am talking about the present day programmers! :D
Look at early pyramids and they look nothing like later ones. Eary pyramids are smaller and rougher. They learnt from previous mistakes and improved. surely Aliens wouldn't need to do this
actually the great pyramid of Giza is one of the oldest, and none greater have been built since it- merely a smaller reproductions.

another interesting thing about the great pyramid is that there are no writing, no pictures painted in it- in all the other pyramids there is a hell lot of them
The pyramid at Gaza if I remember my archaeology, was originally just a giant step-pyramid like all the others. Later, it's sides were filled in to create the first "true" pyramid.
Although nothing was written down (I suppose) about how the pyramids were built, I read somewhere that we DO have written records of supplies, such as food, being ordered for the workers.