Ancient Civilizations In High Mountains

BTW, is your real name Neil Adams?
I've corresponded with Adams. While he is misguided he is cogent, reasonable and objective in his exchanges. OIM is decidedly not Adams. I suspect Adams would be dismayed by the manner in which OIM goes about promoting an expanding Earth.
If I had no logical or scientific argument to support my fundamentalist pseudoscientific religion I would resort to posting dubious quotes from unknown people over and over again in multiple threads.
If something is dubious you should say why it is dubious and try to do so using observation, logic, and persuasion. That's called science. You should try it sometime.
....Did it ever strike you as odd that the legendary Sinbad the Sailor sailed from Baghdad harbor which was on the Persian Gulf? .....

Sinbad?? He was a real person? He sailed from Bagdad harbor to where?
If something is dubious you should say why it is dubious and try to do so using observation, logic, and persuasion. That's called science. You should try it sometime.

If you're posting some guy's conclusions about a topic in a quote, then your should also post the reasons why he reached those conclusions, so other people have a chance to examine the relevant evidence.

That is called science, too. You should try it some time.
If you're posting some guy's conclusions about a topic in a quote, then your should also post the reasons why he reached those conclusions, so other people have a chance to examine the relevant evidence.

That is called science, too. You should try it some time.
If you were really scientific (not a prejudiced fundamentalist) you would know what the reasons are and exactly why he reached his conclusions. Let's be honest, you hate his conclusions, therefore you never really considered his reasoning.
Warning: approching ad hominem

Dear OIM,
you brainless wonder. I started in geology when there was no plate tectonics theory. There were, however, a huge mishmash of unexplained observations in geophysics, geochemistry, palaontology, sedimentology, structural geology, historical geology, and a six pack of other ologies. I lived and worked through the period where these observations were understood and the ambiguities resolved through the clarity brought about by plate tectonic theory.

Therefore do not have the unmitigated gall and instrasigent stupidity to suggest I have been brainwashed by the establishment. There was no ****ing establishment view when I developed my positive take on plate tectonics. The debate has been held. You are as out of date as a stale pretzel with a picture of JFK on the package.

Now **** off.

Normal non ad hominem service will now be resumed.
Warning: approching ad hominem

Dear OIM,
you brainless wonder. I started in geology when there was no plate tectonics theory. There were, however, a huge mishmash of unexplained observations in geophysics, geochemistry, palaontology, sedimentology, structural geology, historical geology, and a six pack of other ologies. I lived and worked through the period where these observations were understood and the ambiguities resolved through the clarity brought about by plate tectonic theory.

Therefore do not have the unmitigated gall and instrasigent stupidity to suggest I have been brainwashed by the establishment. There was no ****ing establishment view when I developed my positive take on plate tectonics. The debate has been held. You are as out of date as a stale pretzel with a picture of JFK on the package.

Now **** off.

Normal non ad hominem service will now be resumed.

Yeah, but where were you when Dipstick Diloshi discovered( in 1873) that Oil was formed at the non-convergence of non-tectonic idiot!
answer me that!..And make it scientific, you know I'm a fond believer.
Yeah, but where were you when Dipstick Diloshi discovered( in 1873) that Oil was formed at the non-convergence of non-tectonic idiot!
answer me that!..And make it scientific, you know I'm a fond believer.
I don't get your drift - continental or otherwise. Oil is found in a variety of settings, many, but not all, related to specific plate tectonic settings. Things have moved on quite a lot since 1873.
Warning: approching ad hominem

Dear OIM,
you brainless wonder. I started in geology when there was no plate tectonics theory. There were, however, a huge mishmash of unexplained observations in geophysics, geochemistry, palaontology, sedimentology, structural geology, historical geology, and a six pack of other ologies. I lived and worked through the period where these observations were understood and the ambiguities resolved through the clarity brought about by plate tectonic theory.

Therefore do not have the unmitigated gall and instrasigent stupidity to suggest I have been brainwashed by the establishment. There was no ****ing establishment view when I developed my positive take on plate tectonics. The debate has been held. You are as out of date as a stale pretzel with a picture of JFK on the package.

Now **** off.

Normal non ad hominem service will now be resumed.
Prior to plate tectonics religious dogma was rejection of continental drift religious dogma.
Yeah, but where were you when Dipstick Diloshi discovered( in 1873) that Oil was formed at the non-convergence of non-tectonic idiot!
answer me that!..And make it scientific, you know I'm a fond believer.
False conclusion.

"All major oil and gas provinces in the world are apparently associated with transtensive tectonic conditions, supporting the abiogenic theory of petroleum." -- Karsten M. Storetvedt, geophysicist, August 2008
Prior to plate tectonics religious dogma was rejection of continental drift religious dogma.
Quite possibly true. However, in the scientific field of geology dogma was even shorter than the thecae on a graptolite. Continental drift was rigorously questioned and provisionally rejected by the majority of Earth scientists because of the absence of a mechanism and the limited amount of evidence. Nevertheless the possibilities were still actively considered - for example by Arthur Holmes at the University of Edinburgh, who introduced the concept of convection currents.
"All major oil and gas provinces in the world are apparently associated with transtensive tectonic conditions, supporting the abiogenic theory of petroleum." -- Karsten M. Storetvedt, geophysicist, August 2008
Do you deny that transtensive conditions lead to extensive sedimentation?
Hi OIM - nice to see that you're back and not dead as rumoured.

I notice you have a new pet piece of fringe science conjecture you are touting in your inimitable style these days
- great stuff !- I've been working really hard recently and have been short on a few genuine gut laughs

Does this mean that you have finally gotten tired of continually re-posting the same 20 or so links that you mistakenly thought supported abiotic oil (but sadly didn't) and got sick of having every single one of your arguments throroughly eviscerated time after time by a successive stream of sci posters?

When the inevitable happens - and the same thing happens with your new little obession (and I predict that this will happen mainly due to your inability to be able to get to grips with simple comprehension of the english language, and the most basic terminology and concepts relating to the field of study (like the time you proved you didn't know what abiotic actually meant :D ??) - just like last time) - have you put any thought into what you will rant and obsess over next?
And (drum roll, trumpet fanfare) Ophiolite's "I Wish I'd Said that" Award for October 2008 goes to synthesizer-patel for the above post.
[Poking fun is so much more effective than poking with sharp spikes.]