Analysis of UFO Spectrum

The images were taken by Chris Beacham though weren't they? The 'you' was a plural, meaning Chris and this Teodorani guy. I don't care who allegedly got these spectra (during a two second exposure of a moving object), I want to know how they did it!

I assume were all fairly well versed in how diffraction gratings work, and the wavelength of the light source being determined by;

nλ = d sin θ

to work out the sin θ part, the distance between the first maxima and the central axis must be measured, as well as the distance from the grating to the CCD. All this while tracking a moving object perfectly, so the maxima don't blur.

I want to know how, given that the camera optics give a magnification of 6x, all this was measured accurately enough to calculate the observed spectrum was from mercury. That's all. Should be simple, because they must think it's so obvious they skipped over that part in the 'paper'!!
For the obvious reasons No one whats to go through the Bullshit like we have here.. So they keep their mouths shut about what they see. I am beginning to understand that much better now! I'll be Damned if I ever try to share an experience or proof with any of you people again.. Remain nieve forever if you can, I don't really give a fuck!
Easy there Slim, lighten up a bit and take this heads up. For some it is their JOB to create havoc and disinformation in the threads. Others just enjoy ruffling peoples feathers, a kind of sadistic thrill like slam dancing. Check out Phlogers site. They even give instructions on how to annoy and provoke people for fun. :(

It’s an interesting experience trying to identify who is really who in these forums. Generally just trying to identify what their real motives are for being here and posting as they do.

There are some of us that accept that there are ETI here on earth and have been for thousands of years interacting with mankind in one form or another. Today we have the technological understanding to question many old myths and legends of their interactions and KNOW that it is PROBABLE.

SO where do you go from here with what you are learning? :m:
slim said:
I'll be Damned if I ever try to share an experience or proof with any of you people again..

"again"? I've never seen a 'proof' posted yet! I'm being a scientist, I'm enquiring, asking for this guy's method. He's not offering it. When you don't put the science in, all we end up with is 'pseudo'

Do you understand the technical difficulties doing what Chris and his chum have claimed to have done? Not curious if/how they overcame them? Not the slightest bit interested how they derived their answers? I am, because I'm a scientist. We're interested. We ask questions. If you don't like us asking questions, don't post questionable material!
Dude,...if you have a fine working, high quality camera of the kind you have in your possesion,...

And STILL fale to shoot a nice, clean tidy picture of some fisher-boat,...!

...go figgure...

A true Scientist is open-minded, which too many people give false claims to be... Go figure that one out! I don't give a hoot about the light spectrum of Chris's movies or photos nor do I care if he makes a Billion dollars from his efforts! If it weren't for the sad fact that people, supposedly intellegent ones, Debunk and Destroy the knowledge of and the fact of True Visitors from other planets, other people may come forward with Better info and better pics to share and grow with the Knowledge that I and others Seek so desparately. It is Juvenile to "Be Crushed". I'd rather "Be Informed"
Knowledge that I and others Seek so desparately.

Desparation will only lead you to believe what you want to believe.
"Desparation will only lead you to believe what you want to believe."

For you maybe, but I'm old enough to know the Difference between a Cow and a "Bull"
slim said:
A true Scientist is open-minded,

Not so open your brains fall out, however. Science can be "open-minded" but it still relies on evidence. Those that run around making wild claims without evidence degrade a society rather than add to it. Indeed, much time and money becomes wasted by those that buy into fanciful claims that have no real merit, but appear credible to the lay-person due to the language the pseudoscientist uses.

slim said:
I'd rather "Be Informed"

And yet, your preferred source of information is biased to the paranormal and outright fabrications of those that have only the wish to impress others with fanciful tales. Why not truly be informed and read a good book on critical thinking. Casti, Sagan, Shermer, and Dawkins would be good places to start getting informed.

But then, advice from someone who is critical and skeptical only infuriates those that are believers in the fanciful, so I don't expect you to take me serious. In spite of the fact that I'm giving genuine, heartfelt advice.
I'm old enough to know the Difference between a Cow and a "Bull"

So does a pre-teen, what's your point?
slim said:
From what I can see, the dots are pulsating and moving independently. the one approaching makes a "Circular" turn and races away.. why would only one paint chip out of many do this, while the slower one never speeds up also? the spray appears to come from a Black Cloud of matter just below the slow dot to the lower left. like there is a large darker vessel
The basic problem here is that vessels are being seen where no vessel is necessary. "Spray" which isn't spray "appears to come from" - well does it or doesn't it? It's clearly a subjective view - "a Black Cloud of matter .... like there is a large darker vessel". Why would a rational person leap straight to the "vessel" theory? A shadow on the picture could well be anything, like for instance, a shadow.
.. Your explaination is feasable, yet it doesn't address other videos that were caught by individuals monitoring those cameras also..
I wasn't reviewing other videos, I was reviewing that one. If I was reviewing other videos I would say the same sorts of things. This is the "mystery" video that is so unexplainable, otherwise people would be poring over those other videos, not this one.
NASA has every reason to hide and debunk those movies
Not particularly. Nothing would please Nasa more than to meet extraterrestrials with better technology - might save Nasa from Congress budget cuts.
so any spokesman for them is trained in his answers.
Trained in science and skeptical thinking, I would hope.
Obviously the fears of the Governments are well founded in Hiding the truth from its citizens. Mentioning UFOs brings redicule and anger from many people, like we shouldn't dare to go there.. I would welcome the truth no matter what!
But the fact is that you have predetermined what the truth supposedly is, and consequently are closing your eyes to the real truth. Which is that the government is incapable of hiding the most embarrassing secrets it has, like the absence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq or the peccadilloes of Bill and Monica. What evidence can you provide that 10 successive Administrations have succeeded in keeping this secret which would have to be known to hundreds of people 1947? People who know Washington know that this simply is not possible.
The past Russian Cosmonauts on Mir speak of viewing hundreds of accounts of spaceships speeding past them, many acting curious, like they know its inhabited by Earthlings.
Be clear - did they see spaceships or did they see hundreds of accounts of spaceships? Assuming you mean that cosmonauts made hundreds of flying saucer sightings, I'm going to need a reference for that. I think it's quite likely that they actually had a prosaic explanation for what they saw (like the famous Constellation of Urine). If the Mir cosmonauts all came down and said, "We saw hundreds of aliens" do you not think there'd be a bit more of a buzz about it?
I think they view us with mistrust because we do seem to kill each other off quite viciously! It would be hard to fault a supierior race for hiding from us, but its harder to understand the outright lies our officials tell us.
You've been watching too much Star Trek. Your mind is filled with superior races for which there simply is no evidence whatsoever.
NASA has a long record dating back to the sixties of "Don't ask, Don't tell" like one of our first Astronauts stated when he saw a UFO: Be advised, There IS a Santa claus!
The astronauts saw UFOs throughout the Space Race - Unidentified Flying Objects, that is. If you mean John Glenn's "fireflies", please be reassured, they seem to have not presaged a large scale alien invasion, and it has been 42 years.
I would give a fortune to wittness the facial expressions of the skeptics of this forum when they do Finally OPEN their EYES and see what I've seen.. I feel so superior to you all!

Wow! maybe thats your hangup? lol... :D Jealous armchair scientists who have been Jaded and not allowed to play in the sandbox of intellegent thinking? No UFO for you too? awwww....I'll see what I can do for ya, Otae?


Be patient, one day you will all shit your boxers and feel very foolish for your posts here..
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Seeing might be believing but I've seen too many parlour tricks to know to believe my own eyes (let alone yours).

If a street gambler can "Hide the queen" from you through the slide of hand, why should you believe anything you see?
Ah, Slim, and now we get the core of it, your EGO! Believers are often academic underachievers with a tenuous (at best) grasp of Science. But they have huge egos which they need to satisfy, which they cannot through mental prowess, so instead, implicate themselves in massive conspiracies, or claim to know intricate details of such conspiracies that others don't.

Scientists however, have to be prepared to abandon a pet theory, and let their ego slip, when evidence proves their pet theory wrong.

So, simply, to preserve your ego, you just never let people see your 'evidence'.

You are a textbook case of this, Slim. Not special, not clever, just ego.
I feel so superior to you all!

Herein lies the difference, I don't feel to superior to you at all.

You've been offered the opportunity to provide input based on being intellectually equivalent to the rest of us and have chosen not to exploit that position, but instead you debase our position and demand we pay you attention.

Be patient, one day you will all shit your boxers and feel very foolish for your posts here..

Perhaps, but in the meantime, you should probably be feeling rather foolish for your posts here and now.
Styder, I never play cards, gamble or roll dice. I was born in 1953 and have had a very full life. I take chances but they are thought out to the extreme.

Q: "You've been offered the opportunity to provide input based on being intellectually equivalent to the rest of us and have chosen not to exploit that position, but instead you debase our position and demand we pay you attention."

No Q, I have offered you all a look into what I have seen with my own eyes, you are obviously full of yourself, you have offered me a chance to agree with you.. intellectually? if this is a show of intellegence I prefer to stay enlightened. I could care less if any of you believe me.. I post for the believers only, then the Rats come running all in a pack to tear up the truth with some extremely outlandish senerios.. you are the Woo Woo ones. you already know it all, so why bother with me?

Phlog started the ball to rolling with insults of his own... the pace was set early on and it continues.. Stryder is the least offensive with his posts.
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slim said:
Silas, it is obvious why any intellegent being would hide from you...
Which is why I'm left discussing this matter with you, then....

Here's a prediction for you, regarding alien intelligences. When and if they do come visit and make themselves known to us, it is to the rational scientists, the logical and skeptical thinkers that they will be making their communications to. UFOlogists and people who jump straight to the "it must be aliens" explanataions for any and all anomalies, will not be given the time of day by them.

Oh, and so you know - I am fully aware of how egotistical and pompous I sound!