Analysis of UFO Spectrum

At least these aliens had the common courtesy to put running lights on their spaceships and to travel slowly through the atmosphere. I'm sure they wouldn't want any Earth aircraft (using similar running lights traveling at similar speeds) to have any collissions with their expensive rides.

And I used to think Massimo Teodorani was a serious researcher among the UFO/ETI Movement.
Just what is your deficiency Chris? Can't work the focus on your camcorder? Notice how NONE of the light sources are pin sharp? Not even the lights from the city? So what we have here, is a couple of out of focus aircraft coming in to land, with running lights, and the occasional flash of tail lights visible too. At one point, another aircraft in a different air lane is briefly visible.

It's nothing mysterious, it's just badly recorded air liners coming in to land. Living near an airport myself, I could take such footage. Well, if I suddenly became incapable of using my camcorder correctly, that is.
i saw a photo once where a guy used the sun flare effect to make what he claimed was a space ship comming into land. it looked the shape of an apollo capsule coming in, but was obviously a flare, i hate when people do that crap
We have to keep in mind that Chris is the guy that sells pictures of airliner contrails on a cd of ufo "evidence." Interestingly enough, these pics come from the one ufo researcher that I thought was doing some genuine research. I guess he grew tired of waiting for contact and moved his gear to the local airport approach.
Is this meant to be serious? I never saw anything more clearly "planes coming into land at an airport between some buildings" in my entire life!

I don't live near an airport, but just last week I had occasion to visit a house in the Heathrow flightpath. I could hardly believe it myself, but they just queued up in the sky and came over one by one, about once a minute. At night it looked exactly like those stupid film clips.

They start living in a fantasy world, eventually they get a duplex there......
SkinWalker said:

I'm hesitant to email someone so capitalistic, so I'll post it here instead. I wouldn't want my email address put on some kind of list you sell to some spammer :)

Well, thank you for that link skinwalker. I honestly didn't think you could ever suggest anything of interest to me, but I guess I was wrong. While it still doesn't explain the fact that there is no airport nearby, the scope stills, the nature of 'arrival', or the fact that the objects appear to be going into the water at Sydney Harbour, it is worth following up....

No, I'm not a capitalist and no, none of my images are airliners....

<img src=>

Did you check this clip of a craft hovering over the Ocean about 100 yards out from the beach......?
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I see no reason why it cannot be a boat or even a helocopter. It certainly is anthropogenic in its use of lights and a flashing or RAWLS (Rotating Amber Warning Light). The absence of reflection between the lights and the water surface could as easily be the dead zone between them and the water created by the hull.

But for WooWoo value, it would seem strange to someone who expects to see aliens. And perhaps hopes to profit from them... not a capitalist, eh? Not selling CDs anymore? :cool:
Silas said:
Is this meant to be serious? I never saw anything more clearly "planes coming into land at an airport between some buildings" in my entire life!

I don't live near an airport, but just last week I had occasion to visit a house in the Heathrow flightpath. I could hardly believe it myself, but they just queued up in the sky and came over one by one, about once a minute. At night it looked exactly like those stupid film clips.

They start living in a fantasy world, eventually they get a duplex there......

This is a close up of the subject, and it does not look like a plane to me...

<img src=>
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skinwalker: " And perhaps hopes to profit from them... not a capitalist, eh? Not selling CDs anymore?" :cool:

Well, thank you for your continued interest in my products. If you go to this link:
you will see that I have Beacham Surfboards, a removable surfboard fin system (with which I won a medal at the Geneva Inventions Exhibition), instructive surfboard design videos, and a ufo cd. However the ufo cd is last year's product (you will be pleased to know that the response has been very encouraging and that no one has wanted their money back....), and so to include the further information I have gathered from various sources, I have begun work on the new UFO DVD (Director's cut of course...) I also hope to have the CD available for broadband download shortly for about $9.95.

I was going to ask you what you do for a living skinwalker, but frankly I'm not really interested. :cool:
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Awesome chris! forget about the naysayers... they'll always be last! What I saw was entirely different. I was cruising into a campground at about 3 am looking for a place to camp in the Missouri riverbotoms when a bright light fell towards earth. It was a huge ball the size of the full moon that I first took to be a falling star or meteor with greenish flames trailing behind it. it was about a mile distant and I figured I was a goner for sure! it came streaking down very fast and then slowed visibly fairly quick. It then hovered above the treetops and the flames went out.. it then slowly settled into the trees. I stayed in the area for about an hour before leaving.
Of course Chris, streetlights often use Mercury vapour, so are you sure you didn't measure the spectra of the hundreds of lights in Sydney Harbour, and not the two or three on this aircraft?

The camera used, a Nikon 5000, only has a 3x optical zoom, so the tele converter (how was that attached as the Coolpix doesn't have a bayonet mount, does it?) could ony have made this 6x, meaning lots of other light sources were in the frame. Was the object tracked, or a a fixed picture taken, with the object streaked? Why no inclusion of the picture in the .pdf?

How did you calculate the wavelength of the light from the image captured, I'm having a hard time seeing how you could make sense of the information. When I've used diffraction gratings to measure spectra, it's been from a single point source, passed through a diffraction grating, projected onto a screen, and measured there. Multiple sources, some moving and some static relative to each other passing through a diffraction grating, then through camera optics, and then being captured, seems like a bit of a feat. Care to tell us how you separated your sources, and managed to measure the spectra? And please show us the image you worked on.
um.. lets see, I'm HOLDING a Nikon Coolpix 5400 Digital camera.... umm.. Why YES it DOES have a BAYONET MOUNT.. hmmm. its also got.. lens = 4 x Zoom Nikkor F=5.8-24mm (35-mm {135} camera format equivalent: 28-116mm), f/2.8-f4.6 (nine elements in eight groups) Plus Digital zoom = 4 x (35- mm {135mm} camera format equivalent: 460mm)

Autofocus(AF) = contrast-detect-through-the-lense (TTL)
Focus range = 50 cm (1.8)- macro mode 1cm/o.4 (w)
Focus-area slection = Five area AF and spot AF available
Frame coverage shooting = Approximately 97% horizondal and 97% vertical.
File formats Uncompressed: TIFF-RGB (Hi-quality images) , Compressed JEPG-baseline-compliant (1:4, !:8 , 1:16).
Movies = Quick time.

Effective pixels = 5.1 million
CCD = 1/1.8" high-density CCD; total pixels 526 million
image size (pixels) .2,592x1,944 .1,280x960 .640x480 .1,600x1,200
1,024x768 .2,592x1,728 (3:2)

and it does have a built in flash too.... and it does some excellent movies.. and the software is awesome! no need to cheat on the zoom... I have taken pictures of pictures in old books and you can magnify the words and pics up to seeing the Fuzz on the paper! a really cool little camera.. yep!

what else do you want to know Phlog? Do you work for the Government or the Aliens? You DON"T know your cameras very well dude!... I have several ..
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slim said:
um.. lets see, I'm HOLDING a Nikon Coolpix 5400 Digital camera....

Good for you, the .pdf on the linked web page stated a Nikon 5000 was used to take the shots, and I didn't think the 5000 had a bayonet. I was _asking_ Chris if it did. I've since found the teleconverter he used, although the pics aren't clear on how it's mounted.

You DON"T know your cameras very well dude!... I have several ..

I don't know Nikon. I've got a Minolta DiMAGE.
You seem to be Very closed-minded on the validity of his pics! I only wish I had this camera when I saw what I saw in those riverbottoms in Missouri.. it was facinating and I'll never forget it! No one can debunk or erase the reality of that flaming ball that was controlled by SOMETHING other than? The dang thing streaked down and then floated below radar and then slowly went down into the woods not far from where I was driving to. I wanted to approach it, but I was totally alone.. No one else was in this camp ground but me. there were literally dozens of empty camp spots in this very remote area..and I want to go back.

A camera wouldn't do it any justice anyway.. you simply have to see these things for yourself! I KNOW they exist now...
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slim said:
You seem to be Very closed-minded on the validity of his pics!
Check his pics out, they are obviously aircraft contrails. I see those every day living not far from an airport. I'm not closed minded at all, if I see a quality image depicting something which warrants further invstigation, I'll admit it. The quality of Chris's pictures is sadly lacking though.

I do have some very real questions about how he measured the spectra of the light from his images though, and what method he used. I can't see an easy way to do it, so I'm very interested in his method and data.

No one can debunk or erase the reality of that flaming ball that was controlled by SOMETHING other than?

I know you said the ball appeared to 'hover', but this is often the case when meteors pass clean over head and away from you. They appear really fast as they go overhead (because they are travelling _really_ fast) but as they head towards the horizon, appear to slow, and this also accounts for the loss of intensity.

I've seen a fair few meteor showers. Seen meteors 'flash' as they burn off different materials, and look as if they change direction, when two co-incidental meteors cross paths, one starting as flare as the other winks out.

A camera wouldn't do it any justice anyway.. you simply have to see these things for yourself! I KNOW they exist now...

Nobody is saying that bright lights in the sky don't exist. I've seen them too. What we are skeptical about, are the claims they are piloted, and to accept that, we need quality proof, which nobody has brought to the table yet.