An opportunity to bear wittness to your God.

Practicing what JC preached and applying it in their relations with other people

vs. the "Hey Look at me I'm super christian" as they display their general lack of compassion to others..

Saulian xians

Would you mind telling me what, in your opinion, was the point of Jesus' teaching?
in a nutshell... compassion to others

Thank you for your answers.

In my opinion, the point of Jesus' teaching was to

1. underscore people's need... i.e. the inability to do the things He spoke about*, simultaneously exposing the dishonesty/hypocrisy employed which prevents one from recognition of same.

2. Present Himself as the One Who can meet their need because of His perfect compliance with/to the Law of Moses.

*"For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven."..."Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect."

Which is certainly showing compassion to others but would not necessarily be interpreted as such by His hearers. Being Christ-like would involve a follower of His doing the same--with about the same response He got. The purpose is not to show compassion for it's own sake according to what one thinks compassion to be, rather, to understand the plight of humanity estranged from God (as taught by The Father) and offer them a chance for Reconcilliation. That being the case, your pagan friends cannot be Christ-like by definition. They can certainly qualify as being kind relative to other human beings etc. but Christ-like? No.
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I bear witness by telling people about Him. I get people to come to church. I help get them saved by saying/meaning the "Sinner's Prayer". I live my life for Him. Nothing is more important to me than my relationship with Jesus Christ. Nothing. I not only worship Him. I adore Him.

Okay, first I was going to say to the OP that obviously this isn't the right place to share such things. Honestly, I would have like to hear some testimonies because that is the only way that maybe the truth would come because God is doing such a crappy job at it he needs his people to tell about him. Then I see this crap.

Why do you bear witness? Why do you tell people about God? Why do you get people to come to church? That is what the OP meant. And right now, you don't seem like you have much selfless reason you believe. I'm thoroughly sickened at how sad I am that you did not share your testimony. Instead, you took this opportunity to boast about how you are the light bringing people to Christ. Nothing that you said builds up God, only yourself. I really don't believe you have any reason to believe more than it's the IN thing to do.
while prayers being answered aren't directly proof of god, you logically can't deny the possibility, the circumstances of the answered prayer are what control the variation of that possibility.

Originally Posted by PsychoticEpisode
Then why isn't there world peace?

scifes........who said i ever prayed for it?:D

Yes, why would God grant world peace?:rolleyes:

God would have a choice of whether to answer a prayer or not, so why aren't the circumstances of not answering controlling the variation of God's possibility?

The fact is, prayer is a lousy way of determining your deity's existence and it presents no circumstances whatsoever. Pleas for world peace go unanswered. You have no choice but to believe God has no desire for it at the moment and is quite content with the present situation.

Its the green light for mayhem, and many believe it to be the answer to their prayers.
My God will not be tested, challenged, put on the spot, or told what to do. I would NEVER tell Him to prove Himself.

So then what business do you have testing and challenging others on their own beliefs, preaching to them like you're any closer to the truth than they are?

There are already plenty of prophecies in the Bible that have come true. We don't need anymore.

Please give me an example of a prophecy in the Bible which has come to pass exactly as predicted and which can be verified by more than just hearsay and old wives' tales.
Pleas for world peace go unanswered.
one prayer's idea of world peace is another prayer's idea of total mayhem..
the defects are in us, god told us the way to peace, you can only blame him for giving us the ability\choice not to follow it.
So then what business do you have testing and challenging others on their own beliefs, preaching to them like you're any closer to the truth than they are?
Please give me an example of a prophecy in the Bible which has come to pass exactly as predicted and which can be verified by more than just hearsay and old wives' tales.

Because His Word tells me to. It says to be "fishers of men" and bring the lost back to Him. This is the most awesome "job" I ever had. I am closer to the Truth after accepting Him and making Him Lord and Savior of my life and having a personal relationship with Him. I would bet my entire net worth on everything I say about Him. I am that sure.

I have posted prophecy proof a dozen times...
one prayer's idea of world peace is another prayer's idea of total mayhem..
the defects are in us, god told us the way to peace,

So world peace is out of the question. God won't even acknowledge that prayer because peace is a localized phenomenon. So if I want peace in the ME for instance, I would be better off praying for the demise of my enemies. How's God doing with that one?

you can only blame him for giving us the ability\choice

That choice produces mayhem and the worst in man. What you're saying is that it's God's fault in the end. In your next prayer mention that to Him. Tell Him he is culpable. No, tell everyone in a loud voice.
alright, seems to be your turn to have a bad day..;
So world peace is out of the question. God won't even acknowledge that prayer because peace is a localized phenomenon. So if I want peace in the ME for instance, I would be better off praying for the demise of my enemies. How's God doing with that one?
world peace is in heaven, where human wants can't clash. on earth, human wants may and may not clash(the "may not" is hypothetical, this world can never run out of ass holes) depending on whether they listen or not, this world and this life is one of strife, a test, a challenge, even atheists have to acknowledge that.
you said (and i copy paste:D)
God won't even acknowledge that prayer because peace is a localized phenomenon.
no, he may answer that prayer in a localized manner too
lol, one i'm guessing you're out of which's boundaries:p
it's as you said, some people's prayers for peace ARE answered, even though on the expense of other's demise..

That choice produces mayhem and the worst in man. What you're saying is that it's God's fault in the end. In your next prayer mention that to Him. Tell Him he is culpable. No, tell everyone in a loud voice.
sigh, I HAVE BEEN THROUGH THIS WITH D TILL THE BITTER END AND BEYOND.. if you're intellectually weak enough and your self esteem allows you to set the responsibility of your bad choices on god, then i'm not stopping you.

it's like a guy hands you a hot chick and tells you she has AIDS, and you screw her and blame him for getting infected(there were no condoms)..if it sets your mind at ease then so be it, believe what you want, it may be a psychological defensive mechanism for people to run away from the responsibility of their choices:shrug:
alright, seems to be your turn to have a bad day..;

Never a bad day. Having too much fun.

world peace is in heaven, where human wants can't clash

:D and people are dying to get there

no, he may answer that prayer in a localized manner too

That's what I meant. You're only going to get peace as an answer in a localized area. No worldwide peace, just certain zones. For whatever reason, God has decided not to allow peace across the globe. However it is not beyond His capabilities to make happen, He just chooses not to.

it's as you said, some people's prayers for peace ARE answered, even though on the expense of other's demise..

I find this disturbing but who is going to argue with God, right? Country Joe MacDonald said it best in a song, 'you know that peace can only be won when you blow them all to Kingdom come."
Never a bad day. Having too much fun.

:D and people are dying to get there
lol, greaty grate then:D

That's what I meant. You're only going to get peace as an answer in a localized area. No worldwide peace, just certain zones. For whatever reason, God has decided not to allow peace across the globe. However it is not beyond His capabilities to make happen, He just chooses not to.
no, you should face the cause and effect sides correctly, peace comes over to the area which prayed, if the whole world prayed for it (correctly), then it would come to them all.
what do i mean by (correctly): you don't pray for peace and steal another country's money, for example... all what i'm saying is don't think prayer is like a genie that grants you wishes, it's a plea, not an order.

also, if you pray to god, you would listen to him, generally, if you listen to him(as in follow his orders, not open your ears), you would have answered many of your prayers yourself.

does god chooses not to grant us peace here when he is able to?
did he give us the means to achieve it ourselves?

I find this disturbing but who is going to argue with God, right? Country Joe MacDonald said it best in a song, 'you know that peace can only be won when you blow them all to Kingdom come."
i'm sure that song is translated to all known languages:D
Cindy Bear, is that you? Someone told me you were a rug at the Playboy Mansion. Care to see Ursa Major tonight, for old times sake?
M*W: Yes, it's me, Medicindy Bear. You must have misunderstood what they told you. Yes it's true. I was hanging out at the Playboy mansion a few years ago where I spent a l of time on the rug. She was a cousin of mine.
M*W: Yes, it's me, Medicindy Bear. You must have misunderstood what they told you. Yes it's true. I was hanging out at the Playboy mansion a few years ago where I spent a l of time on the rug. She was a cousin of mine.

;) If that rug could talk then it would be a bear witness.

Not too many bearing witness to god here. No evidence will usually do that. Oh well, feel sorry for Scifes, I think he thought there'd be a lineup of willing testifiers.
Because His Word tells me to. It says to be "fishers of men" and bring the lost back to Him. This is the most awesome "job" I ever had. I am closer to the Truth after accepting Him and making Him Lord and Savior of my life and having a personal relationship with Him. I would bet my entire net worth on everything I say about Him. I am that sure.

And again, everything you ascribe to "God" is really coming from your own personal opinion and the opinions of your co-religionists. I strongly object to your claims to speak on behalf of a higher power- it's your undeniable right to do so, but at the end of the day, if everything is ultimately based on your own personal opinion of what "God" wants and what "God" commands, based on your personal choice of which religious texts to accept and which to reject, there's no logical reason for anyone to follow you.

I checked the first link, and all I see are a bunch of references to ancient prophecies predicting ancient events. Since no one is truly certain when the Old Testament was even written (or the New one, for that matter), and there's evidence much of it was put together by Greek speaking Jews well after the conquests of Alexander the Great, these alleged prophecies for alleged ancient events are irrelevant to me.

There are certain "prophecies" in the Bible that have indeed come true- Israel is once more in the hands of the Jews, as cited in your first link. That's a self-fulfilling prophecy, which came about almost entirely due to support from Christian Americans and Europeans who forced it to come true, so it's a ridiculous example to cite.

Like I said, I'm not interested in prophecies whose veracity lies in old wives' tales and hearsay. I'm looking for specific predictions covering specific time frames, predictions which could not possibly have been made after the fact already occurred even if the Bible was written in the time of Alexander. Of course, as I explained in the case of Israel's rebirth above, they also need to be prophecies you wouldn't have a chance in Hell of guessing without insider info, not prophecies forced to fulfillment by the global superpowers who believe in them. You don't need to throw me a list of 100 candidates and hope for me to find one I can't dispute. I just need one single good example, anything beyond that is just a bonus.

Does this all sound harsh of me, highly demanding, unnecessarily stonewallingly skeptical? It should, I have high standards when it comes to accepting the words of people who claim to speak for an invisible supernatural power.
And again, everything you ascribe to "God" is really coming from your own personal opinion and the opinions of your co-religionists. I strongly object to your claims to speak on behalf of a higher power- it's your undeniable right to do so, but at the end of the day, if everything is ultimately based on your own personal opinion of what "God" wants and what "God" commands, based on your personal choice of which religious texts to accept and which to reject, there's no logical reason for anyone to follow you.

I checked the first link, and all I see are a bunch of references to ancient prophecies predicting ancient events. Since no one is truly certain when the Old Testament was even written (or the New one, for that matter), and there's evidence much of it was put together by Greek speaking Jews well after the conquests of Alexander the Great, these alleged prophecies for alleged ancient events are irrelevant to me.

There are certain "prophecies" in the Bible that have indeed come true- Israel is once more in the hands of the Jews, as cited in your first link. That's a self-fulfilling prophecy, which came about almost entirely due to support from Christian Americans and Europeans who forced it to come true, so it's a ridiculous example to cite.

Like I said, I'm not interested in prophecies whose veracity lies in old wives' tales and hearsay. I'm looking for specific predictions covering specific time frames, predictions which could not possibly have been made after the fact already occurred even if the Bible was written in the time of Alexander. Of course, as I explained in the case of Israel's rebirth above, they also need to be prophecies you wouldn't have a chance in Hell of guessing without insider info, not prophecies forced to fulfillment by the global superpowers who believe in them. You don't need to throw me a list of 100 candidates and hope for me to find one I can't dispute. I just need one single good example, anything beyond that is just a bonus.

Does this all sound harsh of me, highly demanding, unnecessarily stonewallingly skeptical? It should, I have high standards when it comes to accepting the words of people who claim to speak for an invisible supernatural power.

Are we still on this proof of God business? If God exists, then why does it need people to prove itself? If there were no people like Sandy to bear witness, would we be having this same discussion again? A real god could bear witness to itself.
My God will not be tested, challenged, put on the spot, or told what to do. I would NEVER tell Him to prove Himself. I see Him all around me in this gorgeous world He created. He is alive and well and living inside His children.
There are already plenty of prophecies in the Bible that have come true. We don't need anymore.

I applaud your attempts Sandy, but most people will ignorantly challenge others on their biblical beliefs, and I'll definitely admit its hard to prove it, when most of the time evidence is all around us, such as the magnificence of human minds and god's creatures.
Are we still on this proof of God business? If God exists, then why does it need people to prove itself? If there were no people like Sandy to bear witness, would we be having this same discussion again? A real god could bear witness to itself.

An interesting statement, a real God could do so if it desired as you suggested. I think God is part of the human experience. It is not God that needs man, but man that needs God.
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