An opportunity to bear wittness to your God.


Deacon Blues
Valued Senior Member
In the Christian tradition, we are often called to bear our wittness to God...reciting our personal experiences with God that reenforce our belief in God. I am told by my Islamic friends that there are similar stories in Islam.

So this is an opportuntity to share your experience with the world...bear your wittness. This is not an opportunity to get into a pissing contest about whos God or religion is better or right. But rather and opportunity to share experiences.

I think it would be interesting to hear how you bear wittness to God.

I think it would be interesting to hear how you bear wittness to God.

Yogi, Boo Boo, Smokey.....all the same god?

What is Arctolatry?
Arctolatry comes from the Greek roots αρκτος [arktos] meaning “bear” and λατρεια [latreia] which means “service” or “worship.” As such, the word means “the worship or reverence of bears” and it is arguably the world's oldest recorded family of religions with branches that survive to modern times.

Drop by the den in the spring for worship. Right now I'm just trying to sleep off winter.
when i was a kid i lost a dollar and some change, i prayed so hard and found them instantaneously.

there's also this recital which you're supposed to say when you feel sad and it's supposed to take away your sadness, it drives me crazy how it works everytime.. it kinda makes me think of how logic isn't always the best/only/always working solution.

that aside, this thread is for you theists to look like idiots, so what're you waiting for? let's entertain out atheist friends shan't we?:D

and if spider's post means what i think it means, i think he should get a warning for it.
Well no god has ever spoken to me. No god has ever shown me a undoubted proof. As a atheist im sure because I bear witness to no god...
when i was a kid i lost a dollar and some change, i prayed so hard and found them instantaneously.
M*W: You only remembered where you left it, even if you didn't give yourself credit for it. All you did was credit some magical being who is not really there, so there were no miracles here.
M*W: Just what does spider's post mean? I take the word "littering" literally.
meh i guess i msunderstood..although saying hm telling us he never told anybody doesn't make much sense, but whatever..
M*W: You only remembered where you left it, even if you didn't give yourself credit for it. All you did was credit some magical being who is not really there, so there were no miracles here.
a- i did not remember, i found it, as in came across it.
b- this is just like the haiti thread, couldn't god MAKE me remember(in case i found it that way)

while prayers being answered aren't directly proof of god, you logically can't deny the possibility, the curcumnstances of the answered prayer are what control the variation of that possibility..
Then why isn't there world peace?
who said i ever prayed for it?:D
In the Christian tradition, we are often called to bear our wittness to God...reciting our personal experiences with God that reenforce our belief in God. I am told by my Islamic friends that there are similar stories in Islam.

So this is an opportuntity to share your experience with the world...bear your wittness. This is not an opportunity to get into a pissing contest about whos God or religion is better or right. But rather and opportunity to share experiences.

I think it would be interesting to hear how you bear wittness to God.


I've never heard anything like this but I don't attend any majlis/ ijtema so possibly that is where they do it.

The only witnessing I know of is in prayers when we recite the shahada
I bear witness by telling people about Him. I get people to come to church. I help get them saved by saying/meaning the "Sinner's Prayer". I live my life for Him. Nothing is more important to me than my relationship with Jesus Christ. Nothing. I not only worship Him. I adore Him.

You guys are all just bearing witness to the voices in your heads and the voices of your co-religionists. Joe is asking you guys to bear witness to the real deal. I dunno, make a testable prediction or prophecy or something. Weather scientists do it all the time.
Here's a poem I wrote:


Jesus came to me at noon
we sat, broke bread and drank wine.

He asked to watch the football game;
rooted for the underdog, drank beer and belched.

I was not surprised,
this is the Jesus I know.

Kenny A. Chaffin - 12/19/02
In the Christian tradition, we are often called to bear our wittness to God...reciting our personal experiences with God that reenforce our belief in God. I am told by my Islamic friends that there are similar stories in Islam.

So this is an opportuntity to share your experience with the world...bear your wittness. This is not an opportunity to get into a pissing contest about whos God or religion is better or right. But rather and opportunity to share experiences.

I think it would be interesting to hear how you bear wittness to God.


I bear witness to my Father by my life--words and deeds... lived out before my fellow man, and by sharing this message:

As they were speaking to the people, the priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to them,

being greatly disturbed because they were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection from the dead.

And they laid hands on them and put them in jail until the next day, for it was already evening.

But many of those who had heard the message believed; and the number of the men came to be about five thousand.

On the next day, their rulers and elders and scribes were gathered together in Jerusalem;

and Annas the high priest was there, and Caiaphas and John and Alexander, and all who were of high-priestly descent.

When they had placed them in the center, they began to inquire, "By what power, or in what name, have you done this?"

Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, "Rulers and elders of the people,

if we are on trial today for a benefit done to a sick man, as to how this man has been made well,

let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead--by this name this man stands here before you in good health.


there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."
You guys are all just bearing witness to the voices in your heads and the voices of your co-religionists. Joe is asking you guys to bear witness to the real deal. I dunno, make a testable prediction or prophecy or something. Weather scientists do it all the time.

My God will not be tested, challenged, put on the spot, or told what to do. I would NEVER tell Him to prove Himself. I see Him all around me in this gorgeous world He created. He is alive and well and living inside His children.
There are already plenty of prophecies in the Bible that have come true. We don't need anymore.
What do you mean by "Christ-like"?

Practicing what JC preached and applying it in their relations with other people

vs. the "Hey Look at me I'm super christian" as they display their general lack of compassion to others..

Saulian xians
I bear witness by telling people about Him. I get people to come to church. I help get them saved by saying/meaning the "Sinner's Prayer". I live my life for Him. Nothing is more important to me than my relationship with Jesus Christ. Nothing. I not only worship Him. I adore Him.

Wow- really? (takes ten steps back.)