an inspirational message from 30 seconds to mars

is that your real name? mekigal?

i was raised on kiss and metallica, and if left alone would probably gravitate toward heavier rock. but over the past several years i've found myself drawn to bands just because of their message, and broadened my horizons. this is one of those bands.

Mekigal was given to Me by the creator. My original name is Mike Greathouse. The Creator shortened my name to " Me" . So my first name now is "Me"
It all started when I started a log house for a customer up 9 mile valley . It is a tremendously long story but the short of it is it change my fucking life and I am so blown away I don't hardly know which way to go. Like one leg is tied to the fucking floor, floor and the other is just circling . Fuck you all God Lives
I find it odd that some people believe in Evolution that says that, if you don't achieve a certain level of fitness, you don't survive, and yet, they don't like same rule in the Christian faith (ie, you go to hell). They seem to want "god" to be some sort of cute, cuddly teddy bear toward everyone. Are these people "angry" that dinosaurs didn't survive? It wasn't "fair", was it? Only an evil god would wipe out the dinosaurs? :shrug:

Being fit isn't always a guarantee. Luck has a lot to do with it. Dinosaurs are a good example. They didn't die out because they weren't fit.
why do you say that? are you thinking of the illuminati? masons? or the antichrist?

why do or would those people use this symbol?

I know i have posted a reply before to your question but i would like to give an example of a modern popular artists and the messages contained in her music including the symbolisim.

I hope you will take the time to watch both of these videos they are not long. ther are a lot of pearls of wisdom within. Some other points in them i am not so sure about but the main message of the video's i agree with Lori.


A bit more low brow but still basically good:

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I know i have posted a reply before to your question but i would like to give an example of a modern popular artists and the messages contained in her music including the symbolisim.

I hope you will take the time to watch both of these videos they are not long. ther are a lot of pearls of wisdom within. Some other points in them i am not so sure about but the main message of the video's i agree with Lori.


A bit more low brow but still basically good:

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

i like tupac. one of the very few rappers i like. but i had to laugh when they said i've been singing the lyrics to that rhianna song; i don't think i've ever heard that song, and if i ever did i would immediately change the station. it's just that bad.

what those videos are suggesting doesn't surprise me one bit, but i assure you, if that's really going on, then there is an opposing side of artists as well. actually, i know there is; that's exactly what that freaky weird spiritual experience i had was about. these opposing artists were pointed out to me by god. one initially. then after about a year or so, five others. then at some point, many. it was really hard for me to realize. i felt like my head exploded. it's been 7 years and my head has recovered nicely, but it's still so hard to handle sometimes. i'll tell you something though, these artists that were pointed out to me, i would trust them with my life.
I only trust Jesus with my life.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

really? i mean, i'm not talking about spiritual salvation or redemption here adstar. you wouldn't trust ANY of your fellow human beings?
Ah the pyramid..... Not a Symbol of God.

It's actually symbolizes something and someone else.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Ah Maybe the cap stone is Pharaoh . Ah did you ever stop to wonder were Moses got his one god thing from ? Could it have been the daughter of God Bithiah also known as Pharaohs Daughter ? Akahnoten might have gotten his one god from his Aryan Mittani Princess . He is said to be the first Pharaoh . Yeah Way! From what I understand Akehnoten was the first King of Egypt to have Pharaoh added to his tittle ? Moses did write the first four books of the bible didn't he ? He also was raised by Pharaohs Daughter right ? Educated in Egyptian ways possibly ? Bithany was a town even Jesus went to get advice you know . You think maybe it was named after the Daughter of God " Pharaohs Daughter
really? i mean, i'm not talking about spiritual salvation or redemption here adstar. you wouldn't trust ANY of your fellow human beings?

I hope in other people. Love other people. But trully i trust no one. This has been a great help to me in my life and my seeking. I never suffer the pain of betrayel. And no man (or woman for that matter) can lead me into destruction.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Ah Maybe the cap stone is Pharaoh .

No the capstone represants lucifer. At the head of the biggest pyramid scam in the history of the world.

Ah did you ever stop to wonder were Moses got his one god thing from ?

Oh yeah the old Moses got His ideas about God from egyptian idoletry. No Me-Ki-Gal, Moses was grabbed by the God of Abraham and was used for His purpose.

Could it have been the daughter of God Bithiah also known as Pharaohs Daughter? Akahnoten might have gotten his one god from his Aryan Mittani Princess . He is said to be the first Pharaoh . Yeah Way! From what I understand Akehnoten was the first King of Egypt to have Pharaoh added to his tittle ? Moses did write the first four books of the bible didn't he ? He also was raised by Pharaohs Daughter right ? Educated in Egyptian ways possibly ? Bithany was a town even Jesus went to get advice you know . You think maybe it was named after the Daughter of God " Pharaohs Daughter

Some wish to believe this, and try to teach it in the form of questions. Those who will believe this crap will believe it. So be it.

satanic doctrine of demons

All Praise The Ancient of Days
No the capstone represants lucifer. At the head of the biggest pyramid scam in the history of the world.

Oh yeah the old Moses got His ideas about God from egyptian idoletry. No Me-Ki-Gal, Moses was grabbed by the God of Abraham and was used for His purpose.

Some wish to believe this, and try to teach it in the form of questions. Those who will believe this crap will believe it. So be it.

satanic doctrine of demons

All Praise The Ancient of Days

How do you know the capstone is Lucifer ? If Akenoten worshiped Ra the sun god then why would you not think that the Sun of righteousness with healing in his wings was not the one and the same Ra ?
Who do you think the Ancient of days is ?
I hope in other people. Love other people. But trully i trust no one. This has been a great help to me in my life and my seeking. I never suffer the pain of betrayel. And no man (or woman for that matter) can lead me into destruction.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

you know that mentality's not going to fly in the kingdom right?
you know that mentality's not going to fly in the kingdom right?

Yes. But when we enter into the true Kingdom all people within it will be changed and they will all be trustworthy. I will indeed trust in all my brothers and sisters in the Kingdom. But now, right at this time, in this faulty world, full of faulty people, No Way.

Again lack of trust in human beings does not prevent me from loving others. And that is the only think i owe to others.

Romans 13
8 Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Yes. But when we enter into the true Kingdom all people within it will be changed and they will all be trustworthy. I will indeed trust in all my brothers and sisters in the Kingdom. But now, right at this time, in this faulty world, full of faulty people, No Way.

Again lack of trust in human beings does not prevent me from loving others. And that is the only think i owe to others.

Romans 13
8 Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

do you think you're trustworthy?
He don't understand that you have the kingdom of heaven with you Lori 3,5,7 . When he figures that out , if he does then he might trust you like I do. I finally figured out the significance of the May 3rd. date. It was when Constantin's Mother ( the real person responsible for the advancement of Christianity) found the true cross. She took most of it home with her and there was a storm on the seas and she cast a single nail in the sea and the storms stopped . Anyway it was a day of great celebration in the church up until a Pope took it away in 1960 except in Mexico . They petitioned the church to keep the feast day and celebrate it as the day of construction workers . I wonder if it is the beginning of the 5th of may celebrations .I don't know. I know one thing for sure is a good part of the world has tried to take away the may pole for a very long time to no avail . Mainly the greedy bastards that oppose eased human labor conditions on the working class.
Odd, I have the album this song is taken from, and it's one of my current favourites. I haven't heard any Christian symbolism lurking amidst the lyrics however. But then I'm not a significance whacknut I guess.
Odd, I have the album this song is taken from, and it's one of my current favourites. I haven't heard any Christian symbolism lurking amidst the lyrics however. But then I'm not a significance whacknut I guess.

oh yeah, significance...that's just crazy.