an inspirational message from 30 seconds to mars

My wife is a fan, so she's shared this video with me before. I don't get how it's particularly christian, maybe you could clarify?
Yup, definitely a Christian message:
I believe in nothing, not, not in sin and not in god.
You seem to like a specific style of music Lori357, What is that type ? Not really Heavy Metal is it ? It does sound a little Christian rock in nature , but the message seems a little more progressive in nature . Maybe Social Justice type message . The effects where kind of cool , but what I liked ! What I really Liked that appealed to my own conceit was the way that soldier said on the radio " at Mike bravo 458 and then the lyrics start up saying a warning to the prophet and leader and Messiah and all that good stuff . Yeah way should make all Mikes feel good about them selves and not just Mekigal the Mekigar of the North West America's
here are the lyrics...

A warning to the people
The good and the evil
This is war
To the soldier, the civillian
The martyr, the victim
This is war

It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie
The moment to live and the moment to die
The moment to fight, the moment to fight, to fight, to fight, to fight

To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the Edge of the Earth
It's a brave new world from the last to the first

To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the Edge of the Earth
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world

A warning to the prophet, the liar, the honest
This is war
To the leader, the pariah, the victim, the messiah
This is war

It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie
The moment to live and the moment to die
The moment to fight, the moment to fight, to fight, to fight, to fight

To the right
To the left
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
From the last to the first

To the right
To the left
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world

I do believe in the light
Raise your hands up to the sky
The fight is done
The war is won
Lift your hands
Towards the sun
Towards the sun
Towards the sun
Towards the sun
The war is won

It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie
The moment to live and the moment to die
The moment to fight, the moment to fight, to fight, to fight, to fight

To the right
To the left
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
From the last to the first

To the right
To the left
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world

A brave new world
The war is won
The war is won
A brave new world

I believe in nothing
Not the end and not the start
I believe in nothing
Not the earth and not the stars
I believe in nothing
Not the day and not the dark
I believe in nothing
But the beating of our hearts
I believe in nothing
One hundred suns until we part
I believe in nothing
Not in satan, not in god
I believe in nothing
Not in peace and not in war
I believe in nothing
But the truth of who we are
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You seem to like a specific style of music Lori357, What is that type ? Not really Heavy Metal is it ? It does sound a little Christian rock in nature , but the message seems a little more progressive in nature . Maybe Social Justice type message . The effects where kind of cool , but what I liked ! What I really Liked that appealed to my own conceit was the way that soldier said on the radio " at Mike bravo 458 and then the lyrics start up saying a warning to the prophet and leader and Messiah and all that good stuff . Yeah way should make all Mikes feel good about them selves and not just Mekigal the Mekigar of the North West America's

is that your real name? mekigal?

i was raised on kiss and metallica, and if left alone would probably gravitate toward heavier rock. but over the past several years i've found myself drawn to bands just because of their message, and broadened my horizons. this is one of those bands.
ethics or peace is not a christian message. it's a moral message.

I do believe in the light
Raise your hands up to the sky
The fight is done
The war is won
Lift your hands
Towards the sun
Towards the sun
Towards the sun
Towards the sun
The war is won

peace is absolutely a christian message and if you change one little letter in these lyrics you may as well have copied and pasted scripture right out of the bible. it's pretty clear to me that the soldiers and the weapons in the video do a really great job of representing our ethics and it's clear that something supernatural overrides those ethics and brings peace.
the supernatural event is making a pyramid in the sky out of war machinery and weaponry. i've googled for pyramid symbolism and didn't really find anything concrete. does anyone have any insight into that symbolism? a pyramid makes me think of advanced knowledge, and it has that mystical aspect to it because we still don't really understand how the great pyramids were built.
Yup, definitely a Christian message:
I believe in nothing, not, not in sin and not in god.

i realize you're not known for extracting the big picture dy ;) , but if i take this song as a whole, or even just the verse this line was cherry-picked from as a whole, i get the impression that this war is really something that's fought inside every one of us.

if a war is won one battle at a time, then this war is won one person at a time. and finding out the truth about who you are is what makes you invincible. we can't look to the stars, we can't look to politics, we can't look to religion, we can't even look to other people to do this for us. each of us has to look inside and fight for ourselves.
"from the last to the first" also reminds me of scripture. those words in particular come from a verse in matthew 20, but also in terms of the kingdom of christ, other scripture says that those alive in christ will be first into the kingdom, and those who've died in christ, will then be raised.
"from the last to the first" also reminds me of scripture. those words in particular come from a verse in matthew 20

Well, they're similar, but not exactly, and definitely not in meaning.

And it's one passage that I'm not a big fan of, since it demonstrates how Jesus didn't care what you did, so long as you believed at the last moment. Everyone gets the same treatment. The analogy wouldn't hold up in today's work wage laws either.
my interpretation of this song and video deem it appropriate for the religious forum, and i dare say they deliver a very christian message. i'd be interested to know if you don't get that message. either way, it's an awesome song and the video is amazing.

Ah the pyramid..... Not a Symbol of God.

It's actually symbolizes something and someone else.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
peace is absolutely a christian message

peace is not a christian message. it is just a message.

there is no peace or ethics in your song and which you state is a christian message which i agree is the true face of it.
Ah the pyramid..... Not a Symbol of God.

It's actually symbolizes something and someone else.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

why do you say that? are you thinking of the illuminati? masons? or the antichrist?

why do or would those people use this symbol?
Well, they're similar, but not exactly, and definitely not in meaning.

And it's one passage that I'm not a big fan of, since it demonstrates how Jesus didn't care what you did, so long as you believed at the last moment. Everyone gets the same treatment. The analogy wouldn't hold up in today's work wage laws either.

well for the record, today's work wage laws suck. :p
why do you say that? are you thinking of the illuminati? masons? or the antichrist?

why do or would those people use this symbol?

The times of great violence and wars a fake messiah will come The anti-christ and will deceive many. Offering a fulfilment of the prophecy of mankind beating their swords into ploughs. Yes the pyramid is a symbol of the global satanic system and satan is the capstone.

What you saw on that video was a subconscious preparation of people, injecting symbols into minds, minds that have had their emotions raised by the music. Prep and inject and condition them to associate.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I find it odd that some people believe in Evolution that says that, if you don't achieve a certain level of fitness, you don't survive, and yet, they don't like same rule in the Christian faith (ie, you go to hell). They seem to want "god" to be some sort of cute, cuddly teddy bear toward everyone. Are these people "angry" that dinosaurs didn't survive? It wasn't "fair", was it? Only an evil god would wipe out the dinosaurs? :shrug: