An experiment in Atheism

No more so than I do with gods.

Maybe, maybe not, (unless you have some specific god in mind).

Ah so you entertain the possibility that mermaids exist. My bad. When you said you lacked belief, I assumed you did not entertain the possibility. So in that case, you also entertain the possibility that God exists. So we need a new word for those who believe there is no God.
Ah so you entertain the possibility that mermaids exist. My bad. When you said you lacked belief, I assumed you did not entertain the possibility. So in that case, you also entertain the possibility that God exists. So we need a new word for those who believe there is no God.

Isn't that what the whole strong vs weak atheist is all about?
Ah so you entertain the possibility that mermaids exist. My bad. When you said you lacked belief, I assumed you did not entertain the possibility. So in that case, you also entertain the possibility that God exists. So we need a new word for those who believe there is no God.

ashura pointed it out for you. "Strong atheist". Of course it largely depends upon which god we're talking about. allah and his virgins, brahma and his six testicles, yhwh and his bad attitude.. I would consider myself strong atheist. A god as some seemingly undefinable, beyond human comprehension being.. Who's to say?
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Does that mean you only weakly entertain the possibility of God, like maybe a few seconds a day?

Which one? Zeus gets 0 seconds thought, allah/yhwh/apollo/brahma/tiamat get 0 seconds thought. Who and what are you talking about?
Which one? Zeus gets 0 seconds thought, allah/yhwh/apollo/brahma/tiamat get 0 seconds thought. Who and what are you talking about?

Hmm so you weakly entertain the possibility of a God that has no concept? (when you're not contemplating mermaids, that is) Okay.

I see why they call it rational thinking. Apparently, it is carefully rationed out.

Very interesting btw, all the gods you don't have a concept of.
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Hmm so you weakly entertain the possibility of a God that has no concept? (when you're not contemplating mermaids, that is) Okay.

Well, I lack a belief. But ok.

Very interesting btw, all the gods you don't have a concept of.

What I find more interesting is that you failed to explain which god you were talking about. So.. which god are you talking about? Define it.
What I find more interesting is that you failed to explain which god you were talking about. So.. which god are you talking about? Define it.

Why does it matter, you have no concept, right? So what would you, in your conceptless world, consider evidence of a god?
Why does it matter, you have no concept, right? So what would you, in your conceptless world, consider evidence of a god?

Duh... Is it just me? If you defined it then I would have a concept of it.. right?

Define it f00.
Duh... Is it just me? If you defined it then I would have a concept of it.. right?

Define it f00.

No you said you lack belief because there is no evidence, so what evidence would you need to attain belief? Any god, take your pick.
No you said you lack belief because there is no evidence, so what evidence would you need to attain belief?

I said I lack belief because I don't understand the concept, (unless you define specifics). As such...

Any god, take your pick

You choose.
Indeed. And so for now both of us lack belief in it.

Now I see very clearly. You have no definition/concept of god , no evidence that could possibly convince you since god is undefinable, yet you lack a belief in the concept of God and still know that it could not possibly be one of concepts the theists believe in since there is no evidence for their god that you have no concept of and hence lack belief in

Pretty simple really. Should get real popular.
You have no definition/concept of god

Righty ho. (Of course it depends which one).

no evidence that could possibly convince you since god is undefinable

If this 'god' is undefinable, then sure.. probably not.

yet you lack a belief in the concept of God

Which one?

still know that it could not possibly be one of concepts the theists believe in since there is no evidence for their god

It could possibly. With defined gods I can argue against.

that you have no concept of and hence lack belief in

Weird that you applied this to a defined god, (i.e the god of the thiest that they believe in. As you yourself argued, to believe in it they must have some definition of it).
I'm interested in this, since you have no concept of God, what exactly do you argue against?

Whatever the assigned definition is. If, for example, you stated that 'god' was an entity that lived under and was visible under every buttercup I would argue non-existence on the basis that I had looked under buttercups and found no such thing, (dependant upon further definition - i.e a blue, six armed, elephant headed dude).

If you want to impress me give me your definition and we can work from there.