An atheist who envies Theists

But has anybody ever established why we cry at all, from joy or sadness?
Cryin might be kinda like movin when you'r in pain... you cry when you'r emotions are so strong that its more than you can bear an cryin actualy helps control the escalation of extreme emotions.!!!
I envy those who expect a continued existence after death. It is a comforting thought mechanism for dealing with human morality.

Are you amoral , or immoral?
If you believe all life leads to oblivion, why bother to feel envy.

An attitude I always admired & which I use to cope with my mortality

It's funny you should mention that, because atheists tend to assert that the notion of oblivion after life, increases one's sense of morality. Whereas, the notion of the transmigration of the soul/spirit/life force, from one bodily state to the next, at the time of death, leads one to disregard their morals.
Of course it is a nonsense, but it m a kes good discussion fodder.

If that is where people find happiness, goodness, and morality, then that is the truth. You wouldn't go to church if you couldn't find happiness there, would you?
Unless you go to church to compare clothing. When you're not the best dressed, it would make you unhappy.
Are you amoral , or immoral?
If you believe all life leads to oblivion, why bother to feel envy.

It's funny you should mention that, because atheists tend to assert that the notion of oblivion after life, increases one's sense of morality. Whereas, the notion of the transmigration of the soul/spirit/life force, from one bodily state to the next, at the time of death, leads one to disregard their morals.
Of course it is a nonsense, but it m a kes good discussion fodder.

Atheists have to live with their sins. Theists are told to say 10 Holy Mary's and are absolved of their sins. How convenient.
Are you amoral , or immoral?
If you believe all life leads to oblivion, why bother to feel envy.

Because you are a human, and envy is one of your choices in the emotional basket? All life does lead to death, why bother to do anything other than just to sit around and wait to die?

What a meaningful conversation we are having here.
I envy those who expect a continued existence after death. It is a comforting thought mechanism for dealing with human morality.

I have a Christian friend who knows that I am an atheist. He smugly expects to be able to say: “I told you so.”

Since I expect oblivion, I obviously cannot have a similar expectation.​

An attitude I always admired & which I use to cope with my mortality

BTW: I am not an evangelizing atheist. I tend to avoid discussing politics & religion. Such arguments are time consuming & seldom (if ever) change a person’s belief system.
I have a family member who is a habitual Doom-sayer. He is very smug about saying how any given action will certainly end very poorly - because the universe is cruel. He predicts he will smugly be saying "I told you so".

The fact that this never comes about is never counted in his books. He thinks that simply claiming disaster every time is sufficient to make him look like the wisest guy in the room. This is disingenuous.
Hijab wearers do harm to themselves because they do get sunlight which is necessary for the production of vit D.
Physical harm.

Believing there is a God does harm because it let's a human abdicate personal responsibility and avoid reasoning it seems on all levels.

You make the mistake of assuming the label is the person.

A label is a generalization; it cannot dictate the actions of individuals. There are reasonable theists and there are unreasonable theists; just as there are reasonable atheists and unreasonable atheists.

Have we learned nothing from centuries of racism and bigotry? You judge a person, not a group, and you judge them on their actual actions, not on some strawman hypothetical.
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What's wrong with you..don't you believe anything in the news papers.
And so?
What else is there really.
You make the mistake of assuming the label is the person.
I treat each case on its merits but they are all wrong.
A label is a generalization; it cannot dictate the actions of individuals.
True but I would prefer to generalise rather than single out individuals to point out their flaws.
What I offer is my opinion and you offer yours.
Have we learned nothing from centuries of racism and bigotry
Pretty much.
I see your point and can only conceded your are right on the level you rightfully raise the matter to sit for discussion.
You judge a person, not a group, and you judge them on their actual actions, not on some strawman hypothetical.
So there is no room for generalisation that will be a disappointment for those occupied in statistics.
I agree. I live my life upon that philosophy which enables me to rise above the local disputes.
I visit one house where they seek to bring me on board in their dispute with the next house I visit.
My words take this general form.
" look they have been OK with me what goes on between you and them is not my business " " you are both friends ".

But Dave my view although general that there is an abdication of responsibility for a theists seems a reasonable view given they claim all things are by the will of God, that God has a plan... I do think ad a generalisation it is reasonable.
Maybe not but that's my view.
That's not an opinion. :wink:
Now we have something significant yo discuss.
How can you call making an observation less than opinion.
Although it is rather ironic I get called on generalisation given the times I present it myself.
I say it is your opinion that I fall into the trap of generalisation.
I say it is your opinion that I fall into the trap of generalisation.
Which is why I linked to it as a known logical fallacy.
That way, no one has to take my word for it; it is there for all to satisfy themselves. It is objective.

And in an astonishing display of of coincidence, even as you were responding here, I was over in the jokes thread, reading this: :biggrin:

Which is why I linked to it as a known logical fallacy.
That way, no one has to take my word for it; it is there for all to satisfy themselves. It is objective.

And in an astonishing display of of coincidence, even as you were responding here, I was over in the jokes thread, reading this: :biggrin:

I saw it last night and downloaded it to perhaps use in another discussion taking place here.
I am driven to argue for the sake of it but should go...
Even though you can site a logical fallacy I still say that you form an opinion that what I do is a logical phallacy which fits the catagory of generalisation you had to decide at a point and I submit it is at that point you proceed from opinion.
Do you think I am getting the hang of it even if clumsy in my application.
I knew a woman whose children went to church because they enjoyed the activities it offered, nothing more.
Nothing wrong with that.
One of the most laudable goals of a church, never mind the religious indoctrination, is to provide a community and a forum for socialization.