An atheist who envies Theists

The problems that can be laid at the feet of religion are embarrassing for the believer and causes a observable dishonestly in their very approach to discussion.
There is so much evidence in support of that dishonesty that any argument for rejection of religion is a no contest.

There's no value in religion that you can see? The belief in God has no value?
What argument was that?
The argument that faith is not a cancer because people claim it makes them happy.
Some women might view it differently. If wearing a hijab makes her happy, who am I to argue?
I only argue my case if they try to justify it.
I see no harm in wearing a hijab, believing there is a God, or believing there is no god. Do you see any harm in the above?
Only if that belief has any implications for how you live. Which it usually does.
The argument that faith is not a cancer because people claim it makes them happy
I'm still not getting your point. If you enjoy worshiping a God, how could that be wrong?

I only argue my case if they try to justify it.
Why should they need justify it to me, you or anyone else?

Only if that belief has any implications for how you live. Which it usually does.
I want more detail on what you mean. Does their lives infringe on your life?
There's no value in religion that you can see? The belief in God has no value?

I see great value in religion.

With it you can control the masses.

You condition them to accept authority and not reason things thru and basically accept a law simply be cause it is a law also makes it easier to have them accept economic and political decisions.

They reason things that folk being in power must be Gods will and all part of the plan.

Its not long ago folk accepted the king be cause obviously God put him there.

Religion certainly has benefits to control a society.

Also it gives a military advantage.

If not for religion the masses may question killing others but with God on their side its OK and belief in God acts to remove any guilt and transform murder into a duty.

Religion takes away the guilt that could be felt from exploiting animals or destroying the planet.

It is ,the planet, they are, the animals, are Gods gift ... Its all for us.

So I certainly see the benefit.

If I was the leader I would not get rid of religion but encourage it..I would even have ID in schools and religious classes compulsory.

The belief in God certainly has value to get the masses to accept that while others have everything they near starve.

The belief offers hope.

It may be crook now but be good obey Gods rules and you will get things better after you die...

Sure so accept the inequity it will be fantastic when you die.

And although your miserable existence points to there being no purpose a belief in God enables one to hide from that unpleasant reality.

So yes the benefits of religion and belief in God are there my only concern is seeing stupid humans taken advantage of by liars who promote made up crap as fact.

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Do I really have to justify reason? It produced technology including the thing you are typing on, medicine, vaccines, computers, heart transplants, environmentalism, justice...
Science produced those things, not atheism.
Possible they see what you cannot, and possibly they feel the same way about you. But I'm assuming you're happy.

Well they could see something I could not but if you limit the possibility to reality I expect I have it covered.

I have no doubt that believers feel they have all the answers that is part of their problem.

I realise there is much I don't know and try and learn new stuff all the time and that is perhaps in contrast to a believer who believe their ancient myths provided by relatively uneducated folk holds all the answers.
I am very happy and I put it down to, in part, to realising I am a responsible human well adjusted and free of sin who lives in this world with no untealistic belief that it will be better when I die.

Thank you for encouraging me to vent.
I know anything I say has no consequence on anyone else's belief and know well any facts or logic can not alter the belief programmed from birth and reinforced often by a community holding similar beliefs.

So yes the benefits of religion and belief in God are there my only concern is seeing stupid humans taken advantage of by liars who promote made up crap as fact.
Certainly there are those who will always take advantage. And you should point them out when you see them.
Have you ever experience a moment of absolute joy, so intense that it brings tears to your eyes?
Yes, when I took pictures of the wife of a friend giving birth.
I also experienced absolute sadness, when I saw an elephant being shot to death and watch this magnificent animal stagger and fall over.....(tears welling now)