An atheist who envies Theists


Rational Skeptic
Valued Senior Member
I envy those who expect a continued existence after death. It is a comforting thought mechanism for dealing with human morality.

I have a Christian friend who knows that I am an atheist. He smugly expects to be able to say: “I told you so.”

Since I expect oblivion, I obviously cannot have a similar expectation.​

An attitude I always admired & which I use to cope with my mortality
I want to have the courage to change for the better future events over which I have some control; The serenity to accept or ignore thinking about those future events over which I have no control; & the wisdom to know the difference.

BTW: I am not an evangelizing atheist. I tend to avoid discussing politics & religion. Such arguments are time consuming & seldom (if ever) change a person’s belief system.
Such arguments are time consuming & seldom (if ever) change a person’s belief system.
I see no need to change another's belief system. If what they believe makes them happy, why would I want to change that? I do take pleasure in talking about spirituality.
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I envy those who expect a continued existence after death. It is a comforting thought mechanism for dealing with human morality.

If my outlook on life was miserable id envy those who get relief whether it comes from superstitious beleifs or drugs… ect.!!!

I have a Christian friend who knows that I am an atheist. He smugly expects to be able to say: “I told you so.”

Since I expect oblivion, I obviously cannot have a similar expectation.

I just feel content wit the reality that i cant know all the answrs an nether does anybody else.!!!
I fail to understand how the idea of continued existence is comforting. It would be like never being allowed to go to sleep.

Note, I do feel a need to try and change people's belief systems, which do change all the time.
And if doing so made them miserable, would you have helped them?
Of course. Just like a doctor letting people know they have cancer. There might be a period of readjustment, but in any case , society will be better, which is a greater good.
Of course. Just like a doctor letting people know they have cancer. There might be a period of readjustment, but in any case , society will be better, which is a greater good.
How could it be cancer if it brings them happiness? How would society benefit from the misery of others?
How could it be cancer if it brings them happiness? How would society benefit from the misery of others?
Lots of harmful things make people happy, like tobacco and heroin. I'm here to claim that happiness doesn't depend on a belief in God. The church likes to pretend it's the only source of happiness, goodness, and morality, but that is a lie.
The church likes to pretend it's the only source of happiness, goodness, and morality, but that is a lie.
If that is where people find happiness, goodness, and morality, then that is the truth. You wouldn't go to church if you couldn't find happiness there, would you?
Notice the qualifier "only". If the church is your social life, then yes, something could be lost if you leave, but you can find new friends. The bigger lie is the afterlife. But it's not like all atheists are miserable in being atheists. Happiness can be found in all societies and cultures.
I worked for a company a while back, where the Muslim women were wearing hijabs. The first question in my mind was "Why?" Who was forcing them to wear such a thing? Then it dawned on me, "Why not?"
I worked for a company a while back, where the Muslim women were wearing hijabs. The first question in my mind was "Why?" Who was forcing them to wear such a thing? Then it dawned on me, "Why not?"
Why not? I'm not against personal or religious freedom, but the hijab represents a religion which is fundamentally opposed to women's liberty.
Some women might view it differently. If wearing a hijab makes her happy, who am I to argue?
I watched a utube vid last night.
The believer was being question about slavery being OK via the bible and asked if he therefore thought it was moral.
Instead of a direct honest answer he tried to say slavery was OK really and most slaves probably liked it...
That could be linked to the discussion here in so far as believers have an annoying tendency to somehow side step the issues...
Sorry I am tired and confused but anything that suggests slavery is OK or a woman should have to behave subject to the direction of demeaning dress code needs to been outted and called for what it is.
Drug abuse may make someone happy so you say why not, cruelty makes someone happy so why not,
BTW: I am not an evangelizing atheist.
Well you should be, all atheists should be.
I envy those who expect a continued existence after death.
I once did but I hold an overwhelming pity for these folk that they are so brain washed that their beliefs are beyond ridicule and laughter. Their general ignorance of the natural world is mega pitiful.
There must be a superlative for pity.

Its like they have something wrong with their brain that puts reasoning beyond their grasp... They can't even understand what it is to reason as they believe God has all the rules laid out and they can find all answers in his word...
As an aside I saw this loon who was saying we have clothes because God gave us clothes to protect us from could a kid grow up well adjusted when they are compelled to look up to idiots like that...
It all too much.
I feel somehow unclean that I live in a world where this nonsense is for such a large group normal.

If only I could print all that on a T shirt.
I see no harm in wearing a hijab, believing there is a God, or believing there is no god. Do you see any harm in the above?
Hijab wearers do harm to themselves because they do get sunlight which is necessary for the production of vit D.
Physical harm.
Believing there is a God does harm because it let's a human abdicate personal responsibility and avoid reasoning it seems on all levels.
And further to reject the truth of natural world by substituting ancient made up stuff clearly designed and motivated to enforce a set of morals to favour men over women, to favour men over animals, to favour one race over others.
By this nonsense of invoking the concept of sin leaves folk confused about the natural process of reproduction.
How many kids must grow up confused and guilty about sex and their bodies.
Consider just how much better the world would be if everyone was rational, that is entitled to think for themselves, rather than programmed just like little robots to perform subject to a program that must cause confusion when truth is laid before them.
Think how many fools take the bible literally.
And it is all made up fantasy.
God created the who witnessed him doing so.
Well no one of course but the lie is perpetuated when by apply s little reasoning you can simply say...who witnessed such?

Harm done?

Make a list of the multitudes killed in the name of God.

Ask why folk are ashamed of their body.

Ask why so many men think their wives are somehow their possession.

Ask why slavery was readily accepted as morally right before its abandonment. The bible says its is right..can you believe that and it says such even to this day.

Does just that one fact not cause alarm?
You can't sidestep it, you can't justify it, you can't make it go away.

Ask why racial intolerance is impossible to make go away.

The problems that can be laid at the feet of religion are embarrassing for the believer and causes a observable dishonestly in their very approach to discussion.
There is so much evidence in support of that dishonesty that any argument for rejection of religion is a no contest.

It is a pity ignorance is somehow acceptable.
