An apology to religion

I don't really think that was his point. But to answer your question, the more I trust god the more I do trust myself. God has taught me more about myself than anything else. And gods been right.
M*W: Interesting perception. Did you ever think that you might be the god of your universe?
M*W: Oh, but that's where you are wrong. Each of us do have our own universe, even theists, if they would just try to understand it for a nanosecond. Our mere existence emanates outwardly from each of us into the greater scheme of existence whether one admits it or not. There is an interconnectedness with all creation. We are not alone in this process. Everything we think and do affects us and everyone else. You were talking about balance yesterday. Understanding our place in the universe helps us find that balance. It comes from within, and not from some religion or holy book which is from without.

i understand what you're saying...that we all contribute to the whole. what i was saying is that we are all part of the same whole, and subject to the same law, etc.
M*W: Interesting perception. Did you ever think that you might be the god of your universe?

no. i'm not trying to separate myself. i'm trying to commune. in relation to my responsibility, i do believe that my thoughts and desires manifest. and god has helped me tremendously in determining truths and realizations that have become a part of my perception, thereby changing my thoughts and desires and eventually my reality.
i understand what you're saying...that we all contribute to the whole. what i was saying is that we are all part of the same whole, and subject to the same law, etc.
M*W: Agreed, and I certainly don't believe that it is prideful or egotistical thinking.

If knowledge exists then the term “faith” becomes redundant, one can simply show the evidence and faith is not needed. Faith is only called when evidence is absent. ”

Its not clear how one can even approach the issue of knowledge without first coming in touch with faith.
This is simple. One never needs faith for anything. Faith simply means belief without evidence for support. If evidence is absent then one is always free not to choose.

For instance suppose you want to know how to fix your car.

What's the first thing you do?
Obtain the knowledge from others who have demonstrated practical application of their abilities, i.e. there will be evidence for their ability to train you.

“ To show a truth also requires evidence; hence a truth cannot be claimed if evidence is absent. ”

and to take that a step further evidence cannot be claimed until one is first qualified. If it was otherwise there would be no need to go to two different places if one is seeking both legal and car mechanical advice.
And one can always verify that the sources are authoritative before seeking assistance. I.e. there is NEVER an instance when a choice must be made based on FAITH, that is always an irrational action.

“ From that we can see that faith is not a basis for a truth. ”

actually all that is seen at the moment is that you have glossed over the details as to how one would begin to become knowledgeable.
It is self-evident as described above.

…..why do people choose to deride the knowledge based claims of others while neglecting the prerequisites of qualification?
This is perfectly acceptable when the claims for such knowledge are without merit, i.e. religious claims. The absence of demonstrable evidence for fantastic claims deserves no respect. The use of empiricism coupled with logical reasoning is the only established and recognized process for establishing knowledge, and has a proven record. Your alleged alternative of direct perception from claimed authoritative mystics remains indistinguishable from any of, delusion, imaginative fantasies, or baseless extreme speculations. All of which are significantly more credible.

“ And as yet NO ONE has shown anything that does NOT have a physical basis. Can you show otherwise? ”

There's heaps of things.

Life for one (unless of course we want to accept post dated rain cheques ... a practice hardly compatible with empiricism)
Life is very physical as your very physical existence proves, and hardly a heap of things.

You know there is NOTHING that can be shown that does NOT have a physical basis.

“ And the difference is that you can try all these medical suggestions and test them for yourself. One cannot do the same for 3000 different fantasies. They are unreal and untestable. ”

Ironically, we usually determine whether something is real or not after we test them .....
And one would test the existence of gods by using proven testing methods, and that only leaves empiricism, right? Your alternatives are unproven in any practical extent.

I certainly can distinguish between fantasy and reality regarding my own life's events, and you imagining that you might be able to do that better than I, never having experienced my life's events yourself is not only egotistical, its ridiculous. Your claims are entirely unsubstantiated and based upon nothing other than what you want to believe.
It is not your life events that I question but your claim to their cause that cannot be distinguished from fantasy, i.e. a god.

This is simple. One never needs faith for anything. Faith simply means belief without evidence for support. If evidence is absent then one is always free not to choose.
I'm not sure you see the problem.

Given that the stage of having something evidenced occurs after the stage of not having something evidenced, what do you suppose bridges the two states that is so distinct from the word "faith".

Obtain the knowledge from others who have demonstrated practical application of their abilities, i.e. there will be evidence for their ability to train you.
If you are bereft of the knowledge, how are you suggesting that it be evidenced?

And one can always verify that the sources are authoritative before seeking assistance. I.e. there is NEVER an instance when a choice must be made based on FAITH, that is always an irrational action.
I see.

One can circumvent issues of faith by trusting authority .....


It is self-evident as described above.
What is self evident about a mechanic who you have yet to witness fix a car being capable of the task?
This is perfectly acceptable when the claims for such knowledge are without merit, i.e. religious claims. The absence of demonstrable evidence for fantastic claims deserves no respect.
actually it is the person who displays an absence of initiative to meet the demands of having a claim evidenced (while simultaneously deriding the claim) that deserves no respect
The use of empiricism coupled with logical reasoning is the only established and recognized process for establishing knowledge, and has a proven record.
So if you have never carried out a DNA test on your mother, what the hell do you think you're doing sending her a card on mother's day?
Your alleged alternative of direct perception from claimed authoritative mystics remains indistinguishable from any of, delusion, imaginative fantasies, or baseless extreme speculations. All of which are significantly more credible.

what is significantly more credible about a delusion, imaginative fantasy or baseless extreme speculation?

Or are you succumbing to hyperbole?

Life is very physical as your very physical existence proves, and hardly a heap of things.
On the contrary, your very physical existence proves otherwise ... or is it that when you say hello to someone, you are addressing their eyebrow or big toe?

You know there is NOTHING that can be shown that does NOT have a physical basis.
Only if one is accepting, by the non-empirical method of post dated rain cheques, that everything can be reduced to physical terms.

And one would test the existence of gods by using proven testing methods, and that only leaves empiricism, right? Your alternatives are unproven in any practical extent.
And that's your problem. You accept empiricism as having a monopoly on all knowable claims. Unfortunately this excludes your mother on mothers day, what to speak of god.

I finally found my salvation!

From reading what you wrote it seems like you have decided to value psychological satiation more than truth. That's completely natural and many people hold that same value; however, I would question the intent of announcing your change of values on a science site.
Jayleew: I needed salvation for myself, because I wasn't enjoying life anymore. Glad I found it. And I'm trying to get my balance, I never knew the obvious truth until recently. With me I searched my soul, I overwhelmed my mind, but I left myself behind (many bad habits like: poor exercise, not eating healthy, smoking, was a binge drinker around 8-10 years ago until stomache issues made me slow down, occasional weed smoker, etc...). But yes balance is what I need, I know that ;).

After a few days getting out and doing/seeing things, I regained control again too ;).
You'll be happy to know I'm sleeping and functioning better then ever, it took a about a week or so to come down though.

I do need to rediscover what I want out of life for myself though, cause I'm really not sure right now - I'm enjoying my moments, but after wasting so much time I sort of lost what I want, a trip is in my near future after I get my passport and a couple buddies save up a few bucks (I've never been outside of North America!). After the trip, I need to think of my future, but I'm gonna enjoy my moments for awhile before I think too far ahead.

PE - I totally agree, my metephoric epiphany sounded something like 'my Body is my universe, and I am the God of my Body' but it went much further then that cause another part of the message refered to everything as part of our one universe. To the Body, I am in control of my universe, but to the soul I am a part of One universe, and to the mind it's just what is most important to me that makes up my One thing, and I ussually go with one step at a time since life long goals are only good to those that never doubt themselves, and I still seem to have anxiety even though I know there is nothing to be afraid of. But the spiritual version of One is different then the Body's version of One - I totally agree with what you posted (PE), but I don't think it has anything to do with the spiritual guidance religion can offer to those that choose that path - I didn't even use a religious path, and I am not religious, but after finding my path, when I looked back I saw many roads joining like a freeway with One Answer. My path went through absurd possibilities, never ending questions, stimulation of the brain, all combined with a selfless crash! But I'm back on the rise, and I still found the same answer ;).

I don't think I was conversing with 'God' in my journey, I felt like I tapped into something within myself that came from my own sub-conscious. But I also know that every journey is different, so the journey isn't as important as the multiple perspectives of One Thing to the mind, body and soul - keeping balance, and not losing our spirtuality while in the physical reality.
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What do you think you have been saved from?

Faith has zero value - it simply means believing something true with no evidence for support. It might make you feel good but don't confuse that what you believe has any basis for claiming a truth.

Understand the difference between belief of a proposal where there is evidence and belief where there is none. One is a rational position the other is irrational.

You are phsyically real and you have no basis to suspect you are anything else.

What is a god? Note there are some 3000 differnt versions man has recorded, and all are just as fanciful as each other. Why pick any of them? What evidence can you point to that might support your choice?

I wasn't saved from anything other then myself. But it has changed me forever!

Physical evidence is not the only way to find truth. Physical and Spiritual are 2 sides of the same thing - you just don't understand the spiritual side, so you think the physical side is the only way, I use to be the same - you will find your own truth eventually - but judging others and thinking you know, well sorry, but you have much to learn still.
It doesn't matter what is believed, or what journey we need to take for ourelves, because we are all different (and the same - 2 sides to everything ;)) - what matters is that eventually we all find One. For those that can trust faith in spirituality they can find their way much quicker then someone like me that use to need evidence. But without the lows we wouldn't feel the highs, so I'm glad I crashed, because I'm now stronger then ever. You think you know more then me, and that I believe in 'blind faith' but I see myself in your post, back when I was still living blindly!

Ration and logic apply to the physical, again you only understand one side when there is another side that you choose to ignore.

I am physically real, and what makes me up is all also many physically real living organisms. My body is full of life. I'm a part of life that fills this universe with life. Life is everywhere, my life is one and many all at once! As for thinking the physical is the only side, lol. Good news for you is the spirtual side is present for everyone whether you believe or you don't - but it's kind of funny that your claiminmg the physical is the only thing.
Their is 2 sides to everything. Not everything can be explained. Their are more spirtual people in the world then you realize, but most spiritual people know they need balance and don't try arguing with those that don't understand.
Oh but not all religious people are spiritual! Unfortunetly many misinterpretations can get confused, and thats why religion is a problem, but the spiritual guidance is a benefiet (2 sides to everything!).

What is 'God'?
Good question, I agree that their have been way too many misinterpretations, so much so, that I preffer to speek of One.
It's everything and nothing all at once.
It's whatever is most important to you, being at peace with yourself, and being at peace with all life.
It's understanding 2 sides to everything, including life itself with the physical and the spiritual but keeping balance.
And although I now understand, I'm still seeking it for myself - it's always easier said then done for me ;).

Oh and crunchy - You couldn't be more wrong. I'm taking a physics coarse as we speek. Science and spirituality are equally important to me. Evidence is needed to understand the physical. Faith finds truth in the spiritual. Both coexist with balance - this is the balance I do have. My lose of balance comes from mistreating my body while I overthought about that which I couldn't contrtol. I'm finding balance with my mind, body and soul - I have good balance with physical reality and spirituality. Knowledge is found in both evidence and in faith, just 2 different kinds of knowledge. I still love science ;).
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The song another one bites the dust comes to mind with this one. Man where do you start to respond to something like this. If only people would step back and read the Bible's of the world as they are books intended to pass on personal experience of the people that the stories were about. Setting aside any spiritual belief system just read the book. I think you may come back with a different feeling, years ago they band the book Catcher in th Rye from schools saying is was too sexually explicated well there are a few stories in the Bible that are of that nature. So why is it not banned too seems to make one think well at least it started me thinking I realized religion was a crock of Shit for lack of a better word at a very young age, and I see no reason to become one with god or Jesus or any thing else there maybe. I have free will I have control over my own actions I will live with such actions until the day I die I dont need absolution from a Priest preacher or any other person that says they have a link to God for no other reason then they were schooled in the religion of their choice. No thanks just look around and see what Religious people are doing every day in the name of their God and or country it sickens me and only firms up be belief that all people not matter of who there are want one thing and that is a feeling of self and a feeling that there is more to life than living. Wake-up please and realize this is it there is not magical place to go to after you die. The sad truth is you die you eventually rot and are forgotten.
The song another one bites the dust comes to mind with this one. Man where do you start to respond to something like this. If only people would step back and read the Bible's of the world as they are books intended to pass on personal experience of the people that the stories were about. Setting aside any spiritual belief system just read the book. I think you may come back with a different feeling, years ago they band the book Catcher in th Rye from schools saying is was too sexually explicated well there are a few stories in the Bible that are of that nature. So why is it not banned too seems to make one think well at least it started me thinking I realized religion was a crock of Shit for lack of a better word at a very young age, and I see no reason to become one with god or Jesus or any thing else there maybe. I have free will I have control over my own actions I will live with such actions until the day I die I dont need absolution from a Priest preacher or any other person that says they have a link to God for no other reason then they were schooled in the religion of their choice. No thanks just look around and see what Religious people are doing every day in the name of their God and or country it sickens me and only firms up be belief that all people not matter of who there are want one thing and that is a feeling of self and a feeling that there is more to life than living. Wake-up please and realize this is it there is not magical place to go to after you die. The sad truth is you die you eventually rot and are forgotten.

You understand what One means to the mind. Because to the mind we are the significant One that is control of everything we do.

However the mind is not the only thing that has an interpretation of what One is.

To the body we are the significant One that many living organisms make complete. To our Body we are in a metephoric sense - 'God'. We control how we take care of our body even if we don't understand the effects our actions can have on the life within us. To the body, it's many living parts that form us as One whole person.

But the part everyone seems to be having trouble with is what One means to the soul. I guess this should be expected on a science forum, although many of you logical minds out there would be shooked to see how many brilliant scientists of the past were very spiritual - back in their time, spirituality was still strong, even with the scietific researches! To the Soul, we are all a part of One, that is everything, all of life, and it is what many perceive as 'God'. With all the misinterpretations out there, I preffer to speak of One then of 'God' but metephorically, it is easy to see the connection.

Your doubt in the afterlife doesn't change my knowledge that it exists! I don't know what it is, and I would expect many different forms of afterlife just as there is many forms of life. But no matter where my next life goes, I'll see the positives and I'll live in my Heaven, as I already am trying to do for the rest of my physical life as well. Heaven and Hell are not places, but rather they are perceptions of the places we find ourselfs in - both in life and afterlife.

I will give you this though - while I'm here, in this physical life, I need to enjoy all my moments, because I doubt any afterlife is like this one! I'm not worried about anything that is beyond my control anymore. But other peoples doubts in what I know doesn't bring any doubt to me. I use to be against religion, because I can see the many obvious things wrong that cause needless conflict in others - but the problems with religion come from those that try to apply a spirtual guide to physical reality. You don't look for evedince in the spirtual side, thats a physical trait! Balance is extremely important, and I love both science and spirtuality.

I've always loved knowledge. I use to believe that without evidence their was no truth. I was wrong. I've found new knowledge in places I didn't expect to find it, but I still seek evidence to deal with the physical side. Faith won't explain science - and evidence doesn't explain spirituality - but just cause you don't understand something, doesn't make you right.

I don't know why so many still fear what they don't understand! Instead of exploring what is possible, we ignore the things that frighten us.
Almost everyone has what is percieved as a 'breakdown' at some point. Generally we tend to view this negatively. We think we are losing control, we are going insane, and it's overwhelming. Our self-awareness is heightened as well as our emotions - and with heightened emotions we do need to be careful not to fall into any sadness, cause it can become a downward spiral if we aren't in the right state during this overwhelming experience. But these momentsw when we crash, and we fill ourself with sorrow, we are in a sence living in Hell at that point, and our spirtual side is trying to remind us what we need to know. Part of the problem is we don't use our spirtual side very often, and when our sub-conscious is awake while we are awake, we are not use to so much activity in our brains. It scares us. I couldn't sleep for 4 days after my crash, but I came out of it stronger then ever!
All I really needed to do to regain control, was get out and do things - I was overthinking and not doing anything at first.

I share this because I don't care if those that don't understand think I'm 'nuts' - I want to assure those that do understand, that nothing is wrong with them, and that just because a confused world is too afraid to explore what they don't understand doesn't mean you can't explore things for yourself. Although I will say relaxed meditation is a much healthier way to get in touch, then the crazy journey I needed to take for myself ;).

Oh, and I'm not religious, I use to be against all forms of religion because I'm against violence - however I now see 2 sides, and I don't need to be religious to see the spirtual guidance it can offer. Spirtual guidence doesn't make sense to spomeone that only trusts logic - it's not the only path, it's not even the path I took, but it is one of the many paths you can take.
Oh and crunchy - You couldn't be more wrong. I'm taking a physics coarse as we speek.

Did I say you weren't?

Science and spirituality are equally important to me. Evidence is needed to understand the physical. Faith finds truth in the spiritual.

Can you clearly define what you mean by the word "spiritual"?

Both coexist with balance - this is the balance I do have. My lose of balance comes from mistreating my body while I overthought about that which I couldn't contrtol. I'm finding balance with my mind, body and soul - I have good balance with physical reality and spirituality. Knowledge is found in both evidence and in faith, just 2 different kinds of knowledge. I still love science ;).

Can you clearly define what you mean by the word "soul"? Also for the word "faith" are you defining it as "acceptance of an assertion as truth without regard to evidence" or "unconditional trust in <specify your target>"?
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If I want a tngly feeling I will make adate with my wife. So far you have not show me anything other then your personal feelings and findings with out producing anything that show proof. However i can produce proff to you that when I get a tngly feeling it is one Adrenaline induced 2 Drug/alcohol enduced or 3 As mentioned before when my wife is around. So perhaps if I think let you appear to be then maybe my wife is God.
And besdies Pipes you did not even touch any of the points I raised in the post you quoted.
Did I say you weren't?

Can you clearly define what you mean by the word "spiritual"?

Can you clearly define what you mean by the word "soul"? Also for the word "faith" are you defining it as "acceptance of an assertion as truth without regard to evidence" or "unconditional trust in <specify your target>"?

I didn't mean for you to take offense, but I just wanted to be clear, I am a logical thinker for the most part, when I'm functioning - but I'm also a creative thinker when I'm exploring my own thoughts.

Deffinitions, why? Are you looking for my interpretation or your own?

The easiest way to define spirtual would be the opposite of physical.

Soul or spirit - it is the part of me that is spirtual. This is the part that we continue to enjoy in the afterlife.

Faith in the spirtual is the equivalent of evidence in the physical.

I don't disregard physical evidence, the physical is just as important to me right now.
I didn't mean for you to take offense...

What did I take offense with?

..., but I just wanted to be clear, I am a logical thinker for the most part, when I'm functioning - but I'm also a creative thinker when I'm exploring my own thoughts.

Okey dokey.

Deffinitions, why? Are you looking for my interpretation or your own?

I'm looking for yours of course.

The easiest way to define spirtual would be the opposite of physical.

Anti-physical? Can you give me an example?

Soul or spirit - it is the part of me that is spirtual. This is the part that we continue to enjoy in the afterlife.

So, there is an anti-physical part of your body? Where is it? How does it function to achieve consciousness when you're dead? What is the afterlife? Wheere is it?

Faith in the spirtual is the equivalent of evidence in the physical.


I don't disregard physical evidence, the physical is just as important to me right now.
