An apology to religion


Through Him
Translation: Delusion that he is real.

Any dramatic changes in the World at large could only come if the World at large accepted Him.
Baseless preaching.

Most of the World does not accept Him.
Well what a surprise, given 2000 years to think it over only the foolish would continue to believe such gibberish.

Therefore the only way a worldwide change will occur is when Jesus returns and the option of acceptance or rejection is removed.

He will come when He will come and it will happen. .
More hopeless preaching.
I finally found my salvation!
My path was very long and intense.
While I was on my personal journey, I was still consumed with my physical reality. So, I naturally tried to bring others on my journey with me.

I now finally understand that their are many paths to salvation!

For me, knowledge was always more important then believe. However knowledge didn't mean much if I didn't understand! Because of that, faith without evidence was never enough for me, I saw it as 'blind faith' and I was against it not only for me, but for everyone!

I now realize not everyone needs to understand knowledge to know the truth!

I saw religion for all the literal things I was against, so I never attempted to fully understand the spiritual side of it! I found my salvation without religion, but then realized - damn, that book I was so against, is not a book of my physical reality, but a book of the spiritual reality I never understood!
When taken spiritually, I now see the truth in religion - I just couldn't see it until after I found the answers I needed. I never needed religion to get my salvation, and I won't need religion to keep mine neither, but I now see how religion can be one of the paths.

I wanted something so pure, I forgot about balance - and ironically I am a Libra!

I looked at my wonderful physical reality, and gazed into the one life of my universe, and I asked tons of questions, and I was consumed by it all - but I took for granted all the life inside of me!

When I questioned God, one of the reasons for my questioning was because of all the needless suffering I saw in my physical reality, and I wondered what kind of a God could exist in such a cruel world? I didn't recognize the needless suffering I was doing to myself by consuming myself with the sorrows of the world.
A message I received near the end of my journey went something like this:

'What kind of a God could exist, well you are the God of your own body. You searched for answers everywhere yet you ignored the lives that saw you as God, the life in you. You did not do this with purpose or intent, but you did this nonetheless. John, you have told many people and you may have been right even when you didn't really understand, now hear it from within and hear it for yourself Ignorance is Bliss

The multiple meanings everything has, well it's amazing, and since I took a longer road needing to understand knowledge, I see many things much better now. I had so many misinterpretations, that even when I had the answers, I didn't know I knew!!!!

I just found my salvation, and I haven't slept in a couple days, my body is tingling with joy, after I had a long heart to heart with myself about the ignorance I had.

I got myself so attached to this physical reality, I know I can't get to the full side of my spiritual reality right now, but I understand why. I'll still tap into my spirtual side all the time, but the pureness can wait till my physical is done. The rest of my physical pressence, I need to make up for some lost time with the life within me! I want to live a healthier lifestyle, although I kinda see multiple meanings to this too - everything has multiple meanings, and I don't understand it all, I just got to the point where I know enough to find what I needed for me!

Special note to Lori, thanx for the patience dear, I think I needed to question someone with strong enough faith, since I found my salvation through a much different journey. Before I found it, I couldn't understand - you knew without knowing how you knew, but you allowed me to ask questions and you never got offended - many individuals helped me without realizing, I've thanked a few of the ones that are face to face but I wanted to give you some special thanx. You helped me find what I needed, and you didn't even realize you were helping me - I was one of the blind, that thought I was awake to a blind world!!!!!

Seeing you post on sciforums, I'm sure that doubts will hit you soon!(they hit me hard) But stay strong!

What do you think you have been saved from?

Faith has zero value - it simply means believing something true with no evidence for support. It might make you feel good but don't confuse that what you believe has any basis for claiming a truth.

Understand the difference between belief of a proposal where there is evidence and belief where there is none. One is a rational position the other is irrational.

You are phsyically real and you have no basis to suspect you are anything else.

What is a god? Note there are some 3000 differnt versions man has recorded, and all are just as fanciful as each other. Why pick any of them? What evidence can you point to that might support your choice?
Seeing you post on sciforums, I'm sure that doubts will hit you soon!(they hit me hard) But stay strong!

Just for the record pipes, doubts never hit me.

And cris, you're full of shit. Faith is trust in something you know. You just don't know.

What do you think you have been saved from?

Faith has zero value - it simply means believing something true with no evidence for support. It might make you feel good but don't confuse that what you believe has any basis for claiming a truth.

you believe this to be true or you have evidence?

Understand the difference between belief of a proposal where there is evidence and belief where there is none. One is a rational position the other is irrational.
You made the statement that faith has zero value.

we're waiting for the evidence

You are phsyically real and you have no basis to suspect you are anything else.
A brief look at "philosophy" in wiki indicates a greater percentage who disagree

What is a god? Note there are some 3000 differnt versions man has recorded, and all are just as fanciful as each other.
Kind of like the medical industry.

One doctor wants to change my diet. Another wants to give me pills. Another gives me ointment. Another wants to operate. Another wants to use acupuncture. Another gives an exercise routine.

When on earth will these bozos make up their mind and arrive at one means?
Why pick any of them? What evidence can you point to that might support your choice?
Even the medical industry becomes a conundrum for as long as one cannot see the singular value of "improved personal health".

And cris, you're full of shit. Faith is trust in something you know. You just don't know.
What you claim you know has no distintion from fantasy.
Being the master of your own universe. Problem is you cannot be the master of your own universe and you never will. It's just another of prides induced delusions.
M*W: No, Adstar, it's not about pride. I have never been a prideful person, even though you might think so. However, I have had to survive in a very tough world and had to make sure others survived, too. Belief in a deity would have been a delusion, and I wouldn't have survived waiting on some higher power to take control. I had to be strong for myself and my family to survive a life you just wouldn't believe anyway. There is no god to thank for it.
You know I agree with you. I say it all the time, that atheists use religion as a scapegoat. Its disappointing because its too easy. Knowing god and experiencing god IS very personal. That personal aspect of it is all that matters. That's why when communion is restored, religion will become obsolete.
M*W: Hi Lori. I'll be nice this time. What do you mean when you refer to "communion." Do you mean like humanity as a whole or a religious sacrament like bread and wine?

I agree with you that one's experience with a higher power is a personal experience. You present an interesting concept that "when communion is restored, religion will become obsolete." I would just like to hear more about it. Thanks.
M*W: No, Adstar, it's not about pride. I have never been a prideful person, even though you might think so. However, I have had to survive in a very tough world and had to make sure others survived, too. Belief in a deity would have been a delusion, and I wouldn't have survived waiting on some higher power to take control. I had to be strong for myself and my family to survive a life you just wouldn't believe anyway. There is no god to thank for it.

There is no such thing as your own universe and why would you thank something you want nothing to do with?
In your imagination which supports your egotistical agenda it doesn't.
M*W: What is egotistical (prideful) about trusting in onself? Unless a person can do that, he's condemned to failure (whatever that may be on a personal level). It's not an option.
no. i'm not talking about an imbalance on the inside. i'm talking about a realization and a knowledge that comes from the spiritual (on the inside) that actually gives you peace in a world that is drenched in violence, perversion, and calamity. when i say "tip the scales", i mean to allow that balance on the inside manifest to the outside, thus changing the world to align itself with the peace that you feel.
M*W: Balance may come to people through different ways. Some may find balance in religion. Others in spirituality. I found it through self-determination.

I like the way you describe it, "...(balance) gives you peace in a world that is drenched in violence, perversion, and calamity." " allow that balance on the inside manifest to the outside (as in the real world), thus changing the world to align itself with the peace that you feel." It always begins within the person and manifests outwardly into the world. I can totally identify with that.

Faith has zero value - it simply means believing something true with no evidence for support. It might make you feel good but don't confuse that what you believe has any basis for claiming a truth.

you believe this to be true or you have evidence?
If knowledge exists then the term “faith” becomes redundant, one can simply show the evidence and faith is not needed. Faith is only called when evidence is absent.

To show a truth also requires evidence; hence a truth cannot be claimed if evidence is absent.

From that we can see that faith is not a basis for a truth.

Why do people choose to claim something true without any evidential basis? It is that inherent human quality of curiosity and our powerful desires to know answers and the desire to have any answer tends to outweigh the rational process of proof. I.e. we feel good when we think we know something.

You made the statement that faith has zero value.

we're waiting for the evidence
Proven above.

“ You are phsyically real and you have no basis to suspect you are anything else. ”

A brief look at "philosophy" in wiki indicates a greater percentage who disagree
And as yet NO ONE has shown anything that does NOT have a physical basis. Can you show otherwise?

“ What is a god? Note there are some 3000 differnt versions man has recorded, and all are just as fanciful as each other. ”

Kind of like the medical industry.

One doctor wants to change my diet. Another wants to give me pills. Another gives me ointment. Another wants to operate. Another wants to use acupuncture. Another gives an exercise routine.

When on earth will these bozos make up their mind and arrive at one means?

“ Why pick any of them? What evidence can you point to that might support your choice? ”

Even the medical industry becomes a conundrum for as long as one cannot see the singular value of "improved personal health".
And the difference is that you can try all these medical suggestions and test them for yourself. One cannot do the same for 3000 different fantasies. They are unreal and untestable.

What you claim you know has no distintion from fantasy. ”

In your imagination which supports your egotistical agenda it doesn't.
Whatever the state of my imagination or egotistical nature, neither changes the certainty that you cannot distinguish between what you claim to KNOW and FANTASY.

And further, given the enormous fantasitic nature of the claims then fantasy is by far the more credible explanation.

If knowledge exists then the term “faith” becomes redundant, one can simply show the evidence and faith is not needed. Faith is only called when evidence is absent.
Its not clear how one can even approach the issue of knowledge without first coming in touch with faith.

For instance suppose you want to know how to fix your car.

What's the first thing you do?

To show a truth also requires evidence; hence a truth cannot be claimed if evidence is absent.
and to take that a step further evidence cannot be claimed until one is first qualified. If it was otherwise there would be no need to go to two different places if one is seeking both legal and car mechanical advice.

From that we can see that faith is not a basis for a truth.
actually all that is seen at the moment is that you have glossed over the details as to how one would begin to become knowledgeable.

Why do people choose to claim something true without any evidential basis? It is that inherent human quality of curiosity and our powerful desires to know answers and the desire to have any answer tends to outweigh the rational process of proof. I.e. we feel good when we think we know something.
Along similar lines, why do people choose to deride the knowledge based claims of others while neglecting the prerequisites of qualification? It is the inherent human quality of pride and our powerful desire to assert dominance in all fields that tends to outweigh the rational response that only certain professionals have scope to certain professional fields. I.e. we feel good when we think we know something.

And as yet NO ONE has shown anything that does NOT have a physical basis. Can you show otherwise?
There's heaps of things.

Life for one (unless of course we want to accept post dated rain cheques ... a practice hardly compatible with empiricism)

And the difference is that you can try all these medical suggestions and test them for yourself. One cannot do the same for 3000 different fantasies. They are unreal and untestable.
Ironically, we usually determine whether something is real or not after we test them .....

M*W: Hi Lori. I'll be nice this time. What do you mean when you refer to "communion." Do you mean like humanity as a whole or a religious sacrament like bread and wine?

I agree with you that one's experience with a higher power is a personal experience. You present an interesting concept that "when communion is restored, religion will become obsolete." I would just like to hear more about it. Thanks.

Ok thanks!

The ritual with the bread and wine is symbolic of a real thing, that I see as the whole point of the bible.

That now, we have a defect that the bible calls sin. Its defined as genetic, as it is inherent in our flesh. Jesus was told to be free of this defect. It is said to separate us from god and each other, causing us to suffer and apparently die.

When we are reborn into the kingdom (we being the church), we will be reborn with the same sinnless flesh (redeemed) and communion will be restored.

Religious people are always talking about the blood of christ. It heals, redeems, saves. In the ceremony. The wine which represents his blood is contained in a vessel, the holy grail. The body is also a vessel for blood. The church is also the body of christ and his bride. This indicates to me that when the sinless blood of christ is married with the church, our bodies, through rebirth, communion will be restored. We will be perfected, and suffer no more.
M*W: What is egotistical (prideful) about trusting in onself? Unless a person can do that, he's condemned to failure (whatever that may be on a personal level). It's not an option.

I don't really think that was his point. But to answer your question, the more I trust god the more I do trust myself. God has taught me more about myself than anything else. And gods been right.

Whatever the state of my imagination or egotistical nature, neither changes the certainty that you cannot distinguish between what you claim to KNOW and FANTASY.

And further, given the enormous fantasitic nature of the claims then fantasy is by far the more credible explanation.

I certainly can distinguish between fantasy and reality regarding my own life's events, and you imagining that you might be able to do that better than I, never having experienced my life's events yourself is not only egotistical, its ridiculous. Your claims are entirely unsubstantiated and based upon nothing other than what you want to believe.
I don't really think that was his point. But to answer your question, the more I trust god the more I do trust myself. God has taught me more about myself than anything else. And gods been right.
We are stardust, we are golden. :m:
There is no such thing as your own universe and why would you thank something you want nothing to do with?
M*W: Oh, but that's where you are wrong. Each of us do have our own universe, even theists, if they would just try to understand it for a nanosecond. Our mere existence emanates outwardly from each of us into the greater scheme of existence whether one admits it or not. There is an interconnectedness with all creation. We are not alone in this process. Everything we think and do affects us and everyone else. You were talking about balance yesterday. Understanding our place in the universe helps us find that balance. It comes from within, and not from some religion or holy book which is from without.