American Universities: Conservatives Need Not Apply

Conservatism is for the most part, anti-intellectual. It's more about grand ideologies of good and evil, the US is always right, don't look too deeply into our troubled past. Calling the Vietnam War a big mistake isn't even conservative, it's the consensus of the nation.
Conservatism is for the most part, anti-intellectual. It's more about grand ideologies of good and evil, the US is always right, don't look too deeply into our troubled past. Calling the Vietnam War a big mistake isn't even conservative, it's the consensus of the nation.

true story
The educational atmosphere is not devoid of religion. The vast majority of students are theists.
The educational atmosphere is not devoid of religion. The vast majority of students are theists.

they have a theological belief, that doesnt mean that they conform to any one particular religous group, and many college students are open to interpretation of religion and religous doctrine.
Conservativism isn't even close to being anti-intellectual. You are mistakenly assuming that people who don't agree with you must be stupid. Theology, for example, can be highly intellectual. And yet, you would label that conservative. Republicans for instance love to make money. They will think very hard in order to do so. You grossly underestimate their collective brain power.
What do you mean they don't conform to any one particular religious group? Yes they do, i.e. Catholics, Baptists, Jews, Muslims. Your ideas of a free thinking hippie student body only exists in your mind.
Conservativism isn't even close to being anti-intellectual. You are mistakenly assuming that people who don't agree with you must be stupid. Theology, for example, can be highly intellectual. And yet, you would label that conservative. Republicans for instance love to make money. They will think very hard in order to do so. You grossly underestimate their collective brain power.

Being intellectual doesnt mean thinking hard about making money, it means making money but weighing the pros and cons of the ways you make money and not jsut sticking to the course of action that you decided is best, taking in opther peoples views is part of being intellectual.

What do you mean they don't conform to any one particular religious group? Yes they do, i.e. Catholics, Baptists, Jews, Muslims. Your ideas of a free thinking hippie student body only exists in your mind.

well I would say alot of college students are pro gay rights which would exclude them as a hardline christian, or conservative
Being intellectual means using your intellect. It doesn't mean taking other people's views into account. And making money is very hard, so conservatives who do so are using their intellect.
Being intellectual means using your intellect. It doesn't mean taking other people's views into account. And making money is very hard, so conservatives who do so are using their intellect.

being ethical is part of being an intellectual
Since when are conservatives exclusively hard line Christians? Since when have most college students been pro gay rights?
Your rules of ethics are different than the market rules of ethics. Don't think conservatives are unethical just because they don't follow your rules. They follow market rules.
You define what far right is. What does far right mean to you? Aren't there a lot of left wing Christians?
Your rules of ethics are different than the market rules of ethics. Don't think conservatives are unethical just because they don't follow your rules. They follow market rules.

Market rules dont take into account the impact of certain things on humanity or even the indivdual, if you dont look at the bigger picture and just look at a fraction of it how can you be an intellectual?
I can buy Vietnam as a "noble conflict" to a point...but only on a very superficial level.

The Geneva Conference called for the end of the partition of the country in the mid 50's following elections. "Our guy" Diem, appointed by us but with strong nationalist credentials (so not an unreasonable choice), cancelled the elections when it became clear that the communists were going to win (as President Eisenhower said, "80 per cent of the population would have voted for the Communist Ho Chi Minh"). Diem then (some ally) started ignoring us and taking military action against his political opponents.

They then later held an election so rigged that Diem literally had, in Saigon, about 130% of the city's population voting for him (he won by 98% in the country as a whole). The South increasingly became hostile to Diem, and Diem responded with torture, executions, and general paranoia. His regime was under greater threat from internal coups than it was from the communists, which is why the U.S. began to fear he'd cut a deal with the north once the election had solidified his "legitimacy." It's also why we backed the generals who eventually staged a successful coup against him (and murdered him).

Our ally...murdered by the insurgents that we plotted against him with. Not exactly the "noble" stuff. The resulting government failed and fell, as did several others. All of them were viewed as American puppets and the population's support for the communists rose steadily.

I think, more accurately, Vietnam was a localized use of the containment policy that otherwise served us well. We appointed Diem because he was catholic and staunchly anti-communist. We then looked the other way as he cancelled and rigged elections because we didn't care what the people of Vietnam wanted--we wanted to halt the advance of communism (in part because of a mistaken belief that the north Vietnamese were puppets of the Chinese). When we no longer cared for Diem, we backed a coup to put other anti-communists into power. The net affect of the political turmoil was that support for the communists ultimately stayed pretty high, and some people became increasingly militant.

So it wasn't exactly as if the nation of South Vietnam cried out to be saved from communism, it was that we kept backing leaders who were anti-communist, because *we* wanted south Vietnam to be non-communist. Other than that, I doubt we cared if they turned to totalitarianism, as long as they were "our" totalitarians.

That is, to be sure, the standard view of the history of the conflict, but assuming the people in the history department believed that to be the truth, then wouldn't anyone who viewed Vietnam as a "noble cause" be seen as sort of a simp? Would you hire someone you thought to be a simpleton just for the sake of diversity? What's next, have a special position for the Holocaust deniers? They have a point of view too.
Are colleges full of intellectuals who study the smallest slivers of things in great detail? Since when does an intellectual have to focus on the big picture. Also, the government is suppose to regulate the market to take into account the impact of certain things on humanity or the individual. That's not the market's responsibility, unless their customers demand it.
That is, to be sure, the standard view of the history of the conflict, but assuming the people in the history department believed that to be the truth, then wouldn't anyone who viewed Vietnam as a "noble cause" be seen as sort of a simp? Would you hire someone you thought to be a simpleton just for the sake of diversity? What's next, have a special position for the Holocaust deniers? They have a point of view too.

Well said
Are colleges full of intellectuals who study the smallest slivers of things in great detail? Since when does an intellectual have to focus on the big picture. Also, the government is suppose to regulate the market to take into account the impact of certain things on humanity or the individual. That's not the market's responsibility, unless their customers demand it.

Well would you enact a business plan that would make you $500,000, if you knew that some people might starve because of whatever policy you employed?
Your rules of ethics are different than the market rules of ethics. Don't think conservatives are unethical just because they don't follow your rules. They follow market rules.

I have been a Republican all my life except for a brief period as a Libertarian during the Carter years. And I have a degree and 20 plus years in corporate america. And Republicans DO ANYTHING BUT FOLLOW MARKET RULES! And that is why I have not voted for a Republican since Ronald Regan. The Republican Party can be summarized as having two basic parts, insiders, and outside followers. The insiders have learned really well how to apeal to and manipulate the outside followers with money and media. The result is what we have seen over the course of the last twenty years...unbridled growth of government fraud waste and abuse and the selling of America. Corruption both legal and illegal run rampant in our capital. You don't have too look very far to find it. Look at the Medicare Prescription Drug program passed into law and signed into law by Republicans that prevents the government from bargaining for prices like they do with the Veterans Administration. The Republicans more so than any other party have unfortunatley become and have been for a very long time the party of corruption. The insiders bark and the tail wags. The Republican party is definately an anti-intellectual party.
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