Alzheimer's Helmet

the article said:
"We age because our cells lose the desire to regenerate and repair themselves. This ultimately results in cell death and decline of the organ functions - for the brain resulting in memory decay and deterioration in general intellectual performance.
I'm not a doctor, but I thought Alzheimers happens because the neurons don't produce enough neurotransmitters. Which means some electrical signals don't get passed on to where they're supposed to go.
don't post "the artical" WHICH artical, there are a huge number that i alone have posted.

who the hell knows which one your talking about
the mods are getting tired of the lack of achademic integratie. If that was in one of my fourms it would have already been deleted, same with tiassa. Sure sam was here she would do the same.
Asguard said:
the mods are getting tired of the lack of achademic integratie. If that was in one of my fourms it would have already been deleted, same with tiassa. Sure sam was here she would do the same.
Well I don't know about you, but when someone posts asking for clarification it makes more sense to me to post that clarification in a reply. Editing the original makes the reply confusing because it no longer applies.

Aside from that, you're welcome to harp on about "achademic integratie" on an internet forum if you wish. I'm not here to write research reports, and the reference to the article was nothing more than a basis for bringing up what I did.
Doesn't the frequency of the magnetic field have something to do with it? Since commerical power is only 50-60 Hz, the wavelength would be 1000's of km long....I believe the energy is equally distributed along the entire wavelength, so a human sized target would only receive a small fraction of the total energy of the field.

I thought em field were only dangerous if the wavelength was smaller than a human cell. I could be wrong, though.
The only thing I can provide is when I was working in a Magnesium Plant, two young people came down with Cancer, who worked at Cell lines. Other complained headaches constantly. Those two got a settlement from the company. Of course, you will claim, it could be from other reasons - and just coincidence that two came down with Cancer about the same time. It is like Great Economic be it.

From your perspective induced current in human body is harmless.....correct?

Many studies report small increases in the rate of leukemia or brain cancer in groups of people living or working in high magnetic fields. Other studies have found no such increases. The most important data come from six recent studies of workers wearing EMF monitors to measure magnetic fields. All but one study found significantly higher cancer rates for men with average workday exposures above 4 milligauss. However, the results of these studies disagree in important ways such as the type of cancer associated with EMF exposures. So scientists cannot be sure whether the increased risks are caused by EMFs or by other factors. A few preliminary studies have also associated workplace EMFs with breast cancer, and one study has reported a possible link between occupational EMF exposure and Alzheimer s disease.
The data from all of these studies are too limited for scientists to draw conclusions. However, a national research effort is under way, and more study results are expected in a few years.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and other government agencies do not consider EMFs a proven health hazard. Because some studies have associated high magnetic field exposures with increased cancer risks, the government will continue studying EMFs. While research continues, concerned workers and employers might consider the following simple, inexpensive measures for reducing EMF exposures:

Inform workers and employers about possible hazards of magnetic fields.

Increase the worker's distance from the EMF source. Since magnetic fields often drop off dramatically within about 3 feet of the source, workers can stand back from electrical equipment, and work stations can be moved out of the 3-ft range of stronger EMF sources.

Because only small amount of people are exposed to high magnetic fields, it is difficult to do large scale studies. When I was working there and later at a Aluminium plant in Texas, I did not see any health group doing health studies. It is a simple logic, some old people have difficulty grasping....

If you want to expose to high magnetic fields....go ahead....
Just eat the Curry....(

More research has emerged, linking curcumin -- the yellow pigment in tumeric curry powders -- to natural solutions for treating Alzheimer's by strengthening the body's immune system.

UCLA researchers tested the effect of curcumin on isolated cells called macrophages (part of the body's immune system that eliminates waste products like the disease-causing amyloid beta) in blood samples taken from a half-dozen Alzheimer's patients (ages 65-84) for a day.

The blood samples from three Alzheimer's patients improved dramatically after being treated with curcumin, improving the digestion of the amyloid beta cells by the macrophages, present from birth in the body's innate immune system. One important factoid: Blood samples from younger patients responded better to curcumin, meaning the earlier Alzheimer's is recognized, the better the curry chemical works.

Still, your body may not react well to curcumin, no matter how effectively it may work in the laboratory. So listen to your body, as it's a far better barometer for your optimal health than anything you'll read.

Many studies report small increases in the rate of leukemia or brain cancer in groups of people living or working in high magnetic fields. Other studies have found no such increases. The most important data come from six recent studies of workers wearing EMF monitors to measure magnetic fields. All but one study found significantly higher cancer rates for men with average workday exposures above 4 milligauss. However, the results of these studies disagree in important ways such as the type of cancer associated with EMF exposures. So scientists cannot be sure whether the increased risks are caused by EMFs or by other factors. A few preliminary studies have also associated workplace EMFs with breast cancer, and one study has reported a possible link between occupational EMF exposure and Alzheimer s disease.
The data from all of these studies are too limited for scientists to draw conclusions. However, a national research effort is under way, and more study results are expected in a few years.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and other government agencies do not consider EMFs a proven health hazard. Because some studies have associated high magnetic field exposures with increased cancer risks, the government will continue studying EMFs. While research continues, concerned workers and employers might consider the following simple, inexpensive measures for reducing EMF exposures:

Inform workers and employers about possible hazards of magnetic fields.

Increase the worker's distance from the EMF source. Since magnetic fields often drop off dramatically within about 3 feet of the source, workers can stand back from electrical equipment, and work stations can be moved out of the 3-ft range of stronger EMF sources.

Because only small amount of people are exposed to high magnetic fields, it is difficult to do large scale studies. When I was working there and later at a Aluminium plant in Texas, I did not see any health group doing health studies. It is a simple logic, some old people have difficulty grasping....

If you want to expose to high magnetic fields....go ahead....

By your very own reference here and the three that Asguard presented in an attempt to help you ALL agree that there is little, if ANY, truth to your assertions.

And this: "It is a simple logic, some old people have difficulty grasping...." rude and pointed remark is precisely the same kind of thing that caused me to get into trouble (receive warnings from you) before. You are doing it again, possibly because you feel confident that you - as a Mod - can get away with it.

I've never yet appealed a Mod ruling/warning but if you persist with your obvious rude behavior and THEN issue me another warning because I complained about it, then feel free to do so and I WILL appeal it!!

Your behavior in this post, just as it was before, is not at all becoming to one with some authority. I strongly suggest you act in a more professional and adult manner.