allah the liar?

I don't agree with the "Booooom" part but I agree what you have said about politics. All those who kill innocents committ a sin. You cannot count that against all Muslims like Randolfo. For example I don't count KKK clans against all Christians. Those who kill innocents have chosen the wrong path. As I said before people like these wont even smell the fragrance of Paradise, as it is stated in the Quran.
786 said:
I don't agree with the "Booooom" part but I agree what you have said about politics. All those who kill innocents committ a sin. You cannot count that against all Muslims like Randolfo. For example I don't count KKK clans against all Christians. Those who kill innocents have chosen the wrong path. As I said before people like these wont even smell the fragrance of Paradise, as it is stated in the Quran.

You are right, ... Islam has a serious political problem. It is not a problem of reality but of perception. But you need to realize that people in the West are losing patience. Yes, a few misguided Muslims are only killing a handful of innocent people every day. But the aggravation of it wears on EVERYBODY.

If the West would have surrendered to the Logic of Terrorism, they would have done that 50 Years ago. Islam must change its tack.

What about mass hunger strikes. What about global work stoppages. What about setting yourselves on fire. It seems that Islam only knows one solution -- the exact one that only gets everyone even angrier.

You DO see my viewpoint though, that given the aggravation, if every Muslim in the World were to be bombed out tomorrow, it would be a better World for it. Yes, the only reason you ever resorted to Terrorism was because of the provocations of Zionism. It would be a great injustice. It should be them and not you. BUT, it was Islam that couldn't manage to win the Propaganda War. It was Islam that escalculated the whole mess into a War between East and West. Blame you own incompetance. Blame your Playboy Oil Shieks who didn't lift a finger to buy a penny's worth of Media Influence while they wasted trillions of dollars on drugs, toys and whores.

But you should not be surprised if suddenly the West decides to take a deep breath and finally just take care of business and clean up.

In the 13th Century the Mongols invaded Persia and after every major City and Stronghold was taken, the cream of the Persian Nobility was assembled before the Khan and the Persians snarled out "We will never submit! Every Generation will fight you with their last breath. We will terrorize you endlessly". The Khan thought about a moment and issued an order -- "Kill them all! Go throughout the land and leave not one of them alive". And he did not even have Nukes.

If among Civilized Nations it is demonstrated that one partiucular people will just never ever 'get along', then it leaves no choice, does it?
786 said:
I have already told you that people bombing innocents, is not the way of islam, don't you know how to read, I have already explained that. I have already explained the deceiver part too. I don't think you understand so I'll let others comment on my message.
don't tell me, tell all those mulsims that are preparing to bomb, maim & kill. don't tell me they do not represent islam,

if you really believe what you are saying, they are ready to kill you to for being 'weak'
You are a really good person to talk to. You listen to others point unlike Randolfo. I agree with you 100% except you should say that Muslims weren't able to win the Propaganda War, and everything else you said, because it wasn't Islam's fault it was the people following it.

I thought the Mongols weren't Muslims when they killed all those people. I thought they turned Muslims after beating the Turks in Jerusalem. I might be wrong, but i'm pretty sure i'm not.
786 said:
You are a really good person to talk to. You listen to others point unlike Randolfo. I agree with you 100% except
oh, how sweet! BTW you don't expect people to believe you on everything do you? if you want everyone to agree with you 100% go to an islam site, they ill make you feel loved & welcomed, here you have to prove your point, if possible :D
sometimes it is good to have disagreements. Now let me say this. Don't tell me that the KKK clans don't represent Christianity. I will die proudly if they were to kill me, I would die as a true Muslim.
786 said:
Hi, I don't know why you are posting this here but I'll answer your question to the best of my ability.

I'll tell you what we believe.

Jesus was a prophet.
Jesus had the Gospel.
Jesus was able to do miracles by God's will.
Jesus is not the Son of God.<-- Big difference between Islam and Christianity
Jesus will come back to earth near the end days. (Jesus's Resurrection)
thanks for the short note, too bad its wrong, the Issa you know, is not Jesus, that Issa is an imposter, like a gnostic fairytale that Mohammad heard secondhand
786 said:
sometimes it is good to have disagreements.
agree to disagree

Now let me say this. Don't tell me that the KKK clans don't represent Christianity.
nope, just racist nuts, the leftovers of the defeated South

I will die proudly if they were to kill me, I would die as a true Muslim.
true muslim, you mean stupid, for submitting to fools like them & getting that close to thier gunsights
Have I said that your religion is wrong. NO. If you make the claim that you have then prove Islam wrong. And please do it with a good manners. I don't like confrentation. I like to talk peacefully. I start with the dispute with easy questions then we can build on, hopefully both of us and others will learn about each others religion.

Jesus never claimed to bringing a religion. Jesus claimed of renewing the message of Moses. Then where did the religion Christianity come from? If Jesus claimed of bringing a religion then please provide as many quotes from the Bible with the Chapter and the verse number.
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786 said:
Have I said that your religion is wrong. NO. If you make the claim that you have then prove Islam wrong. And please do it with a good manners. I don't like confrentation. I like to talk peacefully. I start with the dispute with easy questions then we can build on, hopefully both of us and others will learn about each others religion.

Jesus never claimed to bringing a religion. Jesus claimed of renewing the message of Moses. Then where did the religion Christianity come from? If Jesus claimed of bringing a religion then please provide as many quotes from the Bible with the Chapter and the verse number.

Dont worry he cant do that. He calls himself a born-again christian but look at his posts. The closest thing to his character is the KKK whether he admits it or not.Does his posts promote a christian like love? no all he does is tell everyone"the sky is falling!!!!!!!" When he has a debate on the Koran I confront him on it. When I have a comment on the Bible to show simillar attitude between the two books he doesnt reply.That says alot because one should start looking for the inside 1st for answers(the bible in his case) then look outward not the the other way around. I highly doubt he is really a christian or even if he is he is a poor example of one(remember hitler also claimed to be a christian). When he has a preconceived notion on a topic and my answer doesnt satisfy him he calls me a liar. Psy 101 would tell you that people with low-self-esteem make themselves feel better by trying to put someone else below them which is what he trys to be a master at. So dont hold your breath for a intelligent positive dialogue between the two of you because it probably wont happen :( ....with all the negativity(sp?) that i have said though however his feelings are his own and hopefully he can see the TRUE christian path and become "Christ-like"....peace
786 said:
Have I said that your religion is wrong. NO.
yes you have, your following quote states that all christians are wrong, that only islam tells the truth, knows the real Jesus, and knows the real god.
you say:
Jesus never claimed to bringing a religion. Jesus claimed of renewing the message of Moses.
muslims don't know Jesus, they know Issa, a stranger to us, read that statement again & see if you understand why christians do not believe you or your fellow muslims when you say that you accept Jesus, or even talk about Him

watch as I change what you said, to the exact way I as a Christian would write it, to make muslims respond to how we would, if they read the following:
Mohmmad never claimed to bringing a religion. Mohammad claimed of repeating the message of Jesus.

if that were the case, then all muslims would be christians, welcome brother! :)

Then where did the religion Christianity come from? If Jesus claimed of bringing a religion then please provide as many quotes from the Bible with the Chapter and the verse number.
read the Bible for yourself, it is available in english, Arabic, Urdu, Bengali, Malay, Indonesian Malay, Swahili, Turkish & etc... take your time, ask questions, see for yourself, if it is really the Word of God, then you will know it
First of all, Yes Mohummad has claimed of bringing a religion. And second of all you didn't answer my questions. I know what I have read in the Bible. That is why I am asking you to give me a verse. If I knew that there is a verse in the Bible then I wouldn't be asking the question.
The Hypocrites - they seek to deceive Allah but it is Allah who deceives them. When they stand up to prayer, they stand without earnestness, to be seen of men, but little do they hold Allah in remembrance (Surat Al-Nisa 4:142).

no the hypocirites think that by pretending to follow Islam they are decieving people but Allah is all aware so they decive no one but themselves

Allah is a torturer:
Fight them and Allah will torture (literal translation) them by your hands, and disgrace them, help you [to victory] over them, heal the breasts of believers (Surat Al-Tawbah 9;14)

this is talking about the next life. if you dont believe me then please give my some examples of ALLAH actually torturing people like he said in the verse.

Allah is the best plotter:
And when those who disbelieve plot against thee [O Mohammed] to wound thee fatally, or to kill thee or to drive thee forth; they plot, but Allah [also] plotteth; and Allah is the best of plotters (Surat Al-Anfal 8:30 MPT

they plot to escape the punishment of hell and plot against the will of Allah but Allahs power prevails over all so there plotting is useless
786 said:
I have already explained it to him, but he doesn't get it.

He will never get it. He is a follower of pat robertson and the gang. He still need to answer me for all the killings him and his peace loving christians did in Chechneya and Bosina/serbia ............whats the number again? close to 250000 muslims murdered by those peacful religious christiand. He is hope less, he can still blame that to muslims and will say.......hey thats a lie they were muslims kiling chrisitand.........yes he is that pathetic.

So rando, in the history of Europe who has commited the second largest massacare?? and the largest ethnic cleaning after your brother hitler. None other than your own kind.........holocast of muslims by your kind but you some how missed all that?

Hey 567 why don't you post those links for him agian? So he can read them which he missed on purpose........ ;)
skywalker said:
yup ur right.
yes he is so called mr. true christian andl self claimed expert on isalm.
yes, why thank you, all self-taught, thanks to hearing so many falsehoods, that I just had to check for myself
skywalker said:
He will never get it.
you mean islam? 'I get it", thats why I'll never convert
He is a follower of pat robertson and the gang.
& what gang do you follow? Osama?

He still need to answer me for all the killings him and his peace loving christians did in Chechneya and Bosina/serbia ............whats the number again? close to 250000 muslims murdered by those peacful religious christiand.
to muslims, if someone helps them out, they seem to forget, who help bale the bosnians out? NATO, no?

the chechnians are doing a good job of being terrorists, why shouldn't Russian defend its borders? why should the chechens get their own country? if you thnk they should, then using the same logic, why shouldn't the jews get Israel? fair enough, no?

He is hope less, he can still blame that to muslims and will say.......hey thats a lie they were muslims kiling chrisitand.........yes he is that pathetic.

So rando, in the history of Europe who has commited the second largest massacare?? and the largest ethnic cleaning after your brother hitler. None other than your own kind.........
the turks, smarty-pants

holocast of muslims by your kind but you some how missed all that?
holocaust of muslims? you exaggerate, up until hitler cme along, you guys were the worst in that department; conquest of Egypt, turkish wars against the balkans & Hungary, Poland & Austria, the conquest of India. reprisals against the spanish revolts in 713, etc...

& look at indonesia against East Timor, the muslims in Sudan now. oh, its easy for you to forget, since you obviously don't care about non-muslims, except maybe to convert them, when was the last time muslims had a fund-raiser for starving Sudanese Christians? or Ethiopians? after Bhopal, did the purse strings loosen? recently, has not the West helped muslims after disasters? like Bengladesh, old Yugoslavia, even Bam, Iran?
what do you say when you go to sleep? "death to infidels!!", then you have sweet, rosy dreams :)

Hey 567 why don't you post those links for him agian? So he can read them which he missed on purpose........ )
which ones? about lying to non-muslims? oh yeah, I found those already, "al-taqiyya", very interesting idea