Allah is NOT a god


Registered Senior Member
Our basic mistake is that we often take the metaphors in holy scriptures as real and began constructing an image of god in our minds.
Mohammed, who confirmed all scriptures before him, said "there is no god" as in people's imaginations and he described what 'Allah' IS. It is not a matter of naming. The meaning behind the name or what is referrred to by this name is what matters and we are expected to understand the meaning denoted by the noun 'Allah'.

We should learn first what ALLAH is as different from any concept of god. Everyone can read for free the all-time most important book of enlightenment written to explain what “ALLAH” is: "Mohammed's Allah" at . A must read for both believers and nonbelievers.
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§outh§tar said:
Mohammed was influenced by a woman.

Shows you how much he knew.. :p

And what is wrong with being influenced by a woman?
The authors of the book 'Mohammed's Allah' do not require any commission for their publications and it is free to download from

Unless we spare time for learning and understand first what 'ALLAH' IS, we are at risk of wasting our lifetimes by believing and/or questioning an image of 'god' in our minds as we have constructed upon our social conditionings and our emotional feelings.
Knife said:
never heard that one before!

please elaborate!


Mohammed is reported to have run home after his swoon and cried out: 'O, Kadijah! I have either become a soothsayer or else I am possessed of the Djin and have gone mad.' The solicitous Kadijah answered: 'O, Abu'l Casem! God is my protection. He will surely not let such a thing happen unto thee, for thou speakest the truth...What hath befallen thee?' Mohammed told her what had happened to him...The wife replied: 'Rejoice my husband, O, Abu'l Casem, for my life shall stand as a witness that thou wilt be the prophet of this people...'


According to the History Channel, if it wasn't for Kadijah who consoled and motivated Mohammed, he would not have told his story to the wealthy merchants of his town. He was frightened that they would think him mad.
§outh§tar said:
Mohammed was influenced by a woman.

Shows you how much he knew.. :p
M*W: Jesus was more greatly influenced by Mary Magdalene than anyone else he knew.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Jesus was more greatly influenced by Mary Magdalene than anyone else he knew.
there you go again, throwing a tangent about Jesus & Mary Magdalene, you know you had to, you are a slave to your hatred

anyway, if a man doesn't know if the Call is from God or a demon, them he just dialed the wrong number! Mohammad didn't know the diff, because the angel of light was 'lucifer', also why are their 4 Call stories in the quran, did Jibril, an angel, angels, or allah tell him to recite? Hmmm?

Uuuu MW, throw another tangent, but duck this time, it looks more like a boomarang, everytime you look so foolish
:eek: :bugeye: :p
I would like to share the following to your interest, which clarifies that since Allah is "ahad" as the Koran describes, then there is no place for anything beside, neither for us nor for a god.

~Limitlessness Of Allah Means Nothingness Of You~

"Limitless" is the One that is referred to by the noun “Allah,” as the Koran informs that “Allah” is “Ahad,” which means “the One without limits.”

Leave your prejudice aside and think deep and genuinely about this!

Limitlessness of ALLAH implies the “absence” of “anything else,” for there is no place where the “limitlessness” would come to an end and cease to exist in order to make room for something else to arise beside itself!
What you observe in this universe as existing is all from, belong to, and serve “the One” alone ultimately that is referred to as “Allah,” as nothing is there aside from the Limitless One.

Be aware of the “unseparated wholeness” of Allah and live to accept your “absence” beside it with contentment. Free your mind from the heavy burden of I-ness with a total absence of concern about your person and so let the hidden roses blossom out of limitless nowhere within!

Come to observe Allah as “the limitless one” and never sacrifice your freedom for the illusion of these limited passing appearances!

Knowing the meaning denoted by the noun “Allah” is enough for us if we truly know how to make inner commitment to our “faith.”

Taken from -- The Hidden Rosarium
Sufi said:
I would like to share the following to your interest, which clarifies that since Allah is "ahad" as the Koran describes, then there is no place for anything beside, neither for us nor for a god.

~Limitlessness Of Allah Means Nothingness Of You~

"Limitless" is the One that is referred to by the noun “Allah,” as the Koran informs that “Allah” is “Ahad,” which means “the One without limits.”

Leave your prejudice aside and think deep and genuinely about this!

Limitlessness of ALLAH implies the “absence” of “anything else,” for there is no place where the “limitlessness” would come to an end and cease to exist in order to make room for something else to arise beside itself!
What you observe in this universe as existing is all from, belong to, and serve “the One” alone ultimately that is referred to as “Allah,” as nothing is there aside from the Limitless One.

Be aware of the “unseparated wholeness” of Allah and live to accept your “absence” beside it with contentment. Free your mind from the heavy burden of I-ness with a total absence of concern about your person and so let the hidden roses blossom out of limitless nowhere within!

Come to observe Allah as “the limitless one” and never sacrifice your freedom for the illusion of these limited passing appearances!

Knowing the meaning denoted by the noun “Allah” is enough for us if we truly know how to make inner commitment to our “faith.”

Taken from -- The Hidden Rosarium

So there is no difference between us we are all one, not jew, muslim, christian, atheist, hindu etc. Whatever we do is serving allah then is this correct?
Absolutely, by "existing" as we have come to even believe, is merely in servitude to Allah by playing out the role of who you are.
Randolfo said:
there you go again, throwing a tangent about Jesus & Mary Magdalene, you know you had to, you are a slave to your hatred
M*W: I don't give a rat's ass for what YOU think about me. What YOU call "tangents," I call the "truth."
Uuuu MW, throw another tangent, but duck this time, it looks more like a boomarang, everytime you look so foolish
:eek: :bugeye: :p
M*W: To the brainwashed Jesus freaks like yourself out there, I may look "foolish," but looking "foolish" to Christians IS AN HONOR to me! To the more enlightened ones, they understand and agree that there has been more cover-up to Jesus than what the NT wants us to know. Not wanting to know everything about Jesus, or being "afraid" to know is being in denial. That would make YOU a NON-Christian!
Sicksixix said:
Absolutely, by "existing" as we have come to even believe, is merely in servitude to Allah by playing out the role of who you are.

So there is no need to spread religion or be in conflict with eachother! God bless the Sufis :D
There were more voluntary conversions took place by the efforts of sufis than the forcible conversions by the swords of orthodox rulers / conquerers.
path said:
So there is no need to spread religion or be in conflict with eachother! God bless the Sufis :D

Forget about spreading religion!.. Instead, through considering the oneness as explained above in the Hidden Rosarium, try to learn what "the only religion" might be and why it is the only religion...

If we try to observe that each one of us fulfills the reason for which one exists, there will be no more religions to spread and no need to be in conflict with eachother. We will then only try to SHARE with others what we have in hand and what we think.
Let us ask it to ourselves and think about it in modesty and calmly in stride. What kind of a One do we believe? The One is either limited or is limitless?

Do we believe in a limited One --then it is no more the only one--, or a limitless One?
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We should learn first what ALLAH is as different from any concept of god.
But ALLAH is only another concept of a god. Can you demonstrate that ALLAH is not just a concept?

Katazia said:

But ALLAH is only another concept of a god. Can you demonstrate that ALLAH is not just a concept?


Let us think: If Allah is limitless and whole, then Allah is ONE, there is nothing apart from Allah... Whose 'god' is Allah then?... None! Because Allah is AHAD, limitless one.

We do not need to believe in a god, on the contrary, with a mind free of any 'concept of god', we need to understand what is referred to as Allah .

Our misconcepions rise because we often take metaphors or parables in the holy scriptures as real.
Ahh, the translation talk still continues in this thread. I see Bruce Wayne hasn't poked his nose in and straightened you out.


Do you read arabic? Do you speak it?

try to learn what "the only religion" might be and why it is the only religion...

I know, I know. It's Islam... Right? Tricky tricky...