All witches are Black.

i have seen some pretty funny things done so dont diss the "placebo" effect.

Monks sleeping naked outside in below zero weather without a chill, having a spear pushed into their abdomen without drawing blood (fyi: the spear broke)
I know of that and that has nothing to do with curing with hands which is placebo :bugeye:

though they are both achieved with the help of our brain/mind - only the placebo is unconditional, but the one you talk about is with an intention of doing that
We need to learn how to use this "placebo" thingy in our daily life. Atleast it will knock off 40% of our suffering. That is better than what interest you get from the bank....

Eat placebo to lose weight
Drink placebo to get smart
Wear placebo to get a job
Use placebo for birth control
Swallow placebo to control pain (then we wont need to spend billions of dollars for pain control)
for a placebo to work you need to believe 100% that it will work... you would have to be a very trusting preson
You're definitely on to something there, kmguru. We have not yet fully realized the stunning effect of placebo, or should I say the stunning effect of the mind.
Originally posted by Clockwood
for a placebo to work you need to believe 100% that it will would have to be a very trusting preson
actually no - you must not know that a placebo is intended
I'm wiccan.. I don't practice magick though..
The only philosophy we follow is:

1) Harm None. This means spiritually, physically, ect.
2) Everything is connected.
3) Everything you do will come back to you three-fold.

If you ever see someone who does black magick or magick that is being used to harm others..
and claims to be wiccan.. well, that's impossible, because it goes against our main ideal..
My friend says: If you caused harm to others is because they caused harm to you. In that sense you are punishing the evil. How can that be bad?

It is not human nature to cause harm unilaterally, otherwise with 6 billion people, we would be extinct pretty quick.
becuase you do not have the right to punish others. life itself will take care of that. if someone does something worng, later in life it will come back to them. if yo do something to them, it doesn't matter what they did. you still did something wrong, so its gonna come back to you.
becuase you do not have the right to punish others.

So, what does the Justice branch of US government do? One of the three pillars of our modern American civilization that is based on Judio-Christian foundation?
It seems this topic has progress somewhat.

The original context that I was putting forward wasn't that for those people that follow spiritual beliefs, but more to the fact that some feed on those that have strong beliefs if they know how to manipulate them.

In my explanation I was refering to perhaps a group making money, forcing their religion and belief and gaining control through the use of Equipment, not real magic.

Many unexplained things in the past, now have been shed some light where ghosts, apparitions, optical illusions and events can all be manipulated if there are enough people working towards a common goal.

Admittedly it may have seemed a negative disposition towards people of an occult nature, but my reason is because I see people blindly doing what they do without realising answers to the who?, what? and why? questions that truly surround them.

If they are all too easily ready to "trust the universe" or put trust in a being or spirit, then I fear they could find themselves manipulated by those with the technology.