All witches are Black.

As you sow, so shall you reap....

Actions come from thoughts. Some can be self inflicting while others influenced by outside forces. It is difficult to say if the origin of the effect is self inflicted or through an evil-wisher (as opposed to good wishes). Both has effects.

The universe takes your thoughts and amplifies it based on your strength and form of the thoughts and stuff happens...from Moses to Hitler....

So, careful what you wish for....
Yes, I always keep that in mind, but sometimes the thoughts wanders off into areas they know they shouldn't be in...
Hah, now you've all degenerated into idiot psychobabel. Go learn a book and learn something, or the like, come back to the rest of humanity when you're ready to play sanely.
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
I don't much respect wiccans and their 50 year old supermarket religion,

Uh. Witchcraft has been around a lot longer then christianity.

less respect even then christians, I mean come on, at least Christianity is what most people in the western world are spoon fed since birth,

Your stereotyping. I HATE that. I dont know where your from but you have no idea how diverse some places are until you visit them.

but you guys acctualy CHOOSE to practice this sillyness, hah, well I guess if you REALLY have a need for spirituality it ain't that bad, at least you can practice it in your parents basement,

I just love it how you just pull out the insults. Im not wiccan, Im not really anything, but Im pretty much sure that you insulted somebodys religion. BTW read up on the subject it can be really interesting. Im guessing that it is mainly a teen thing. Just let them think that it works... then later on in life they will realize how silly they were being they can say "Oh man Im so stupid."

rather than putting up decorations in big department stores, and littering my TV with it, but still, it's all pretty silly! When I Play D&D I at least have the sence to know where the game ends and life begins, haha (Ok, just kidding on that one, it was a mean jab. . . I don't really play D&D)


I'm talking about wicca, but if you wanna' bring that into it, how would you define "witch craft" exactly?

Yes, the majority of Americans are Christian, take a look at the most recent census for Gods sake, read a book, watch the news, ANYTHING, please!

And no I don't play D&D :p I much prefer White-wolf's World of Darkness line of RPGS ^.^ hehe
<i>"Gods sake, read a book, watch the news, ANYTHING, please! "</i>

My father had this friend in Hughes who was working for CNN with regard to some project and everyday Paul used to go there and this fella used to ask him the same question...

<B><I>"uh,oh! whats the day today by the way?"</B></I>

thanks for your time.

Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...

Ah! the happiness...

Are you happy....bunky....

o_O what? Where did any of that come from? What are you people, doing? Stay coherent for at least the length of one thread, I beg of you!
Well, I have the ability to touch heal minor health problems. Is that witchery? Is that black or white?

I think, power is neither good nor is the person....
:p no it's not witchery kmguru, and it's nuteral, either black or white...such powers can be used to heal or to ill...if you know what your doing, and if your powerful enough that is....power has nothing to do with the moral of a person, it is the person who welds the power which determinds if it's good or evil (thought power does corupt the mind thus effecting the morals sooner or later) tell me if any of this makes sense
Um, if we want Final Fantasy to be our map for the way the world works, I can do apretty good impression of my cat, does that make me a blue witch. . . or warlock. or um, whatever the in vogue term is.
Originally posted by kmguru
Well, I have the ability to touch heal minor health problems. Is that witchery? Is that black or white?

I think, power is neither good nor is the person....

actually it is called Placebo effect and it is not you who cures, but the ill persons brain. You just help him - what is jsut as important.

I think that you actually know all about the Placebo, kmguru :bugeye:
I would just like to chime in that that whole "Power corrupts" thing is just a whiney myth concocted by folks with very authoritarian parents / bosses or what have you. Isnt saying that power corrupts exactly the same thing as saying that given half a chance anyone would screw you over? Only presented in a better light?

If you trust the human character so little that you think that power itself can make just anyone at all become corrupt then what does that say about you?

As a side note it might be that corrupt/corruptable people are just more driven, real go getters with evil agendas or what have you, so they seek power more intensly than adverage joe you an me who just doesnt have any specific desire to control and dominate others(or the various other things that a power corrupt person does)
I think we have the ability to effect certain outcomes in a subtle ways. Healing is one example. The flip side is illness and badluck. When I was in college, a greek newspaper vendor just opened a portable news stand in the IIT Campus (Chicago) area. I was the first customer. When I paid for my magazines and books, he muttered something in greek and did a father-son-holly ghost thing with the money. I did not say anything and left. About 3 years later, I visted a friend of mine in Chicago and we took a stroll in the memory lane and saw a small but nice book store. We walked in and were browsing when this owner showed up and said thank you to me . To make a long story short, he showed a five dollar bill in a beautiful frame and told my friend that I was the first customer and he will never forget me, because I brought good luck to him.

The flip side is when I was working for a large corporation, they broke up our group and the idiot in my group became the manager of our group. Because he came to me for advice before, he decided to get rid of me so that no one will find out he is an idiot. He gave me a hard time and started neat-picking everything I did. So, I got upset and finally quit to join a competitor. Two years later, I joined another company as a VP. As fate have it, I ran into him in a seminar. He walked in and said that he heard my promotion through the grape vine and if my title comes with the salary. I said, it must be since we all follow the Hay's scale. Later I found out in the seminar from my old friends that he got demoted after I left the company.

May be lucks are connected to the type of person one is...or one deals with...or both...

Is that witchery?
Originally posted by Avatar
actually it is called Placebo effect and it is not you who cures, but the ill persons brain. You just help him - what is jsut as important.

I think that you actually know all about the Placebo, kmguru

Tell me Avatar, how placebo works. May be all the medicines are all placebos since they work some of the time (otherwise they would not have multiple different medicines for the same ailment). It must be a government conspiracy so every body will think it is medicine but actually they are harmless chemicals!

And if medicine would be curing people, why we have so many people getting sick and the drug companies are growing at 20% rate per year? After millions of years of evolution, should not our body learn to stay healthy from our own environment? What kind of intelligence our body has anyway that thinks placebo works and drugs dont?
Originally posted by Avatar
depends on how you define luck


The chance happening of fortunate or adverse events; fortune: They met one day out of pure luck.
Good fortune or prosperity; success: We wish you luck.
One's personal fate or lot: It was just my luck to win a trip I couldn't take.

intr.v. Informal lucked, luck·ing, lucks
To gain success or something desirable by chance: lucked into a good apartment; lucked out in finding that rare book.

as luck would have it
As it turned out; as it happened: As luck would have it, it rained the day of the picnic.
in luck
Enjoying success; fortunate.
out of luck
Lacking good fortune.
press/push (one's) luck
To risk one's good fortune, often by acting overconfidently.
try (one's) luck
To attempt something without knowing if one will be successful.
Which means if someone offers “healing” then their talent to heal has possibly cursed a person originally to gain the ailment that ends up being healed.
so does this mean that doctors also are "cursing" people? since they heal...

Second..(where do i start).... Wicca is not what you see on Harry Potter, or any of the other (as far as i've seen) goth glam/ poor kid type movies. It is a religion that is more of a moral code, than a history. It doesn't matter who did what thousands of years ago. It dosn't matter how much you donate to your local organization, or who's kid says grace at the family christmas party
It is about what YOU do, and how YOU conduct yourself, and how YOU live your life. It doesn't garuntee a wonderful afterlife. It doean't even have a strict diety bleif so much. the greatest beleif is in yourself. The purpose, is to guide you through life, to aid you in making the right choices, and the right desicions. Rituals/hoildays are based on the earth, and its surroundings, and make pretty damn good sense aswell.
My point here is, wicca does not require you to remove yourself from reality. It doesn't ask you to beleive fictional stories. It is a simple, and logical way of life. And it bothers me that someone could insult it, and beleive that they are so far above it, without knowing anything about it. Or even attempting to understand it.

sorry, when im upset i ramble... hope that all made sense.