All witches are Black.


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
(The Subject line doesn't mean ethnically black)

Wether they are black or white there is a conclusion that they are all the same drawn from the small point, for something to be cured by someone an ailment has to exist.

Which means if someone offers “healing” then their talent to heal has possibly cursed a person originally to gain the ailment that ends up being healed.

This is the hypothesis when you take into account that the universe plays itself out, and that through the use of EPR experiments it can be proven through the use of creating a timeloop. (commonly noticed as Deja Vu)

Since a person will eventually be healed, then they have to gain their ailment to start with.
huh? how do you go from black witches to timeloops? and black im asuming evil, in away..right? ok so all witches may be cursed but they can still use their 'powers' for a good..wouldn't that dedeme them (if i misspelt that..sorry) thus their white witches, right? i dunno...
It depends what you class as evil, I meant at the time to hurt someone namely similar to Wishing injury or menace upon them, but with the point that the universe works with a kind of equilibrium, in the sense that someone can be cruel for kindness to occur, or something cruel had to occur for kindness to be cure.

At the end of the day, Witches are just going to be proven either Fraudulant or certain Physicists are going to be found feeding their "art form".
as I heard once from a friend - there is no black or white magic - it's only a matter of how you use it
oh so true Avatar, i heard that too...but i also heard that witches sold there soul to be able to use magic or something, bull in my thought..not doubt that some may have though...confusing StryderUnknow the way you put it, but i think i've got it now...
Wicca is descended from celtic druidism. In their philosophy to do evil brings evil upon you in your own lifetime. Thus it is a very peaceful, if somewhat meloncholy, religion.

One of my friends is a Wiccan and I respect her religion more than most.
stryderunknown, is what you posed similiar to an episode of X-File where there was this character who knows he has a streak of good fortune but for each good fortune he "cashed" in, someone else had a mis-fortune.

The time-loop/deja-wu part sounds interesting. Can you elaborate?

P/S: you weren't really talking about witches, were you?
<i><b>it can be proven through the use of creating a timeloop. (commonly noticed as Deja Vu)</i></b>

excellent thing though,If something happens in dreams and then we see it in real world or percieve it really then would you still call it a time loop.'cause you know,this never happened in real world and only a random nerve impulse was fired into my head...


haha, oh man, what a thread, is this the sort of stuff that goes on here? Wild!
yes wild...i don't know about the x-files, but that sounds a lot like the movie 'wishmaster', i've nothing against the wicca, i rather respect them and their ancient religion....
:p I don't much respect wiccans and their 50 year old supermarket religion, less respect even then christians, I mean come on, at least Christianity is what most people in the western world are spoon fed since birth, but you guys acctualy CHOOSE to practice this sillyness, hah, well I guess if you REALLY have a need for spirituality it ain't that bad, at least you can practice it in your parents basement, rather than putting up decorations in big department stores, and littering my TV with it, but still, it's all pretty silly! When I Play D&D I at least have the sence to know where the game ends and life begins, haha (Ok, just kidding on that one, it was a mean jab. . . I don't really play D&D)
Um, to be fare, though, I just don't have much respect for religion in general, and certainly not any one that just happend to pop onto the scene a scant few decades ago. We've got enough as it is, without people going off and making new ones! And just to show that I'm not all bad, I must show my support for Goths, murrr, you certainly have more waify little skinnybois than any other subculture I know of, and that earns you some really special browny points, MRRROWR!
I don't much respect wiccans and their 50 year old supermarket religion,

Uh. Witchcraft has been around a lot longer then christianity.

less respect even then christians, I mean come on, at least Christianity is what most people in the western world are spoon fed since birth,

Your stereotyping. I HATE that. I dont know where your from but you have no idea how diverse some places are until you visit them.

but you guys acctualy CHOOSE to practice this sillyness, hah, well I guess if you REALLY have a need for spirituality it ain't that bad, at least you can practice it in your parents basement,

I just love it how you just pull out the insults. Im not wiccan, Im not really anything, but Im pretty much sure that you insulted somebodys religion. BTW read up on the subject it can be really interesting. Im guessing that it is mainly a teen thing. Just let them think that it works... then later on in life they will realize how silly they were being they can say "Oh man Im so stupid."

rather than putting up decorations in big department stores, and littering my TV with it, but still, it's all pretty silly! When I Play D&D I at least have the sence to know where the game ends and life begins, haha (Ok, just kidding on that one, it was a mean jab. . . I don't really play D&D)

Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
I don't much respect wiccans and their 50 year old supermarket religion,

Uh. Witchcraft has been around a lot longer then christianity.
I believe he is referring to Wicca, which is only a few decades old and not even slightly based on any authentic ancient rites or beliefs.
Yes I know Adam. But it could of been based off of something else. Sorta like how Christ took all the good ideas from The Simpsons and then made his own bible.
Descartes get's quoted for "I think, therefore I am", this was pretty much what I meant about those that claim they can heal someone... e.g. "Your healed, therefore you were ill".
I totally understand what you are saying Stryder. I have never looked at it that way, very interesting viewpoint.
Although they may not have caused that person an injury in this life, it can also be karma working itself out, independent of time.