All the evidence and proof that telepathy exists that exists

I do know what you mean, and you are on the edge of understanding the truth of it all. It is not however some deep mystery, it is what it is, but as for R&D it has never been done correctly because those doing it have no clue as to what they're doing. Those who can do it, will never tell, as that would alter their ablility to do so. See?
Well, those who won't tell, have something to hide then. Selfpreservation is not an issue here, unless they are suffering from a deep fear of being manipulated by a superior mind. :D
It's very simple. Without telepathy no form of communication would take place, it would all just be senseless blabber if nobody could understand what the other person is thinking.
Those who don't tell do indeed have something to hide. If you were famous for being a telepath you would meet resistance on every front, except for the nuts who are affected by mere suggestion. Telepaths live by telepathy, and have no desire to change or alter that lifestyle. A million dollars is not enough to destroy a lifestyle one has become accustomed to. True telepaths don't want to trade off, that doesn't mean they don't want money, they just wouldn't trade their life for it.
I see what you mean. Working as professional telepath is pehaps not a lucrative business unless your ability can be proven to be applicable to a special industry.
So many people struggle with things they have not experienced. For them, without satellites and "accepted science," they might think the world was really flat. It hasn't been these types of people who discovered the atom, Crete and the solar system or the universes.

Right now as in the past, many things are mere beliefs, when facts become known, belief is no longer neccesary.

dywyddyr has a very dull mind probably due to a lack of mental stimulation as a child.
dywyddyr has a very dull mind probably due to a lack of mental stimulation as a child.
I love it when people make unfounded and inaccurate assumptions about me.

Edit: I notice that it tends to occur when they can't provide a single shred of evidence (or logic) to support their delusions.
I understand that assumptions on the part of others might deeply offend such an authoritative presumptuous person as yourself. It's okay, you are quite typical. You demand proof, but who cares what you want? You can be in denial about something till the cows come home because like a baby you stomp your foot and demand it be proven to you. Who cares what you believe? Certainly not I. Your belief or non beleif will have zero affect on any reality anywhere. So, throw a fit, but it is just wasted energy on your part in the scheme of things.

I am not your mother, and I am not obligated to provide any education to you. You can do that on your own time. You can also make statements, but that in no way means your statements are correct. As for delusions, belief in something, or non-belief does not constitute a delusion. Delusions are usually about the self, I suggest you analyze yours.

Beliefs are just that, and haven't been proven or disproven, that is why the belief or lack thereof exists. Known facts do not require belief.
I understand that assumptions on the part of others might deeply offend such an authoritative presumptuous person as yourself. It's okay, you are quite typical.
Ah, back to personal comments again.

You demand proof, but who cares what you want?
Forum rules require support for contentions.
Try reading what you signed up for.

I am not obligated to provide any education to you.
Thank goodness because, so far, you've given no indication that that's within your capabilities.

As for delusions, belief in something, or non-belief does not constitute a delusion. Delusions are usually about the self
And you also don't know what "delusion" means apparently.

Beliefs are just that, and haven't been proven or disproven, that is why the belief or lack thereof exists. Known facts do not require belief.
Quite. Which is why your belief in telepathy is just that: a belief.
Will we go round in circlles or will we fly high like a bird up in the sky? Hmm that song just came to mind! Hmm, I wonder why?:D
Some concepts demands letting go of preconceived ideas in order to grasp new ones.
Okay, you keep setting yourself up,

You say forum rules, (who knew you were the forum cop, it does make more sense than your rambling) demand support for contentions, support has been given for the beliefs of those who started and posted to this thread whether it meets your standard or not, since we are discussing beliefs, there is no need for absolute proof.

I am glad you conceded that beliefs are not based on proofs, facts do not require belief, therefore beliefs, or contentions as you label them here, are not dependent on absolute proof.

Now, as I said elsewhere, either offer proof that meets a scientific standard that it's absolutely without doubt impossible, or stfu.

Destroy the belief if you can.

You are like a child in a lab predicting results before the experiment even gets started.

People believe it, you can't prove definitively they are wrong, until you can stfu.
support has been given for the beliefs of those who started and posted to this thread
No. Claims have been made.
Support has not been provided.

whether it meets your standard or not, since we are discussing beliefs, there is no need for absolute proof.
So now you concede that it is merely a belief? Okay.

I am glad you conceded that beliefs are not based on proofs, facts do not require belief, therefore beliefs, or contentions as you label them here, are not dependent on absolute proof.
Word salad.
Beliefs are based on belief.
If you claim, however, that something is a fact then you are required to support that claim.

Now, as I said elsewhere, either offer proof that meets a scientific standard that it's absolutely without doubt impossible, or stfu.

Destroy the belief if you can.

You are like a child in a lab predicting results before the experiment even gets started.

People believe it, you can't prove definitively they are wrong, until you can stfu.
And more inane rambling and diversion.

But at least we've now established that all you have is an unsupported belief.
I can support it. :) What was the belief now again? ( I'm getting old and keep forgetting stuff)
Truth is not static, were that it was, life would have been simpler for the Catholic Church.

That statement made little sense; however, I suspect it's due to not understanding what truth is. Here is a clear objective definition:

Truth is when an idea/notion in your mind matches actual reality.

For example, if you think it's true you can put your bare hand on a red hot stove for 5 minutes without getting burned then actual reality is going to produce quite a different result. In other words, the notion in your mind doesn't match actual reality; hence, that notion is "not true".
Get real, no one here has stated any of this is fact, you are the one claiming to know for certain. So again, back atcha, either prove your "fact' or stfu. Support your fact.

Make it count.

Lack of evidence to the positive, likewise, does not prove the negative.

We can do this all day until you admit that you merely, "don't believe it," but have no facts to prove you are definitely right.

I have a belief

You have a disbelief

That's all.