All the evidence and proof that telepathy exists that exists


I am not totally "out-there", however I am very convinced myself and others have successfully repeated a telepathy experiment as outlined in the book E.S.P. by Harold Shurman.

The experiment involved visualizing a friend/relative when the were sleeping and repeating a message strongly for a full hour. The message outlined in the book was to wake up at a certain time. The friend was always aware of the experiment, but not the date and time.

I felt a need to comment, because a stranger out of the phone book would probably have resistance to a message from a stranger. Otherwise I'd have Paris Hilton at my doorstep (not that I've tried that).

I have tried variations on the theme, and have even tried broadcasting LOTTO numbers to myself in the past. It involved first trying to recieve numbers, then buying a ticket, and then forgetting the numbers, and then broadcasting them backwards several weeks after the draw. I can get 2 of 6 numbers on average which is higher than probability.

search kwhilborn / Telepathy in sciforums to hear more, however I think this is the first time I mentioned the Lotto experiments.

I believe the person you are contacting must either have their inhibitions lowered through alcohol, or be known to the sender. Similar to a telephone call.

Picking numbers between 1 and 1000 is kind of ridiculous because of the odds. I think a higher percentage of 50/50 picks should count as evidence, the whole "how many coincidences equals proof" theme.

I have also suggested the above transmitting thoughts to a friend is very easy, and it seems to work every time. So if anyone has doubts, take a measly hour out of your life and prove it to yourself. That is the ultimate way to know.

I am convinced beyond doubt now, and only wish for ideas on how this method could be utilized. Could you broadcast to everyone on earth for example. I have not tried that one.

Anyways; I have set myself up for "woo woo" status, but again believing in telepathy will never be a doubt of mine again. So fire away, I think it is better to know than to be unsure.
Ha. I love this. We know skinwalker will not post here :-(

I am confused personally about the defination of telepathy. Can someone please articulately describe this word for us? :)
Mental telepathy would be the sending and recieving of thoughts through the power of the mind, unrelated to your other five senses. It is a sixth sense.
Sorry Kwhilborn but that defination fails to amuse me. It simply does not go far enough in explaining what some cases of telepathy could be considered within....

R u saying it is the power of the mind, but it isn't the power of the mind?
R u saying it is the power of the mind but it is the power of the mind?
If it is the power of the mind then it is the power of the mind.

This is a sence, and it is confusing to think about, yes? Please, as I said elaborate further so we all can get a clear picture.
I am not totally "out-there", however I am very convinced myself and others have successfully repeated a telepathy experiment as outlined in the book E.S.P. by Harold Shurman.
I am sure you are convinced. But that is irrelevant. Evidence is what counts.

The experiment involved visualizing a friend/relative when the were sleeping and repeating a message strongly for a full hour. The message outlined in the book was to wake up at a certain time. The friend was always aware of the experiment, but not the date and time.
Too many flaws in this experiment. Nearly everyone wakes up numerous times in their sleep, whether they remember or not. Add to this the fact that if you know someone is "trying to wake you" then you will likely remember more often the times you do wake. This is the same as if you have to get up early - set the alarm for 5:00am and find yourself waking up at 4:55am anyway.

I have tried variations on the theme, and have even tried broadcasting LOTTO numbers to myself in the past. It involved first trying to recieve numbers, then buying a ticket, and then forgetting the numbers, and then broadcasting them backwards several weeks after the draw. I can get 2 of 6 numbers on average which is higher than probability.
Not sure I follow what this experiment is... are you merely remembering numbers?
And you do know that there is 20% chance of getting 2 numbers in a lottery?
And, unless you record the results each time you do it, there is the risk that you are only recalling the successful times - not every time (subconscious selective memory).

I believe the person you are contacting must either have their inhibitions lowered through alcohol, or be known to the sender. Similar to a telephone call.
Good grief.
Evidence please?

Picking numbers between 1 and 1000 is kind of ridiculous because of the odds. I think a higher percentage of 50/50 picks should count as evidence, the whole "how many coincidences equals proof" theme.
You don't understand probability - do you.
Whether it is a higher percentage of 50/50 picks or a higher percentage of 1/1000 picks is irrelevant. It is the fact that it is a higher-than-average percentage ON A REPEATABLE BASIS that matters.

If I correctly guessed the toss of a coin 10 times in a row - would this be evidence of ESP or other Psychic powers? I'll leave you to work that out.

I have also suggested the above transmitting thoughts to a friend is very easy, and it seems to work every time. So if anyone has doubts, take a measly hour out of your life and prove it to yourself. That is the ultimate way to know.
Please expand further.
What is the distance from you to your friend? What is the experimental conditions / set-up?

Are you honestly saying you can transmit thoughts to your friends even though they be out of range of all your senses?

And you do know James Randi is giving away $1m to anyone who can prove the existence of the paranormal - and your abilities would seem to fit. I just doubt it's anything more than misinterpretation on your part of what is happening. But if you honestly feel you can demonstrate telepathy then feel free to contact James Randi, perform your tests and claim your $1m.
Mental telepathy would be the sending and recieving of thoughts through the power of the mind, unrelated to your other five senses. It is a sixth sense.
There are already more than 5 senses. :rolleyes:


Pain (very different to touch)
Temperature (ability to sense changes in temperature)
Self (amazing how the body generally knows where the rest of the body is)
Balance (very different to visual - and more akin to hearing - although even deaf people have balance!)

These are just 4 more - but I think there are even more than that.
There are already more than 5 senses. :rolleyes:


Pain (very different to touch)
Temperature (ability to sense changes in temperature)
Self (amazing how the body generally knows where the rest of the body is)
Balance (very different to visual - and more akin to hearing - although even deaf people have balance!)

These are just 4 more - but I think there are even more than that.
absolutely correct Sarkus....many more.

Propriorception accounts for just about all of the balance and self awareness issues.

Telepathy what ever you choice to define it as must involve the transmission [ not happy with this word but...] of information be it meaning, writing, internal sounds [ voice] visualisations and "objective" sightings such a picture cards. And the only test that would be considered worth while is when parties to the test are well out of what is considered normal sensory perception. ie. in different cities or countries. And to be honest if telepathy is real distance is irrelevant any how.
Most cases of telepathy that happens normally between people involves prmarilly "meaing" only as language diversity prohibits the use of language based words. However meaning is universal.

I have made this experiment public before so I will just mention it to you.

The flaws in the experiment could be overcome with some imagination.

O.K. I've told this story a million times, but whats once more.

I did a variation of that experiment the first time I tried telepathy.

I had a friend who was working underage at a bar downtwn Toronto. She vanished and I went several MONTHS wondering what happenned to her.

So I tried the experiment for the first time.

I visualized her because I had no photo. I repeated,"Debby S____s, Kwhilborn misses you very much, get in touch."

In five days a letter came from Rochester NY. It was cryptic as to the writer, and then she said it was debby. The letter stated LAST NIGHT I HAD A DREAM ABOUT YOU THAT PROMPTED ME TO WRITE.

This type of experiment is VERY EASY. IT only takes a frigin hour.

It has always worked amongst my friends.

and about James Randi. He does not consider consistent predictions above the law of averages or friendly telepathy proof. I did recieve a very nasty email from his assistant. Kind of a woo-woo skeptic post you would find here.

Read his rules and then tell me how I could win.

So yes I am claiming they are beyond my senses and in the first instance out of the country.

and yes I am convinced beyond doubt. In fact; I feel no need to convince anybody as I am satisfied in my own beliefs, I will argue for it though, as I am hoping that those who are curious will be able to prove it to themselves. Those who Don't care to know, can keep living in ignorance. If someone told me they used this technique earnestly and did not recieve a result I would not believe them. That is how much I believe in the method I suggested. (I am not a professional psychic, it was just something I ended up experimenting with as a teenager, and it works.

I do think anybody that really wants to know could simply do the experiment themselves.

It is so simple. Whats the problem people? need your beauty sleep.

P.S. sorry existabrent; thought you were looking for a formal definition. I am unclear as to how it works. It is part of why I came here originally.

Yes; those who are arguing about more senses are correct. I did not know that the classical definition of telepathy as a sixth sense would be attacked so voraciously. Let us say it is the 8th,9th, 10th, or whatever sense then. OMG
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Yah. We need to define telepathy before we can say "all the evidence and proof that exists for it"

*Rolls eyes* :D

Try telling that to sarkus. he will tell you you are using your sencory perception or some other load of bs :)
It has always worked amongst my friends.

and about James Randi. He does not consider consistent predictions above the law of averages or friendly telepathy proof.

Except you haven't demonstrated anything except the fact that you have friends who occasionally write to you.

To proper conduct the experiment, you would need to set up a test that demonstrated that the contact by your friends was not due to chance. You would have to be sequestered for an undisclosed period of time to rule out that you might have alerted your friends in advance to send letters; you would then need to establish the qualification for a "hit" (you mentioned five days, so perhaps contact between 0-5 days = "hit"; contact >6 days = "miss") then pick a random sample of friends, at least 10 or 20, then do the experiment.

Contact="hit"; no contact="miss"

The probability is 50/50 since there is only one of two outcomes.

But the problem is in methodology. Its reasonable to assume that your "friends" would want to contact you anyway, particularly if you've been missing for a period of time. So, to genuinely demonstrate that you have some ability, you would need to do the test on people you weren't close to.

In short, Randi turned you down because the only thing you have described is that you can demonstrate that you have friends that care about you enough to write or call. In short, you've not demonstrated anything worthy of testing, but found some spurious significance in a set of coincidences in your life.
Skinwalker, others.

Yes I agree entirely. I have not proven anything that could hold up under scrutiny in respect to telepathy. I also am not the person wanting to do this. My interests lie elsewhere.

I have mentioned these experiments because even though the participants are not sequestered or thoroughly tested, they have fun and are amazed at the results.

Yes; perhaps all of my experiments as a teenager were met with uncanny coincidences enough to lead me down a path of delusion. I am perfectly fine with that. I am not wanting to be the author of a "Psychic Secrets Exposed" book, nor do I care much if anyone else believes. I expect my children and family to have an open mind about it, but thats where my goals end in this venue. Unless someone comes up with a way to utilize the method to make money or buy me that ship I've got my eye on, then it is mainly a part of my history.

I suggest everybody pick a relative or acquaintance that you have not heard from in a while and conduct this experiment.

Then when the person calls you the next day you can chalk it up to chance. Do this consistently and you can apparently still chalk it up to chance. So what would be the point?

Reach out and touch someone.

I'd like it if everyone took an hour tonight and tried this. It cannot be much simpler. No tools are required. Just one hour out of your beauty sleep.

Then tomorrow we could have all the skeptics writing in saying, "OMG, this really worked".

I'd like to google this method and see if there are some others who do this besides the people I've taught (told about). But not now.. Time to polish my crystal ball.....

I have a method that seems to work every time.

P.S. to sarkus. Yes I did keep track of successes and failures with my chart. In fact it was done on a public forum similiar to this, and the predictions were posted in advance of the draw.

O.K. I apologize I cannot provide proof. If you want to interview the people involved would be the closest I could get there, but that is not practical.

Nor am I willing to do this experiment with anyone here. That is for two reasons.

a) I dont know anyone personally
b) I did try this once and the person organizing it copped-out and then said that I copped-out, and that he only did it to see me fail publicly.

So as far as I am concerned if you want to have proof, then do this. It is amazing how it works.
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Just for the sake of it. I spent a full hour this morning doing this to my sleeping wife. It didn't work and this outcome should come as no surprise. I wonder if I could sue the author of that book for fraud?
Quite a bit late but still

I came across this site/forum/thread while searching for some other details and found these questions. I am going to answer them because I can. I notice many people here are not the least bit familiar, even alien to the subject.

1] Does something have to be predictable and repeatable at will to be proven as true?

Yes and No. Proven to whom? What constitutes proof? As a matter of fact, when dealing with this type of energy, it cannot be proven in controlled experiments. It is the control itself that causes the failure. Also, if the receiver is the least bit aware of the sender's actions, failure is practically certain. As has been stated elsewhere, understanding that you will be "attacked" will activate simple protection behavior and result in a failed experiment. Trying a second time on the same subject after a successful first run will also lead to failure if the subject is aware of the first run. Also, a clinical environment tends to stagnate free thinking.

2] Does a persons or peoples reaction to free floating pheromones in the air count as telepathy?

No, this is an entirely different activity, and has zero in common with the projection of mental energy.

3] How far can air borne pheromones travel and

The answer is not relevant to this discussion.

4] How acute is our ability to sense subliminally?

Not very, unless you are aware that it might be an issue.

5] How does quantum entanglement effect notions of Faster than light speed communications and how could this be relevant to the issue at hand?

It is absolutely, unequivocally irrelevant. Telepathy is real time or not at all.

6] How strenuous would some one act to protect their hidden secrets do you think? [ we all have many secrets that we wish to remain as such]

If you are aware that someone is after them, you would fight visciously, being unaware and feeling safe, if you think of your secrets, they are unprotected, no matter what. On the other hand, sociopaths who see their secrets differently, can be safe from novice, but not from an educated intruder, who understands the complexity of sociopathic behavior/self-image.

For my own contribution I will add:

Imagine you live in a vary loud environment, traffic, sirens etc. You are a recluse and don't have any friends, and no one has even passed your window in so many years you have given up worrying someone might stop by. It would be easy to spy on such a person for however many days you wanted to, unless the spy was detected, even then, you might think it was just your imagination and the spying could continue indefinitely.

On the other hand, if you lived in a quiet neighborhood, go outside often, have many friends and expect company any time, day or night, it would be harder to spy on your daily activities without being noticed.

This is the way telepathy works. This is not the some of telepathic behavior, but it is a simple overview. Believe it or not, it doesn't matter.

This was fun. I hope it helps.
"I believe the person you are contacting must either have their inhibitions lowered through alcohol, or be known to the sender. Similar to a telephone call."

Also, this is terribly innacurate. While alcohol may lower inhibitions, it also shrinks the fat cells known as brain matter, which will actually inhibit communication. As far as being known by the sender, this is complete rubbish.
AND! Telepathy is useless for predicting future events, for obvious reasons, unless the person you target has information about said events. Lotteries and other games of chance are just that and require a knowledge of the future to be accurately predicted.
and as for the amazing Randi, there is nothing amazing about him, and he can rest easy knowing that no one who could, would actually get in bed with his bull, and that those who have newly discovered but don't understand the nature of this phenomena will never be able to reproduce anything in his stacked deck of cliniacl conditions. Randi is a joke, but even he could be manipulated and is not immune to the attacks of a conditioned telepath.
Crunchycat, if you were capable of doing such a thing, you would have done it by now and would not be taking instruction from someone else who claims they have done it. Most people who write books on these subjects are in it for the money and have no real experiences to draw from. Telepathy cannot be taught, it is a natural condition of some people. Some have blonde hair and some have black hair, you may dye your hair, but it will not change the natural color. Some people are amazing athletes, some people have trouble getting out of bed. A telepath is not special or more powerful than other people, but they can jump hurdles that you cannot, and you cannot be trained to jump those hurdles unless the physical ablity exists within you and is merely untrained. No matter what, there are no written instructions for telepaths that are valid.
I think the regular esp-tests are too narrow and demand too much concentration when the mind always strives to flow freely into complex patterns and at beforehand knowing the alternatives makes the thought jump through circles, if you know what I mean. :D