All Powerful and All Knowing

you don't have to be able to define it to know it. you can know what's relevant to your relationship, and know things about it. do you ever really know everything about anyone? do you have to know everything about someone to appreciate what you do know about them? i think faith might be a judgement call based upon what you do know. i think god is something that we may not be able to fully understand given our condition and experience. there's just nothing else we have to relate it to or compare it to...measure it. i mean look at religion (any). people are so damn narrow minded. they all own god, telling the rest of us what he is and what he is not. speaking for him like he would need some interpreter. he has an interpreter already. it's the holy spirit which can speak directly to you, so why rely on someone else's opinion or definition of what god is and what he can do. i don't have to understand how god does everything to be able to appreciate what he does.
do you ever really know everything about anyone?

Hell, I don't even know myself that well! :eek:

Actually we are always adapting and changing so what we are today , tomorrow we will be different because of what we learn, experiance and have done to us by others.
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i think god is a part of us, and the more we realize the truth about ourselves, the more we know god. god teaches us through our experience, and not necessarily through a book or some doctrine. i think that's cool. and that it works.
you don't have to be able to define it to know it. you can know what's relevant to your relationship, and know things about it. do you ever really know everything about anyone?
we know something about someone in order to have a relationship

do you have to know everything about someone to appreciate what you do know about them?
if you have a scale of intimacy that runs like this

  1. servitude
  2. fraternal
  3. paternal/maternal
  4. conjugal

you require more intimate knowledge the more you move down it
i think faith might be a judgement call based upon what you do know. i think god is something that we may not be able to fully understand given our condition and experience.
conditioned life certainly puts the brakes on approaching any sort of understanding of god
there's just nothing else we have to relate it to or compare it to...measure it. i mean look at religion (any). people are so damn narrow minded. they all own god, telling the rest of us what he is and what he is not.
Even if one says that nothing is not god or god is nothing one is still hedging on one particular definition over another
speaking for him like he would need some interpreter. he has an interpreter already. it's the holy spirit which can speak directly to you, so why rely on someone else's opinion or definition of what god is and what he can do.
because if one has a heart that is overtaken by material desires, there will be an unhealthy amount of personal ambition mixed in with all one's spiritual endeavours.

IOW if there are others who are more advanced than myself, why should I make things more difficult for myself by avoiding their good intentions?

i don't have to understand how god does everything to be able to appreciate what he does.

but if you want to appreciate anything that he does, you have to know something about him. For instance one requires a clear understanding of what role god plays, what role the living entity plays and what role role the world plays.

If one doesn't have this understanding its more than likely that one will be challenged by the grim parameters of this world ..... which probably won't generate appreciation ....
I was thinking again about the ALL-POWERFUL and ALL-KNOWING God again and I just couldn't remember our last debate so I thought I'd bring up a couple of points.

1) God is defined as ALL POWERFUL (can do anything)
2) God is defined as ALL KNOWING (knows everything)
in theology i gues they call it 'omnipotence'

me, i suggest god is existence itself. All mass, all energy and all time; ONE (kind of like what all them big bangers calls the 'it': existence itself)

then to go deep that way, then all knowledge now and then is 'its'


but i am too

But, we know humans can doing things god, in these states of being, can not do - like learn. We can learn. God can not learn.
God ain't definable in a single book; some of mankind believe that is so.

holding a book....'god is within'.....riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

What else?

We can think. God can not think. Also thinking is a rational process. God therefor is not rational because It can not think. It can only be in the state of ALL KNOWING.
you limit god to a single isolated man/soul/zeus/guy with fire in his nose (heck i don't know)...... but to fit the 'alpha/omega..begin/ending...etc...etc...etc.... perhaps the whole of existence fits up quite nicely to assist in comprehending the metaphor of God

kind of like the whole taco stand at once; mother and daddy nature itself

well then, he gotta an einstein in there, a newton, a darwin, confucius and even a me in there................walkin around kickin up dust.

so in a sense, to shut up the old timers holding one book, screeming god; we can hold up a library of congress and our god will smother their god, by dropping all the knowledge from god, right on the OLD slow learner..

we can let the kids teach em

so uuump!
We can Laugh in surprise at a funny joke. God is humorless. It can not be surprised by the ending of a joke. It does not laugh. It can only exist in the state of ALL-KNOWING.

We feel emotion. Emotion is a change in mental state. God never has a change in mental state. It exists in only the ALL-KNOWING mental state. It has no emotions. It is unemotional.

We feel sensation. Sensation is a change in neural conduction registered as a change in mental state. God is in a constant state of numbness. It can not "feel" as it's mental state is only in one position - - that of ALL-KNOWING.

It doesn't learn, love, hate, feel feelings, feel warmth .... nothing. It just exists as an ALL-KNOWING Thing.

Aside from the fact that we humans being able to do some many things a purportedly ALL POWERFUL God is POWERLESS to do, I'd like to say this God is a f*cking creepy thing to worship.

who needs to worship?

Even jesus bumped the homage stuff (mark 10: 17-19)

being responsible for your actions is homage enough, i would think.

no doing 'bad' (loss to the common) how could you go wrong?

but all that stuff on God don't laugh, don't cry, don't feel; it seems to me, if you appreciate 'existence' then every emotion you ever feel will be of 'its' doing for you to even be here.

(no funny stuff involved; just appreciation for being alive)

It's also pointless to worship It as you can have ZERO affect on it's mental State - which stays at all times and forever in only one immutable state: ALL-KNOWING.
submission is only to realize if you don't wash the bowl, it will be dirty

or to eat, breath, procreate; live

nothing else to worship as to do what is natural makes the best sense to be doing what is right

That aside, God is a thing that ONLY exists in the state ALL KNOWING like some huge computer Hard-Drive. God is this massive information storage device. A humorlessness, numb, emotionally dead, cold, impassive, unfeeling, irrational ALL-KNOWING Thing. An extremely large USB stick.
the internet?????

perhaps anyone could tap into all that data and see for themselves???

THIS Thing, someone suggested is BETTER because it exists like this?!?!

please step away from the mirror before you hurt yourself

Well I don't think so,


we all make our own choice eh michael.......?
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you get to know god just like you get to know anything else. it's that simple. sure, you can read someone's biography, or autobiography, or look at their works...that's a form of knowledge. but if you actually interact with someone, and experience their presence or personality...have to share your life with them on a daily basis, you know them in depth.

you still don't know everything. you would have to become someone else to know them entirely. and i would argue, as it was said, that we don't even entirely know ourselves.
You guys are so stupid, I don't even want to laugh at you because I'm scared God will punish me.

You're afraid of your god? Sucks to be you and sucks to be in your cult.

All Knowing means that he knows everything you do bad or good. Is it really that hard to understand?

Yes, your god has his finger on the pulse of billions of people at the same time. Yeah, that makes sense. :rolleyes:

All Powerful means he has power that you non believers will never see until the end of time. Ill give you the "All Powerful" one because that one took me a minute to put it in common sense.

Sorry, but you failed at common sense some time ago.
you get to know god just like you get to know anything else. it's that simple. sure, you can read someone's biography, or autobiography, or look at their works...that's a form of knowledge. but if you actually interact with someone, and experience their presence or personality...have to share your life with them on a daily basis, you know them in depth.

you still don't know everything. you would have to become someone else to know them entirely. and i would argue, as it was said, that we don't even entirely know ourselves.

How do you know you in fact know God, and not someone or something else who poses as God?

And also, how do you know it's not simply your imagination and wishful thinking making you think you know God?
you get to know god just like you get to know anything else. it's that simple. sure, you can read someone's biography, or autobiography, or look at their works...that's a form of knowledge. but if you actually interact with someone, and experience their presence or personality...have to share your life with them on a daily basis, you know them in depth.

you still don't know everything. you would have to become someone else to know them entirely. and i would argue, as it was said, that we don't even entirely know ourselves.

your good as i see that yu are not defining god as some dude on a thrown but what we experience everyday is of god itself

How do you know you in fact know God, and not someone or something else who poses as God?

And also, how do you know it's not simply your imagination and wishful thinking making you think you know God?

you just know. turns out god is who (and how) he says he is, and not how a lot of people want to say he is. it's like not needing a paternity test to know who your father is. he proves himself. and i really don't like refering to him as a "he, him" it just works in a sentence is all. it's apparent to me that he is much more than a mere being. god is everything. god is law and works like science with a perfect purpose and infinite means. it's cool.
you just know. turns out god is who (and how) he says he is, and not how a lot of people want to say he is. it's like not needing a paternity test to know who your father is. he proves himself. and i really don't like refering to him as a "he, him" it just works in a sentence is all. it's apparent to me that he is much more than a mere being. god is everything. god is law and works like science with a perfect purpose and infinite means. it's cool.

you just know. turns out god is who (and how) he says he is, and not how a lot of people want to say he is. it's like not needing a paternity test to know who your father is. he proves himself. and i really don't like refering to him as a "he, him" it just works in a sentence is all. it's apparent to me that he is much more than a mere being. god is everything. god is law and works like science with a perfect purpose and infinite means. it's cool.

as your post shares just how 'cool' you are....

Peace to you Lori!

may i ask, is God; 'the garden' to you? (existence itself/mothernature; all of it as ONE)
Just like your explanation on who is God isn't helping.

i'm saying i can't define god and i'm not quite sure it's possible given a human perception. it's honest. that doesn't mean god doesn't exist. would you like me to lie? maybe god is a force. maybe god is law. maybe god is everything and everyone. what i do know is that there are dimensions that i can't see. i've had spiritual interactions, answered prayers, prophetic visions and dreams. i've even channelled a spirit (not on purpose but i was willing). these things mean something to me. it's been way more than i could attempt to ignore. and it's been like putting together a jigsaw puzzle with an infinite amount of little pieces to get the bigger picture. i've experienced things that have literally blown my mind to bits, having to clean up the mess and recover.
as your post shares just how 'cool' you are....

Peace to you Lori!

may i ask, is God; 'the garden' to you? (existence itself/mothernature; all of it as ONE)

thanks, gosh. it seems to me that god is more than that, but designs, governs, and includes (permeates) that.
i'm saying i can't define god and i'm not quite sure it's possible given a human perception. it's honest. that doesn't mean god doesn't exist. would you like me to lie? maybe god is a force. maybe god is law. maybe god is everything and everyone. what i do know is that there are dimensions that i can't see. i've had spiritual interactions, answered prayers, prophetic visions and dreams. i've even channelled a spirit (not on purpose but i was willing). these things mean something to me. it's been way more than i could attempt to ignore. and it's been like putting together a jigsaw puzzle with an infinite amount of little pieces to get the bigger picture. i've experienced things that have literally blown my mind to bits, having to clean up the mess and recover.

What disturbs is that in the name of such a vaguely hinted at God, you are willing to declare eternal damnation to everyone who doesn't believe in God the way you do.
What disturbs is that in the name of such a vaguely hinted at God, you are willing to declare eternal damnation to everyone who doesn't believe in God the way you do.

you are assuming quite a mouthful there signal. i am willing to declare no such thing, and have not. i think people choose their fate. you don't need to die to see that. look what we do here when we are alive. we're killing ourselves, abusing ourselves and each other, destroying the planet, all of us enslaved to one thing or another, mostly in the name of greed, and some of us are ok with that, and some of us think our existance is insane. we are in a relative form of hell and damnation right now, and if given the opportunity for something move on to a perfect and eternal existance, with no sickness, suffering, or death, some of us would choose to stay here. it's been shown to me that's what the mark of the beast will be. some genetic manipulation that will make the corrupt flesh eternal. those that don't take it will be martyred. see, some of us don't think there's anything inherently evil about us. and some of us see that there is, plain as day. do you see that?