All Powerful and All Knowing

Perhaps the issues of practice that surround wheel manufacture do not have a bearing on the practices that surround being knowledgeable of god

(IOW small wonder that your cave man god idea has problems at the conclusion stage)


Perhaps is not the greatest of conclusions.

Disagree about the cave man god.... that idea is still out there. It's been modified somewhat but you and countless millions are in possession of it.

Perhaps is not the greatest of conclusions.

Disagree about the cave man god.... that idea is still out there. It's been modified somewhat but you and countless millions are in possession of it.

hence the suggestion that the abundance of theories that get culled the more one moves towards practice and conclusion is not a coincidence ....
There is no right to be arrogant. Arrogance is self-defeating. Arrogance comes from insecurity.
but if something is perfect..what will the insecurity come from?

hence arrogance suits the flawless, because it doesn't have anything to be insecure from..making arrogance uniquely fitting.

It doesn't make sense for something all-powerful to have any opposing qualities since this produces impossible scenarios.

E.g. If we claim a god shows modesty then he can't be arrogant.

We can go on to make a long list that shows opposing conditions that cannot coexist.

The problem with assigning super-superlatives to something in an attempt to show perfection is that the action produces contradictory nonsense instead.
i'm sorry, but you're wrong in this one..
first..what is perfect other than "coexisting superlatives"?
second can't one be the most rewarding towards the good..
most punishing towards the bad..
forgiving some of the bad..
balancing that with adding rewards to the good..
hence being the most rightful..
hence being the most good..

human failure in coexisting between them is what made them incomplete..that is the philosophy of god..

being worthy of arrogance..yet being modest..isn't that completion?

being modest to the modest..rightfully arrogant to the unrighteously arrogant..isn't that completion..? isn't that coexisting?

you study your sciences for years to understand them..and rightfully redicule whoever wrongs them without knowing enough..

we study about god and theism for at least 14 years..answer questions you ask which we learned of in primary school..get called stupid and illogical..get called being brainwashed with myths and superstitions..yet, when we give you your fair chance to prove it..asking no proof, playing you at your game of logic..this is the trivial level of challenge you can compose?? you can't beat an 18 year old and really show how stupid he is..? ?

taking a lot of knowledge in a short time isn't brain washing..

living for so long without it IS..

the jigsaw fits, if you give it a chance. and admit there is yet what you don't know.
That's 1 of the huge problems, the square triangle, with the god of the KJV & many others.



you lack the imagination to see are either too old or too stubborn to see it.
It obviously is not perfect. Arrogance would not suit the flawless. Arrogance is a flaw.

You study faith for years then argue it as fact without offering any evidence.

Pyramids are not square triangles. HOW the heck! could anyone think that!!???!!

we study about god and theism for at least 14 years..answer questions you ask which we learned of in primary school..get called stupid and illogical..get called being brainwashed with myths and superstitions..yet, when we give you your fair chance to prove it..asking no proof, playing you at your game of logic..this is the trivial level of challenge you can compose?? you can't beat an 18 year old and really show how stupid he is..? ?

taking a lot of knowledge in a short time isn't brain washing..

living for so long without it IS..
I was a believer and a Christian into my early twenties and sounded just like you do now. Nearly 40 years have passed since then and I have continued to study and consider issues of religion all that time. You have barely begun to understand the issues and certainly are in no position to dictate anything to me.

Neither is there any onus on non-believers to disprove YOUR claims. Your claims have zero credibility until you can show some factual basis for them, and at this time no one in the history of mankind has come close. Dream on kiddo, but better people than you have tried and failed.

the jigsaw fits, if you give it a chance. and admit there is yet what you don't know.
The interesting thing you will find, once you open your mind and study religion objectively for at least a couple more decades, is that the jigsaw gradually disintegrates as you increasingly see the bigger picture. All the time you continue to regurgitate your narrow-minded indoctrination the less you will be ever able to understand reality.

I was a believer and a Christian into my early twenties and sounded just like you do now. Nearly 40 years have passed since then and I have continued to study and consider issues of religion all that time. You have barely begun to understand the issues and certainly are in no position to dictate anything to me.

Neither is there any onus on non-believers to disprove YOUR claims. Your claims have zero credibility until you can show some factual basis for them, and at this time no one in the history of mankind has come close. Dream on kiddo, but better people than you have tried and failed.

The interesting thing you will find, once you open your mind and study religion objectively for at least a couple more decades, is that the jigsaw gradually disintegrates as you increasingly see the bigger picture. All the time you continue to regurgitate your narrow-minded indoctrination the less you will be ever able to understand reality.

ok..i see that i was disrespectful to you..mainly because i was adressing many people and getting carried away with it while typing it all as a reply to YOU..:eek:

i would like to say that i find you most reasonable and more importantly calm when replies to you were not so that much..:eek:

if you are satisfied with me i'll continue the discussion..

I was a believer and a Christian into my early twenties and sounded just like you do now. Nearly 40 years have passed since then and I have continued to study and consider issues of religion all that time. You have barely begun to understand the issues and certainly are in no position to dictate anything to me.

Neither is there any onus on non-believers to disprove YOUR claims. Your claims have zero credibility until you can show some factual basis for them, and at this time no one in the history of mankind has come close. Dream on kiddo, but better people than you have tried and failed.

The interesting thing you will find, once you open your mind and study religion objectively for at least a couple more decades, is that the jigsaw gradually disintegrates as you increasingly see the bigger picture. All the time you continue to regurgitate your narrow-minded indoctrination the less you will be ever able to understand reality.

i believe you absolutly..:)

i trust your choice was the most reasonable to do..

and i might as well swear i would've done the same if i were you..:D

you started from christianaty..i started from islam:D
hence the suggestion that the abundance of theories that get culled the more one moves towards practice and conclusion is not a coincidence ....

You have something other than the original god theory? Tweak it any way you want, God theory is still caveman mentality. It will always be.
You have something other than the original god theory? Tweak it any way you want, God theory is still caveman mentality. It will always be.
On the contrary, a small step in the way of (theistic) practice reveals other alternatives ... but as far as couch spud atheism is concerned, its probably sufficient.

On the contrary, a small step in the way of (theistic) practice reveals other alternatives ... but as far as couch spud atheism is concerned, its probably sufficient. :D

The alternatives allow the delusional to sink deeper into the divine abyss from which there is little hope of return.
Eternal insecurity being a prerequisite for theistic belief? I won't argue.
Actually I would argue that the anxiety is constitutional, and the constitutional anxiety of this world doesn't distinguish between atheist or theist - if you don't believe me try skipping a few weeks bills (or reading the newspaper to gather a few hints).

Actually I would argue that the anxiety is constitutional, and the constitutional anxiety of this world doesn't distinguish between atheist or theist - if you don't believe me try skipping a few weeks bills (or reading the newspaper to gather a few hints).

Loss of control can take many forms: people are often comfortable with their world views because they think if others were correct it would be scary. This cuts across all groups.
Loss of control can take many forms: people are often comfortable with their world views because they think if others were correct it would be scary. This cuts across all groups.
I guess the key issue is which "group" has the correct headspace on the issue of control.
I guess the key issue is which "group" has the correct headspace on the issue of control.
I would think those more comfortable losing control would have a better sense of why they believe what they believe. As opposed to those who think 'going there' is wrong, per se.

The science team sees control in terms of content of beliefs: iow the theists are afraid of losing control when faced with truths they do not like.

The theist team, oddly enough, is often just as concerced as the scientists, but not always, about losing emotional and experiential control.
what is god? lots of people talk as if they can define him (it), or should be able to. why?