All other religion threads go *kaplunk!*

Well pharoahs were apparently half god half man as far as I can tell.

Is this your belief?

Again it is the use of the word God that is the issue.
Just becasue a person exhibits certain psychic talents such as Jesus, moses, pharohs etc etc doésnt mean that they are Gods persee it only means that they have God like powers...

how can someone be half God any way? half of infinity is still infinity...etc etc

The pharohs were in fact mortal as proven by their remains but were they normal humans....hmmmm this is the question...
Again it is the use of the word God that is the issue.
Just becasue a person exhibits certain psychic talents such as Jesus, moses, pharohs etc etc doésnt mean that they are Gods persee it only means that they have God like powers...

how can someone be half God any way? half of infinity is still infinity...etc etc

The pharohs were in fact mortal as proven by their remains but were they normal humans....hmmmm this is the question...


Just entertain this thought, without necassarily accepting it, laugh at it if you want.

A gods DNA is more advanced than a mortals, hence they can do supernatural things(in mythology, they are immortal for example).

We know what a mortals DNA can do.

What if you mix them both?

I have an interest in Egypt, but have never entertained the idea that they were anything but human, interesting idea... Have you got any evidence to suggest that they were not human?

Just entertain this thought, without necassarily accepting it, laugh at it if you want.

A gods DNA is more advanced than a mortals, hence they can do supernatural things(in mythology, they are immortal for example).

We know what a mortals DNA can do.

What if you mix them both?

I have an interest in Egypt, but have never entertained the idea that they were anything but human, interesting idea... Have you got any evidence to suggest that they were not human?

unfortunately your posts indicates many issues that prevent an open approach to this subject, and I mean this with respect ok...


Just entertain this thought, without necassarily accepting it, laugh at it if you want.
interesting combination of words and I shallconsider them thank you....
A gods DNA is more advanced than a mortals, hence they can do supernatural things(in mythology, they are immortal for example).
Due to the need to blend context with other peoples opinions etc this comes out a bit scrambled.
Are the Gods you speak of purely mythological or are they real?
Are the Gods you refer to just simply gifted mortals who have acheived immortality and real psychic powers of being able to influence reality with their intellects?

Supernatural [ as in common usage] or just simply advanced natural?

We know what a mortals DNA can do.
Now this is where you get into strife.
We commonly have no idea of the full potential of the humanioid organism. [ we see glimpses of some here and there but we really do not know what "mortal" DNA is capable of.]

I have an interest in Egypt, but have never entertained the idea that they were anything but human, interesting idea... Have you got any evidence to suggest that they were not human?

No they where human but from a branch of the human race that predates Earths human population by possibly many 100's millenia of years...
Not really however the pyramids and their artifacts are self explanitory once you drop notions of Gods and supernatural powers and consider their abilities to be real and material. [ take the para out of paranormal]
The issue for you though I feel is to drop preconceptions of limitations in the defining of words and meanings.
The Pharohs were no more Gods than you and I they just appeared to be so because of their abilities to work mentally that transcended the local populations abilities at the time.
After all a teenager with an mp3 player turning up in a village of prehistoric civilisation wearing niki sneekers would be deemed a God would he not?
Consider for a moment that the pyramids were purpose built using special abiities by the pharohs to acheieve one thing and one thing only.
That was to accumulate the quantum energies that allowed them their power to control and influence their environment.

The pyramids were not built as a tomb they were built more like a solarium where by the pharohs would on a nightly basis go into the pyramids , don their fancy gold head wear, and sleep in their osophagus to soke up the energy through the night that was focused on that chamber. Thus maintaining their "supernatural" powers and striving for immortality or at least longivity. When they eventually dies they simply used the pyramids as their tomb becsue they were of no use to anyone else except that particular Pharoh [ the pyramids being specifically designed to suit the pharoh's body/mind who was going to use it ]

You will also note that the pyramids are built in the most arid and dry places on earth with usually clear night skies and brilliant starscape views.
IMO Gold was used not as a token of value or wealth but as a focusing element to aid the pharohs in their quest.

They made the gold into ornate objects to either fool everyone of their use or simply because they had a strange and wonderful asthetic taste to their work.
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In the course of my friendly discussions with Robert Bauval which took place while his book The Orion Mystery was being written, it became evident that he thought that the concept of a correlation with the Belt Stars of Orion explained the religious motivation for the disposition of the three pyramids on the Giza plateau in general terms, while my own findings showed in detail how the plan was actually executed on the ground; and Robert was therefore kind enough to include references to my findings in The Orion Mystery, as well as in his later co-authored books. In brief, it was possible that the pyramid-builders had developed a mathematical construction for the placing of the three pyramids, which was compatible with the pattern of the Belt stars and specified the exact dimensions which had to be laid out.

The star light from the Orion constellation was the energy the pyramids were tuned into.
So it is poossible to consider that the pharohs of Egypt were priviledged in regard to knowledge that is totally alien to humanity at the time and also humans even today.
[ you will also note that the author refers to "religious motivation" which is a human preoccupation and not necessarilly a preoccupation of the pharohs who may have known better]
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You will also note that there is evidence that post Pharoh Egyptians migrated possibly as refugees to South America and set up the civilisations of the Mayan and Aztec.
with special reference to the Mayan calander and prophecy.

I aim to try and understand where you are coming from as it is all very interesting, I just have so much on my mind at the minute that I cannot articulate a response yet.

Please don't think that I'm ignoring this.

I aim to try and understand where you are coming from as it is all very interesting, I just have so much on my mind at the minute that I cannot articulate a response yet.

Please don't think that I'm ignoring this.
Thanks for the courtesy!
and of course no problemo.....:)
Before going into detail tomorrow, hopefully, I would say that Gold is a very important part of this whole puzzle.
It is indeed.....
and no doubt there is a correllation to why Gold has historically been used as a datum line value for exchanges between people and nations...
The physical attributes of Gold especially it's reaction to other metals, air and corruption generally are most important.
The pyramids were tombs. The first few weren't even well made. One of them cracked the foundation and another slid a bit because it wasn't completely level.

They were a continuation of a tradition of building above-ground tombs. The pyramid was the natural shape to mound rock as high as possible, which is why it has been independently arrived at by multiple cultures.

After the first intermediary phase, when anarchy overtook Egypt for a period of years, the Pharaohs went away from pyramid-building and started burying themselves in the Valley of Kings. All the pyramids had been looted during the intermediary phase, when the Pharaohs were unable to provide law enforcement, and they did not want this to happen again. Pyramids were no longer used as tombs, because it really isn't a bright idea to begin with, which is exactly what they had discovered.

The pyramids are not the most incredible thing built in antiquity, they are just the most resilient, so they remain for us to create crackpot theories around. They went up pretty quick, as several Pharaohs had time to build more than one in their lifetime.

There is absolutely nothing mystical about them whatsoever. They weren't even based on the golden ration of phi, as some have claimed.

Let's assume all you have said is true.

Why did they stop using the pyramids considering the benefits?