All other religion threads go *kaplunk!*

gods have existed since the dawn of mankind, all over the world.

What if we were made in their image via genetic engineering, not being as smart as them but still not being completely dumb.

The garden of eden was the lab.

We were visited by gods all over the world for ages, with different names, but they were the same gods. They taught us everything we know.

We are now close to their stature, considering we only use 3% of our DNA pool it isn't a mean feat.

The gods stepped back, and stopped talking 2k years ago.

All of what I said is backed up by evidence.

Why did they stop talking?

Do you think we need religion?
gods have existed since the dawn of mankind, all over the world.

What if we were made in their image via genetic engineering, not being as smart as them but still not being completely dumb.
Doubt it seriously...

The garden of eden was the lab.
lol are you serious?

We were visited by gods all over the world for ages, with different names, but they were the same gods. They taught us everything we know.

We are now close to their stature, considering we only use 3% of our DNA pool it isn't a mean feat.
ok, we're close to them?
Gods require that they are gods and gods are gods....

The gods stepped back, and stopped talking 2k years ago.
I don't believe they have talkd for quite some time before that personally, although I may be wrong?

All of what I said is backed up by evidence.
This is not true at all.
Your evidence of Gods existing for all eternity is not "evidence" but merely suggestion.

Why did they stop talking?
Because, they are looking for us :D

Do you think we need religion?
Good question....:eek:
I do not know.. I believe it is a fundamental state of the way things are, and a fundamental personal belief, that can never be shrugged off. Do we need it? We only need to look towards physics for an answer to this question. Do we "need it" need it need it? Maybe not? In essense yes we need s omething to have some back up, some form of mythology- this is hystory afterall and religion is drastically a subject of history as you know :-(

In essense, in accord to this "thread" all we need is simple understanding of religion. If someone claims to have understood everything only then will I listen to him.. if for example he claims to have for example.. that atheism is an irrelevant perspective- DO YOU THINK THAT I WOULD BELIEVE HIM? Absolutely not and I do not expect anyone to,
According to history they have. How come are you so certain?

Doubt it seriously...

Why not? Have you read the creation stories of the major religious texts? Or do you believe we evolved from an ape?
Give me a straight and concise answer.

lol are you serious?

This garden is written about in most of our ancient texts, so why not believe it existed? How else would humans be created exactly?



ok, we're close to them?
Gods require that they are gods and gods are gods....

No. In texts gods had families and affairs (like Zeus) like we do. We inherited their +’s and –‘s.

It is amazing how much people in the past actually knew about their gods compared to what we know about ours now. We know all the kids Zeus had even, checkout wikipedia.

I don't believe they have talkd for quite some time before that personally, although I may be wrong?

Maybe they have talked to George Bush or Tony Blair, but I haven’t chatted with them.

This is not true at all.
Your evidence of Gods existing for all eternity is not "evidence" but merely suggestion.

The earliest records of human civilisation talks about these gods, that is all we have, what other evidence do you need? Maybe we should all be atheist and think all the idiots in the past who built the pyramids etc. were just idiots, and believe what George bush says instead. What do you think?

Good question....
I do not know.. I believe it is a fundamental state of the way things are, and a fundamental personal belief, that can never be shrugged off. Do we need it? We only need to look towards physics for an answer to this question. Do we "need it" need it need it? Maybe not? In essense yes we need s omething to have some back up, some form of mythology- this is hystory afterall and religion is drastically a subject of history as you know :-(

In essense, in accord to this "thread" all we need is simple understanding of religion. If someone claims to have understood everything only then will I listen to him.. if for example he claims to have for example.. that atheism is an irrelevant perspective- DO YOU THINK THAT I WOULD BELIEVE HIM? Absolutely not and I do not expect anyone to,

So, you class mythology as history, good starting point, if you want to learn.
According to history they have. How come are you so certain?
Do you expect me to believe Dave that Gods have existed since the beginning of time? Or is this some kind of... entertainment :D So I thought you were an atheist? Can you make up your mind?? Gods have not existed since the beginning of history, there is no evidence of any God anywhere ever existing.

Unfortunately the only evidence we have is the bible Dave, and also the egyptions.

Why not? Have you read the creation stories of the major religious texts? Or do you believe we evolved from an ape?
Give me a straight and concise answer.
Because anything is possible.

This garden is written about in most of our ancient texts, so why not believe it existed? How else would humans be created exactly?
Heh. My point exactly:confused:
The garden of eden may and may not have existed, however, it is more unreliable than going further back into history.

Thank the maker, we're on to something *celebration cigarette*
Actually Zeus and all of the others are a part of history that I do not understand, shove it in my face.

No. In texts gods had families and affairs (like Zeus) like we do. We inherited their +’s and –‘s.

It is amazing how much people in the past actually knew about their gods compared to what we know about ours now. We know all the kids Zeus had even, checkout wikipedia.
I would love to.. But, I believe Zeus and his kids are simply a part of history Dave.

Maybe they have talked to George Bush or Tony Blair, but I haven’t chatted with them.
What then?
What now?
Have they chatted with Bush?

The earliest records of human civilisation talks about these gods, that is all we have, what other evidence do you need? Maybe we should all be atheist and think all the idiots in the past who built the pyramids etc. were just idiots, and believe what George bush says instead. What do you think?
Now you're on to something.
The only evidence I need is precisely where they have or have not chatted with bush...
Actually I think the reverse.

If we believe what Bush thinks, what does that do for us *hehe*

Instead I take a different approach, which says that we should all investigate the pyrimads, and not believe that they were idiots.:)

So, you class mythology as history, good starting point, if you want to learn.

I am sorry but classing the idiots of the pyramids days as idiocy is the precise defination of idiocy....
Go back further (then the egyptians), and start from there.

Religion as it stands is pure nonsense.

A few amazing teachers existed, I am convinced, but none of them promoted religion, an none of them came from egypt either.
M*W: I would disagree with you in that many did in fact come from Egypt--a familiar three come to mind: David, Solomon and Moses, but they were known in their times as Tuthmosis III, Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten), respectively. All three well known in the Eighteenth Dynasty.
M*W: I would disagree with you in that many did in fact come from Egypt--a familiar three come to mind: David, Solomon and Moses, but they were known in their times as Tuthmosis III, Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten), respectively. All three well known in the Eighteenth Dynasty.

good post Medicine woman...good post!
According to the bible Moses exhibited no God like powers until he managed to influence the pharohs into releasing their treasured slaves.[the pharohs once realising they had been coherced recanted and sent their army after moses and his people.]
is it no tpossible that he moses learned how to utiloise the pharohs godlike powers in the salvation of the slaves?
is it not possible that the pyramids were not designed to be tombs but more restoration chambers utilising the pyramid as an energy collecting edifice? And used as a tomb after the pharohs failed to acheive their immortality?

Is it not possible that each pyramid was designed to suit the particluar needs of the pharohs that would sleep with in the chamber at the centre to take advantage of the starlight that the pyramid was tuned to.?

hmmmm me thinks it is possible indeed...

Is it not possible that a more advanced version of the human race (genetically, gods) built the pyramids to actually space travel to a different planet?

Why are there pyramids that are basically crap and not architecturally sound still dotted around the landscape?

Did we try to immitate the gods?
First you need to define Gods in the context of the Egyptians.

It isn't the pharohs that are defining it itt is we humans that are.

The pharohs could quite easilly allow the God myth to perpetrate if it suited their needs after all who would rebel against a god?
Do you expect me to believe Dave that Gods have existed since the beginning of time? Or is this some kind of... entertainment :D So I thought you were an atheist? Can you make up your mind?? Gods have not existed since the beginning of history, there is no evidence of any God anywhere ever existing.

Unfortunately the only evidence we have is the bible Dave, and also the egyptions.

Because anything is possible.

Heh. My point exactly:confused:
The garden of eden may and may not have existed, however, it is more unreliable than going further back into history.

Thank the maker, we're on to something *celebration cigarette*
Actually Zeus and all of the others are a part of history that I do not understand, shove it in my face.

I would love to.. But, I believe Zeus and his kids are simply a part of history Dave.

What then?
What now?
Have they chatted with Bush?

Now you're on to something.
The only evidence I need is precisely where they have or have not chatted with bush...
Actually I think the reverse.

If we believe what Bush thinks, what does that do for us *hehe*

Instead I take a different approach, which says that we should all investigate the pyrimads, and not believe that they were idiots.:)

I am sorry but classing the idiots of the pyramids days as idiocy is the precise defination of idiocy....

I believe whoever created the pyramids are vastly more intelligent then any one I know, or anyone in recent history.

I don't know why you thought I thought the pyramid builders or any ancient civilisations were idiots.
I'm of Greek origin not egyptian by the way.

And I don't know what you mean by knowing exactly why? Was that an accusation against me?
Same here, it's a helluva burden ;)

I believe whoever created the pyramids are vastly more intelligent then any one I know, or anyone in recent history.

I don't know why you thought I thought the pyramid builders or any ancient civilisations were idiots.
Indeed it is, however what you have just stated is almost perfect, I will re-word it for you:

I, believe, that whoever created the heavens/earth, the stars and the moon, religion and the history of mankind, are similar to the pyramid builders, in that there is no similarity: And that they are assuredly more intelligent than anyone that I know, or, anyone in the history which is.
In other words it is a context dealeo, and the OP/thread still stands.. I've gotta nap.