All other religion threads go *kaplunk!*


Seriously, listen to what I have to say.

The bible is either true/not true/unknowably true, and one of these is possible, or something right... If it is true, then God exists, etc, but, there is still more findings other than faith.... So.... if you say that it is unknowably true, in your heart, then do you not (or unknownably absolutely true--- the whole theory of the bible being gods word that is...) wish to know if it is not true? If it is not true, then it is not true. Period. Therefore, wwe have mostly simply unknowably true...

At unknowably true level, you have "Evidence." Evidence that the bible was indeed a book from long ago and ages infact ago, written about all kinds of story which is not simply a fairy tale (any top dog atheist would not disagree. Infact, if all is simply a story tale, then the whole book should be regarded as simply that ...- which it is not).

So, we take the fact that religion is very scattered, and we subject this to the fact that this is a true statement, that religion is undecided / critical and assessmental right? (is that even a word? :eek:)

Anyhow, could the bible not go back further than the bible. Is there not such threads written about this... *sigh*...... If there is I would be truly suprised. There is not one speck of evidence that this board discusses anything other than logic and unlogic regarding the belief in God and the truth is that the only version which stands is Pantheism.

Irregardless, if the bible goes back to further periods of time would this not stand to reckon that it was mis-written perhaps. Or, to say it much better, would it not stand to say that the Egypians and specifically the ankh have any particular meaning?

Thank you for your time.
Summerian texts(which predate the bible by thousands of years), go into detail about what the bible says.

What is your point exactly?
Thank you for your information, I do not wish to de rail my thread, it is specifically discussion about your point here as well as further disagreement (I appologise I am very good at de-railing my own threads :(). Is the ankh particularly meaningful, in other words- do we not search for the truth here guys?

I get the distinct impression that people just want to believe what suits them, if the truth hit them in the face and it didn't suit them, they would call it a lie.
Basically I've simply showed all of the above to allow evidence of my claim that most religon here is debunk and that this is a real discussion of Religion.

The ankh has a special and particular meaning going all the way back to the anchient egyphians actually.
I believe that this is a matter which has not been properly suited. I will wiki at the bottom.
Also, I made a particular claim that the only way for believe in God is Pantheism and also only belief.

Other than this one can argue that perhaps if one were to be taken back to the time before any religion- would they still have any evidence of "god, anchient technology, or advanced usage of abilities/etc" which would easily explain some or most of religon.
In every regard, here is a link to wiki:
Go back further(then the egyptians), and start from there.

Religion as it stands is pure nonsense.

A few amazing teachers existed, I am convinced, but none of them promoted religion, an none of them came from egypt either.
Go back further(then the egyptians), and start from there.

Religion as it stands is pure nonsense.

A few amazing teachers existed, I am convinced, but none of them promoted religion, an none of them came from egypt either.

Sorry but this is my point exactly.
If you go back further than the egyptions, you do not have "the history of the egyptions"...

Religion, you may think is nonsense, but only because you yourself apparently are already very wrapped up in it..
Sure none of them came from egypt, or so you say, and there are amazing teachers that did exist.

And yes, they did and do "promote" religion.
Religion is "promoted" because it is the only way that it can be "spread." End of story.
Go back further(then the egyptians), and start from there.

Religion as it stands is pure nonsense.

A few amazing teachers existed, I am convinced, but none of them promoted religion, an none of them came from egypt either.

Please see this,
Other than this one can argue that perhaps if one were to be taken back to the time before any religion- would they still have any evidence of "god, anchient technology, or advanced usage of abilities/etc" which would easily explain some or most of religon.
In every regard, here is a link to wiki:
It is romantic, I guess.

Let's say it is true.

I love Isis, and respect Osiris and hate Seth, what is the point in all this?
To show that there is further credibility to religion than is being given. Please do not make me to write an essay about that instead of the present one which is fine by me.
I agree with you, the problem is, the most reliable religious texts have been relegated to mythology, not much money in it you see?
I agree with you, the problem is, the most reliable religious texts have been relegated to mythology, not much money in it you see?

This is my point also....

I already understand the wereabouts and going to's and the whowhatchyawannacallit's of this thread, :eek:
You know... If religious texts are related /relegated to mythology still... this is explaination for the fact that the bible was only written by fools who concocked some renderation of the history of their time, although lies exist in it surely we must not over look all of them. Any "truth seeker" would agree..:rolleyes:
However, as you realize the fact that anchient egyptions also had their stories, and I have heard from reliable sources, that the technology and the comming of the dinosaurs I mean ending of the dinosaurs was followed by humans decending to earth , from absolutely no where according to history right?

If this is so then what explains it? What is explained from the anchient egyptions.
If you say nothing you would be wrong.. I hate to end this post in this manner but I feel it is true.
It s also worth mentioning that according to our perspective the Egyptians worshiped numerous Gods and Goddesses yet I woud suggest that according to their own perspective they only worshiped hero or power figures within their own culture which we have attrbuted godlike powers.
No where do the Egyptians actually refer to the monotheistic one true god but always refer to sub god like figures. Every Pharoh and siblings were sbub-Gods in their own right.
The ankh itself is in fact a key if not the only key to their technology/power. IMO