All Lies About Islam Are Refuted Here

Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
except that design doesn't always mean a designer
G W:

This is where ATHEISM SUCKS.

an incredible liberal interpretation of a koran quote and an incredible simplified big bang theory
G W:

No other words to cover your embarrassment, just RANTS.


it is an 'urban legend' that the earth was flat until 1607 in western knowledge.
G W:

Well the Quran told us 1400 years ago that the earth is ROUND:

Ibn Taymiyah (d. 728 H / 1328 CE), may Allah be merciful with him, in his famous treatise, ar-Risalah al-'Arshiyah, refutes the position of the neo-Platonic philosophers who identified Allah's Throne with the ninth celestial sphere (Majmu'ul-Fatawa, Vol. 6, pp. 546-ff). In the course of his response, Ibn Taymiyah discusses the question of the earth is it round or flat? He writes:

[That] celestial bodies are round (istidaaratul-aflaak) - as it is the statement of astronomers and mathematicians (ahlul-hay'ah wal-hisab) - it is [likewise] the statement of the scholars of the Muslims; as Abul-Hasan ibn al-Manaadi, Abu Muhammad ibn Hazm, Abul-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi and others have quoted: that the Muslim scholars are in agreement [that all celestial bodies are round]. Indeed Allah - taala - has said:
And He (i.e., Allah) it is Who created the night and the day, the sun and the moon. They float, each in a falak (The Noble Quran, 21:33). [/B]
Ibn Taymiyah continues: The [word] falak [in the Arabic language] means that which is round.
In an earlier passage (Vol. 6, pp. 565-566), Ibn Taymiyah discusses why those on the other side of the earth are not below us, just like we are not below them. He writes:

As for the other side of the earth it is surrounded by water. [Note: Admittedly, Ibn Taymiyah - as all Muslim scholars of his day- were not aware of the Americas and believed that the Old World was encompassed by an ocean.] There are no human beings or anything like that [on that side]. Even if we were to imagine that people were on that side of the earth, such individuals would still be on the face of the earth. Those on that side of the earth are not below those who are on this side; just like those on this side are not below those on that side. For as all spherical bodies surround a center point (markaz), no one side of a spherical body is under the other, nor is the north pole under the south [Note: Unlike Western maps, Muslim cartographers (map-makers) would draw the world with the south-side up.] or vice versa.

In another passage (Vol. 5, p. 150) Ibn Taymiyah clearly states the earth is spherical.

Significantly Abu Ya'la in his work Tabaqatal-Hanabilah (Biographical Entries of the Hanabali Scholars) quotes the unanimous consensus (ijma) of all Muslim scholars that the earth is round.

This consensus was mentioned by the scholars of the second generation (the students of the Prophet's Companions) and was based upon Ibn Abbas' explanation to 21:33 (previously cited) and other evidences.

The later belief of Muslim scholars, like as-Suyuti (died 911 AH / 1505 CE) that the earth is flat represents a deviation from this earlier opinion.

actually, if you read it it doesn't mention a cycle in these koran quotes, but that water goes from the clouds to the ground. Not back up.
G W:

Do you understand English????? here the verses from the Quran again:

In chapter 23, verse 18, "We sent down water from the sky measure and lodged it in the ground and we certainly are able to withdraw it"
and also in chapter 24, verse 43, "Have you not seen that God makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them a heap. And you see rain drops falling from the midst of it ........"

mountains are not placed, they are folded.
G W:

Folded??????? and you claim you are scientist??????? huh ???

not correct

G W:
scientists pointed out recently that salt water and fresh water do not mix.........saying not correct make you look like small child who want to defy the rules........general rants are NOT accepted.

this is so unlogical that I can't bother to refute it.

G W:

In chapter 21, verse 30, it also says: '.....And We made every living thing from water. Will they still not believe".

Can you imagine that in the deserts of Arabia, where there is obviously a scarcity of water, who would have guessed that not only man but every living thing is made from water ???????????


it doesn't say that.

G W:

It certainly does: here it is again specially for my scientist FRIEND:

The scientist: all our continents were at one time parts of one consolidated land mass, then following an explosion, they were scattered or rather pushed away all over the surface of the earth. Therefore if you look carefully at the world map, you would see for example that the East coast of South America would fit neatly against the West coast of Africa.

Yunus: A similar idea is reflected in the Holy Quraan in the chapter 79, verse 30, "and the earth He extended after that and then drew from it water and pastures". It says that the Earth passed through a stage when God had caused the land masses to drift apart.
I can't be bothered to do more, because anyone with any education can tell it is nonsense

G W:

SURE, Any one with STUPID ATHEIST MIND will say the same thing when he is confronted with FACTS.


Salam( peace).
o you understand English????? here the verses from the Quran again:

In chapter 23, verse 18, "We sent down water from the sky measure and lodged it in the ground and we certainly are able to withdraw it"
and also in chapter 24, verse 43, "Have you not seen that God makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them a heap. And you see rain drops falling from the midst of it ........"

so where is the cycle then???
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
you are mistaken scientific facts for daily observations (and most of them are wrong)...but that's ok..i shall forgive you

you said most of the scientific facts are wrong !!!! are you really scientist or just someone who cross red lights ????
Originally posted by Green_World
you said most of the scientific facts are wrong !!!! are you really scientist or just someone who cross red lights ????

it is not my fault that you didn't pay attention in school and refuse to educate yourself
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
o you understand English????? here the verses from the Quran again:

In chapter 23, verse 18, "We sent down water from the sky measure and lodged it in the ground and we certainly are able to withdraw it"
and also in chapter 24, verse 43, "Have you not seen that God makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them a heap. And you see rain drops falling from the midst of it ........"

so where is the cycle then???

did you read the sentence: we sent water from the sky measure and LODGED it in the ground and we certainly are able to withdraw it ?? concentrate on the word SENT WATER FROM THE SKY AND THE WORD LODGED, AND WITHDRAW IT.

and then the surah 24:43:.....and you see rain drops falling from the midst of it ????? if you are REALLY scientist, you can easily connect the two verses???

even if you are not, to have a book which tell about all these amazing sceintific facts 1400 years ago by a prophet who does not know how to read or write is clear indication that the Quran is the TRUE words of ALLAH almighty.

Just think my friend, just think.
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
it is not my fault that you didn't pay attention in school and refuse to educate yourself

My friend I have MASTER degree in ECONOMICS and other MASTER in oriental studies from LONDON.
wonderful...but withdrawing probably refers to the act of withdrawing water from wells by humans...unless you are desperately insecure about your religion and want to 'proof' it at all costs.

since most water evaporates from oceans and not the ground...but the koran seem to have missed that.

as you can see i am capable to think should try it.
Originally posted by Green_World
My friend I have MASTER degree in ECONOMICS and other MASTER in oriental studies from LONDON.

Maybe you should refrain from using the annoying CAPS. I'm sure they didn't teach you that at university
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
wonderful...but withdrawing probably refers to the act of withdrawing water from wells by humans...unless you are desperately insecure about your religion and want to 'proof' it at all costs.
You really need some lessons in English, it is ALLAH who is talking about being capable of withdrawing waters from the grounds.

Oceans are empty ground without the rains.......MR.SCIENTIST.

I previousley explained to the HOPELESS blackstone that The some of the site I am refering to are MY sites, I made them and some of them I am the one who contributed largely in the materials and the money.

So, I am thinking by myself, I am not borrowing ATHEIST HOPELESS theories and build on them.

Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
Maybe you should refrain from using the annoying CAPS. I'm sure they didn't teach you that at university

Originally posted by Green_World

Oceans are empty ground without the rains.......MR.SCIENTIST.

I think that this statement doen't need any ridiculing
Originally posted by Green_World
So, I am thinking by myself, I am not borrowing ATHEIST HOPELESS theories and build on them.

why are you referring to the koran then if you think for yourself?
Originally posted by Green_World

it is not up to me, but why shout all the time. It is considered to be impolite.
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
I think that this statement doen't need any ridiculing


Exactly, you need just some rants with some salts.


why are you referring to the koran then if you think for yourself?

for The same reason that makes you refere to your SCINECE ????
Originally posted by Blackstone


Can I call you "so called ex muslim?" or non muslim or muslim convert to undisclose religion or no religion at all,:) I hope you are not ashamed of whatever you have converted to. Since, I am a muslim convert and I don't have a problem admiting it. Anyway, you are trying really hard to prove your points and I respect your devotion, but there is more in Quran and religion then simply copying and pasting from different websites. Mainly anti Islamic and then for green world anti chrisitan. There is a translation and the commentry on Quran by "Mulana Mudadi", which I read and I think it is one of the best source to see the back ground of each and every verse and chapters. Why, they were revealed and when and what is their significance. You can never learned any religion from "Internet" and speicaly from anti and pro religion websites, atleast I can't. Same thing goes for Green World, if he is going to criticize christianity or athiesm, he need to do more then copying and pasting.

As, far as your points about errors in Quran in concerned they are not that hard to refute, but it is time consuming for me and I can only access web for limited time. You are more then welcome to contact Islamic Center of Southern California, it is on vermont st near La downtown. I do go there time to time. I hope it helps.

Will you be charging the Jizya to the people around you?

Allah and his messenger want us to fight the Christians and the Jews "until they pay the Jizya [a penalty tax for the non-Muslims living under Islamic rules] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued" (9:29). Allah and his messenger announce that it is acceptable to go back on our promises (treaties) and obligations with Pagans and make war on them whenever we find ourselves strong enough to do so (9:3). Our God tells us to "fight the unbelievers" and "He will punish them by our hands, cover them with shame and help us (to victory) over them" (9:14).
1 question

Could i go to any islamic country and set up a catholic church and feel safe and secure when i went to sleep at night (always assuming i lasted that long)
Originally posted by fry1tonight
1 question

Could i go to any islamic country and set up a catholic church and feel safe and secure when i went to sleep at night (always assuming i lasted that long)
You'd have more chance becoming Pope :D
Originally posted by fry1tonight
1 question

Could i go to any islamic country and set up a catholic church and feel safe and secure when i went to sleep at night (always assuming i lasted that long)

YES YOU CAN, YOU CAN GO TO SYRIA for example where christians are enjoying extra-ordinary religious freedom.

Originally posted by Green_World
YES YOU CAN, YOU CAN GO TO SYRIA for example where christians are enjoying extra-ordinary religious freedom.


Muslim Fanatics and the Great Commission: by Arab International Ministry

"Islamic fanaticism is also on the rise in many Muslim countries leading to horrific acts of violence."
This following incident was in the press recently worldwide. She was saved by worldwide Christian protests:

A Nigerian mother was recently narrowly saved from being stoned to death after allegedly committing adultery. An international human rights campaign forced the local authorities to step in.

"The BBC's Haruna Bahago in Abuja says people armed with sticks, daggers and knives set fire to vehicles and attacked anyone they suspected of being Christian."
