All Lies About Islam Are Refuted Here

green..i dont understand.. u've been postin here and there and raisin threads about so much stuff, yet you dont want to talk about what i've asked on this forum... if i wanted to talk to some muslims about, i can have a discussion in my office... i just want to know what you think of certain issues and post it here... so everyone can see what evidence you have and talk about it.. im postin my questions here again... lets talk about it...

- you said the original bible was lost and the new one is corrupted.. how do you know that?
- how are women liberated when they are told exactly what to do without asking for their opinions? e.g. dressing from head to toe.
- evidence that god exists...

no muslim that i've talked to so far has conclusively answered those questions... especially the last one... and you base your entire religion on the premise that god exists... so if you can effectively prove that, we can talk about more stuff...
Originally posted by Blackstone
yeah yeah i know :rolleyes:

and no, i dont need to write in exact classic arabic, I dont like that language, reminds me of arabia camels roaring ..I prefer my arabic-coptic hybird that egypptians invented after they were forced by arab invaders to throw away the coptic language


Do I understand that you are as I thought one of those lost COPTIES who attack ISLAM while living in exile ?????
Originally posted by sycoindian
green..i dont understand.. u've been postin here and there and raisin threads about so much stuff, yet you dont want to talk about what i've asked on this forum... if i wanted to talk to some muslims about, i can have a discussion in my office... i just want to know what you think of certain issues and post it here... so everyone can see what evidence you have and talk about it.. im postin my questions here again... lets talk about it...

- you said the original bible was lost and the new one is corrupted.. how do you know that?
- how are women liberated when they are told exactly what to do without asking for their opinions? e.g. dressing from head to toe.
- evidence that god exists...

no muslim that i've talked to so far has conclusively answered those questions... especially the last one... and you base your entire religion on the premise that god exists... so if you can effectively prove that, we can talk about more stuff...

What the difference between answering here between these hopless atheists or answering privately to you !!!

If you are interested in the 'TRUTH' then it does not matter how I answer your 'easy' questions as long as you get answers.

I might answer you here 'publicly' if you abide by my 3 conditions:

1-I dont accept any insult against ISLAM.
2-I dont accept any insult against the great prophet Muhammad.
3-I dont accept any insult against the ONE and the ONLY: ALLAH ALMIGHTY.

Insult in the dictionary means:

A-To treat with gross insensitivity, insolence, or contemptuous rudeness.
B-To affront or demean: an absurd speech that insult the intelligence of the audience.
C-To behave arrogantly.
D-To give offense; offend: a speech that was intended to insult.

Now, if you can abide by these rules of RATIONAL discussion, I will be very pleased to answer you HERE. if at any stage you break the rules, our discussion will stop immediately and it will be the end of our dialouge.

Waiting to hear your response.
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
why do you insult people if you don't want to be insulted back?

I did NOT insult anyone, refuting your lies and fabrications against my great faith is not insult.
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
you are insulting the our culture by telling us that your faith is what we need and calling us idiots

I did not say my faith is what you need, I did not insult your culture before you ridicule mine, I did not call you idiots before you called me many names.

I had enough patience with you.

I will reply to every insult with insult.

You did not answer where in Suomi do you live ?
Originally posted by Green_World
I live in the kingdom of Allah.

I have been to Finland, I have still many Muslim friends there, most of them Somalis.

a coward then...desperately wants to know where i live, but afraid to give his own location...
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
a coward then...desperately wants to know where i live, but afraid to give his own location...

If you were clever enough, you will discover from my posts that I live in ENGLAND and to be more specific in Manchester.

I support Manchester you ??
Originally posted by Green_World
If you were clever enough, you will discover from my posts that I live in ENGLAND and to be more specific in Manchester.

I support Manchester you ??

I told you so!

Originally posted by Green_World
If you were clever enough, you will discover from my posts that I live in ENGLAND and to be more specific in Manchester.

I support Manchester you ??
Sla malecu!
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Re: ꇂ抂

Originally posted by Microzoft
Sla malecu!
ØÇÆÑÇÊ ÊÍáÞ Ýí ÇáÓãÇÁ Çáíæã. ÃãÇ ÞÓã äÈÐá ÞÕÇÑì ÌåÏäÇ áÊßæä Úáì ÞÇÆãÉ ÈÌãíÚ íÊÖãä åÐå ÇáÌåæÏ


Are you copying words that YOU DONT understand ???


do you know what the words say ?? :D
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
a smiley?

is that all you can say after noticing that you failed to understand a simple sentence?

:D I intentionaly mixed up the sentence and then I asked you.

Bloody hell, do you understand English ? to see if you can notice the did...bravo.
