All Lies About Islam Are Refuted Here

okk.. i have a few things to say.. i didnt wanna start a new thread considerin how many of em have already been started.. here are a few quotes from the quran...

16:125. Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.

2161. In this wonderful passage are laid down principles of religious preaching, which are good for all time. But where are the Teachers with such qualifications? We must invite all to the Way of Allah, and expound His Universal Will; we must do it with wisdom and discretion, meeting people on their own ground and convincing them with illustrations from their own knowledge and experience, which may be very narrow, or very wide. Our preaching must be, not dogmatic, not self-regarding, not offensive, but gentle, considerate, and such as would attract their attention. Our manner and our arguments should not be acrimonious, but modelled on the most courteous and the most gracious example, so that the hearer may say to himself, "This man is not dealing merely with dialectics; he is not trying to get a rise out of me; he is sincerely expounding the faith that is in him, and his motive is the love of man and the love of Allah."
2162. It may be that the Preacher sometimes says to himself, "What is the use of teaching these people? they have made up their minds, or they are obstinate; or they are only trying to catch me out," Let him not yield to such a thought. Who knows how the seed of the Word of Allah may germinate in people's minds? It is not for man to look for results. Man's inner thoughts are known best to Allah

yet you continue to discuss with us by insulting us... it only pisses off ppl and doesnt make your argument any stronger... and im quotin passages from your holy book... dont preach what you dont practise...

49:11 O ye who believe! Let not some men among you laugh at others: It may be that the (latter) are better than the (former): Nor let some women laugh at others: It may be that the (latter are better than the (former): Nor defame nor be sarcastic to each other, nor call each other by (offensive) nicknames: Ill-seeming is a name connoting wickedness, (to be used of one) after he has believed: And those who do not desist are (indeed) doing wrong.

17:53. Say to My servants that they should (only) say those things that are best: for Satan doth sow dissensions among them: For Satan is to man an avowed enemy.

2238. This command refers to two situations. (1) Even to your enemies and the enemies of Allah you should speak fair: who are you to judge others? Judgment belongs to Allah alone, for He knows you (i.e., all mankind) best, and your personal knowledge is at best imperfect. And Satan is always trying to divide mankind. (2) Amongst yourselves, also you should not entertain suspicions, but speak politely according to the best standards of human speech. A false or unkind word may destroy all your efforts at building up unity, because the forces of disruption are more numerous than the forces of unity.

so again... im asking you... be civil and everyone in this forum will respond more favourably to your arguments even if disagreement follows.... there is no harm in ppl disagreeing... the only harm is when one person tries to impose what they believe on others and claim that to be the ultimate truth... you think that by insulting others will make others suddenly start believing in Islam? it serves no purpose...

you think islam is the way to go... i dont...
you give your argument... i give my argument.
you don't agree with mine... i dont agree with yours..
we part amicably with our views while gainin knowledge about different viewpoints and perspectives...
KHALLAS.. end of story...

its quite simple...

dont tell ppl that they are gonna burn in hell or wateavahh just cuz they are disputin what you are saying... every ad hominem and threat is counter productive to what you are trynna prove...

anywayzz.. i hope you do get what im saying... everyone here can end this senseless fighting and honestly im tired of new threads about the same topics springin up like babies in india...

i hope what i said is absolutely crystal clear...
re. sync

I agree with what you have said but discussing islam is different from insulting it.

Now, the word insults varies from culture to culture, in your country telling your religion is evil might not sound very offensive but in my culture saying such words is very very offensive.

People here in this forum are not taking care of the cultural difference, they are used to the western style of discussion( no respect for any faith, value or tradition).

I am not prepared to read any insensetive comments about my faith, if you have any OBJECTIVE questions about Islam, then FINE, I have no problem sitting and arguing with you until the morning, but if your aim is just to defame Islam then NO, I shall be in my full force to stop you.
no one here is deliberately trynna defame your religion...
you started insulting ppl and they retaliated...
if someone is sayin your religion is bullshit, that's their opinion.. you dont have to take that personally....

there is a certain pattern of argumentation here..

you claim something
others will ask for proof based on empirical evidence
you provide the evidence = some will accept, some wont
you dont provide the evidence = your claim is baseless

that's how it works...

if you claim that what ppl are doing in muslim countries is not whats written in the quran, that just proves that ppl have deviated from what is told to be done... therefore, they are no more muslim than a non muslim cuz they aren't correctly following the quran.... just cuz ur a born muslim, doesn't make you a muslim...

if you can't recognize the social problems in muslim societies, then you are turning a blind eye... everyone was goin crazy about how the taliban were treatin women in afghanistan... what about the women in saudi arabia.. what about in iran.. no one talks about that cuz its not newsworthy for a buncha reasons...
im not sayin all muslim societies are corrupted... but the problem is about the ones that are.. even if there are a few of em.. it doesn't make the problem smaller due to statistics...

and criticizing western societies or any other part of the world doesnt take the heat off what we are discussing...

a few points that i rememba askin but you never answered... try and give me a rational answer...

- you said the original bible was lost and the new one is corrupted.. how do you know that?
- how are women liberated when they are told exactly what to do without asking for their opinions? e.g. dressing from head to toe.
- evidence that god exists...

p.s. i am not christian... just reminding you again... i want a logical answer...
Originally posted by sycoindian
no one here is deliberately trynna defame your religion...
you started insulting ppl and they retaliated...
if someone is sayin your religion is bullshit, that's their opinion.. you dont have to take that personally....

Well said.
Originally posted by sycoindian
if you can't recognize the social problems in muslim societies, then you are turning a blind eye... everyone was goin crazy about how the taliban were treatin women in afghanistan... what about the women in saudi arabia.. what about in iran.. no one talks about that cuz its not newsworthy for a buncha reasons...
im not sayin all muslim societies are corrupted... but the problem is about the ones that are.. even if there are a few of em.. it doesn't make the problem smaller due to statistics...

nothing wrong with keeping the womenfolk subservient and at your beck and call! following you at least 10 paces behind you to constantly remind her of her place in life?

imagine sex on demand. meal on table, lawn mowed! garage organized!

havent we guys suffered from the indignity of having studly guys hit on our women? solution? cover the ho... i mean girl....sorry from head to toe!

4 wives? isnt that every mans dream? one night a redhead, the next a blonde. ha! the brunnette and blonde together!

wake up dogs!
arabs know represent!
we would do well by emulating and adopting the more useful aspects of their culture!

failing that, we could always go mormon!

whaddya say negroes?
An Explanation of The Highway

Originally posted by Green_World
re. sync

I agree with what you have said but discussing islam is different from insulting it.

Now, the word insults varies from culture to culture, in your country telling your religion is evil might not sound very offensive but in my culture saying such words is very very offensive.

People here in this forum are not taking care of the cultural difference, they are used to the western style of discussion( no respect for any faith, value or tradition).

I am not prepared to read any insensetive comments about my faith, if you have any OBJECTIVE questions about Islam, then FINE, I have no problem sitting and arguing with you until the morning, but if your aim is just to defame Islam then NO, I shall be in my full force to stop you.
When being objective, one has no obligation to use manners other than those directly related to the process of debate. I will list the necessary behaviors for participation in an objective discussion:

1) Address the topic.

2) Use some kind of logical system.

3) Be honest.

4) Don't do anything else (no attacking the person or straw man fallacies, etc.).

You'll notice that these rules do not prohibit one from saying that a religion is evil. In fact, if one actually believes Islam to be evil, one is actually required to say so when the subject is at hand, because to say otherwise would be dishonest. In short, honesty is more important than tact.

BEYOND that, however, one should be as sensitive as possible when it is no threat to one's honesty to do so. People don't always follow this guideline, though, and it is your responsibility to ignore them when they are rude.
Oh in the name of sweet Isis...Green is more n00bish than I actually need someone to TELL you that?:rolleyes:
Green World...You say that your occupation is
"Terminating by peaceful means all Anti-Islam forces wherever they are."

Peaceful...huh. I'm suprised that you can spell the word let alone understand it. You have plastered vicious comments against the West and the Christian world all over this forum.

Let me re-arrange your "occupation" for you to spell the truth:

"Terminating by all means Anti-Islam forces wherever they are"

Isn't this nearer the truth Green World?
green.. your silence might reflect on the following options..

1) you can't answer my questions using rational arguments
2) you haven't had time to respond

i hope its the latter cuz i wanna have a logical discussion void of insults and copy n paste.... dont gimme ur answers as website links or copy and paste... answer my questions and back it up with evidence... its pretty simple...
Not everyone hangs around forums all day like some people do. Get a life.

Green, what is the fucking matter with you? You are the one who charged into sciforums claiming that we all "attacked Islam". You're an utter n00b. It would be highly beneficial to this forum if you left.

We had a problem idiot like you, who got banned right as you forced yourself onto us. One fucking moron comes in as we drive out another...sigh...
---Not everyone hangs around forums all day like some people do. Get a life. ---

are you talkin to me?
Originally posted by sycoindian
green.. your silence might reflect on the following options..

1) you can't answer my questions using rational arguments
2) you haven't had time to respond

i hope its the latter cuz i wanna have a logical discussion void of insults and copy n paste.... dont gimme ur answers as website links or copy and paste... answer my questions and back it up with evidence... its pretty simple...

I am sorry I was busy, I had 60 E-mails in 2 days from all over the world from people who are interested in Islam.

I am very pleased to have rational discussion with you, I suggest we communicate through PM's or E-mail, this environment here is very hostile and ignorant , and people here are so much ignorant of Islam and their hate to this great religion is making them blind, dumb and muted.

I am looking to hear your reply for my suggestion.

kind regards.
But the thread title is "all lies about islam are refuted here. Thus far you have refuted none, and Blackstone is way ahead on decent links. Why do you insist on PM'g people when you should post the results for all to see? Is it because you are only posting crap then abandoning threads when they sink.
green... id appreciate if you answered it in this thread... im on this site a lot, but not always for long periods of time... this way you can have some time to think about what you wanna say and vice versa... and plus others can also benefit from reading it and analyzin it...

Please try to adopt a less hostile tone yourself and then others are less likely to be hostile to you. You only have yourself to blame when you began here by calling large groups of people losers etc. That doesn't encourage anyone to want to deal with you or listen to your potentially valuable points of view.

Islam teaches tolerance of other religions. At sciforums we try to encourage tolerance of other members. These two ideals do not appear incompatible. If you set an example yourself then others might well follow.

Helpfully, hopefully.
Originally posted by sycoindian
green... id appreciate if you answered it in this thread... im on this site a lot, but not always for long periods of time... this way you can have some time to think about what you wanna say and vice versa... and plus others can also benefit from reading it and analyzin it...

I am sorry syc, I cant accept to discuss serious rational matters here, the hopeless atheists are not here to benefit but just to insult, I have no time for their carp.

I welcome you to PM me or even to E-mail me and you can ask WHATEVER you want provided you dont insult my faith, my God and my prophet, if you abide by these conditions, I am preapred to communicate with you for as much as it takes.

Kind regards.
Originally posted by Blackstone
werent they 100/per day a few days ago? I bet you reply with stolen copy-n-paste articles too?:rolleyes:

btw, you got

Al Hamdo LLAH, people from all over the world are responding and reacting very positivley to my replies. I guess because they are genuinly interested in Islam.

I got your PM in Arabic, I replied back.

Can you please write in CLASSICAL arabic, I love the Eygptian accent, but I prefer to have more beautiful Arabic.
