all in the name of allah


talmud....a man who has not seen jerusalem in its splendour has never seen a beautiful city in his life.

jesus said it is the city of the great king.
...and paul...come unto mount sion, and unto the city of the living god, the heavenly jerusalem.

from islam...the choice of allah of all his lands is jerusalem....the dew which descends upon jerusalem is a remedy from every sickness because it is from the gardens of paradise

.....the city of god
.......jerusalem is holy
.....water the garden
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I'm tired of hearing all this bullshit "they worship Allah, they're murderers. They kill in the name of Allah." GOD DAMN IT AMERICA KILLS IN THE NAME OF GOD! During the war in Irak every speach Bush made ended with God Bless America. The war in Irak was a crusade. "We're right, you're wrong." "Our God has a bigger dick than your God therefor worship our God.".

In all religions they're 'extremist' who decide to interpret the beliefs for people, instead of letting the people find and interpret those beliefs within themselves. By doing so they can, to an extent, control the people. "Kill in the name of Allah.", "Pre-marital(sp?) sex is wrong because God said so." and the list goes on.
Originally posted by Flood
"Our God has a bigger dick than your God therefor worship our God.".

Damn, Thats one post I have seen where the person has the balls to speak out !!

I really feel that all Religions are like Political parties created to help people but in the end screw the people in the process to gain more visibility and followers rather than stick to helping people. The whole concept of Jesus being God and Allah being the only God ...and so on is lame...
Why don't you guys get a life and live it rather than creating rules for your self ..that would bring more peace on earth than stupid man made religions like Judaism, Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism. Bhuddism...etc.

Peace out

yeah, nice call, guru. there is only one god and thats jesus ( his fathers son ) .;) and i don't think he minds all these different faiths. jesus is more into the salvation of man. for jesus said, i come not to destroy the world but to save it. if a man hears what i am saying and does not observe it, i don't judge him. those that reject me have a judge tho - the word that i have spoken will judge them on the last day.
cheers ( like the handle )
Re: guru

Originally posted by firingseeds
yeah, nice call, guru. there is only one god and thats jesus ( his fathers son ) .;) and i don't think he minds all these different faiths.

Thanks FSeeds....
Well I must have not included Jesus in my list the way your reply is more like preaching a faith rather than logic or being more realistic. I would rather have you speak about more practical things than Jesus ...he came he saw and he screwed the minds of many and who in turn screw other's mind...what do you mean my his father's son ....we all are our father's son...what you believe in is no better than any other religion where people ask you to believe in the Religion to be free of all the ills of mankind and promises God's Heaven in afterlife...



hi! yes, guru, u did mention jesus. sorry, i tried to slip that one thru under ya guard:D .
guru, jesus IS the answer to the world's problems. do we preach that when he returns? or do we build him a spearhead, a platform, on the earth today? the earth does look a pretty darn formidable place to conquer, even for god's son. there are lots of guns, differing idea's, different cultures, different faiths, different individuals. how does one conquer, or overcome, such a monopoly of wealth, as is of the earth, and yet still treat humanity with respect.
"not might, nor by power; but by my spirit, says the lord."
that's the KEY to the whole thing; BUT BY MY SPIRIT, SAYS THE LORD.
bless u, guru, u have a nice day.;)

one must judge a tree by its fruit. man killing in the name of religion is not fruit from the vine, but fruit from the imposter, for a good tree cannot - i repeat, cannot - produce bad fruit. the story is in the telling and not the story told. for it is by faith we stand, and in faith alone, that god will make all his promises come true. tho we may reject, his hand is stretched out still. what is the flesh worth, if for but a moment it's here, and then it is gone.
there is an end to the story; and a new everlasting in jesus christ. man cannot rid it'self of evil, just as a cat can't rid itself of fleas. only by divine intervention can this happen. the message of god is simple. to all that believe on his word, may his spirit rest on that person.