all in the name of allah


Registered Senior Member
is islam a lie or is it just the people? i am not against islam but i find the people to be liars - or tell lies to support their case!...( and they seem to think thats ok :( )!
we dont need to read the koran, but, it seems, they need to read the bible to get anywhere. then they lie about it...and jesus :confused: .
they dont listen either: or cant!...and then they hold themselves superior? ...sons of ham i call them ( he was cursed by noah bytheway )...mad or stupid? aye or naye?
...and i would be ahamed of myself bullshittin over religion....and i dont mind islam at all. jest like overhead powerlines it can be improved upon.
ooohh!...islam is a cultural identity so it should be preserved.
:m: :m: :m: may the palm trees of israel remind one of home.
by the cross of jesus.
Ahh the common misconception of people:rolleyes:

Islam is a very peaceful in no way asks for killing of other religions to mark it's own supreamacy. It doesn't call for women to be put down and belittled by men. The thing is that Muslim people take it way too much to the heart...not all muslim people mind you but many do. They become so fanatic about it for some reason that they start to almost become dellusional and start concieving their own meanings about what is written in the holy text. Fanatics like Osama Bin Ladens aren't as religious as one may take them to be. Bastards like him use Islam as a religion to mask his own personal political agenda's. Also many terrorists adapt the name of Islam in order to cause fear around the world because in their own countries the conditions are so poor and devastating...along with harsh governments that abuse their own people in conjunction with propaganda fed to them by the same government. They see no other choice other than to kill. Many other factors play along in this game of terrorism but the real cause of all this activity is the shoddy and coprrupt government that doesn't give a 2 cent regard of their own people in these countries.

hi sarge, yes i can agree with a number of points u raised; especially about using islam for ones own agendas. i believe many take on islam for their own cultural identity and not for the sake of compassion-or love! there does appear to be a hate agenda involved as well, especially among new american recruits.
an american muslim can quite easily thumb his nose at an arab moslem.
yes, despair is the great melting pot for disillusionment: i feel the palestinians have a case - tho having to send their children strapped to bombs is the great travesty. ohhh, of course, the leaders are far too valuable! an example is saddam and his wealth and demented values, expecting followers to blow themselves up for his truly. umm, theres work to be done in the backward, primitive areas of so - called modern islam, where a thief can still lose a hand. that is sick!

Yes you are quite right in saying that Modern islam still needs to work out many of it's kinks. I believe just a few months ago a teribble, horrific practice was outlawed in Pakistan; where if a man was found to be guilty of a crime he could avoid fines and jail sentence by letting the other men of the community sleep with his sister or wife or daughter...regardless of whether the female agrees to it or not. I mean what kind of Barbaric behavior is that, what society allows such idiotic and downright shamefull actions to be undertaken. To be fair this only went on in the more underdeveloped areas of Pakistan....villages and such.

yes! and its allowing evil ones full vent to their miseries. its to do with mans pride and arrogance, and deadness of the heart. they like to play the role of god themselves it seems.
the world is actually a mess, with no real leadership, nor real honor. a little man with unlimited power would be another hitler.
islam cant grow until it be re - educated.
i think that is the american ideal in iraq - whether it can work is another matter? the modern american army is the greatest military machine the world has ever seen - in a similiar sense to what rome was in her heyday.
This attitude reminds me of the Roman times , where everybody was seen as barabrics except ofcourse for the greaters barbarics the roman themselves .

Im sorry for those who feel so bad about ISLAM , its because they dont understand it nor do they wish to care to understand it . Islam can be understood in many ways , unfortunatly people only care certain aspects of certain sects that they find benefiting to ridiciule , its cool . Those people should not even study Islam but stick to whatever they wish . Why talk about it , why complain about it , when you dont care about it ? Why are you looking for an explenation that you will never find ?

And what I can stand one bit is those who defend Islam against these dorry views of ignorance , he who wants to know will ask you in a manner worthy of answer , not offensive or disrespecting . The saddest part is that people start bringing in UBL , when UBL's religious views are quite irellevant to his foreign policy when it comes to "terrorism" . UBL is quite a religious man , and a man who lives a simple life unlike those bastard Arabs sucking dry the people and natural wealths . As if it has ever been about religion , as a matter of fact if UBL should denounce his Islamic fundamentalism , his fanatic followers would TRIPLE .
So to say he uses is Islam is kind of lame , as it isnt ISLAM that attracts people to UBL .

But it is quite sickening to see how people speak of Islam as if it is in their peoples , as if they can go around change whatever they want because things seem barbaric .

allahs maths

Nice discourse, Maths. Ubl wouldnt live so simply if he didnt have wealth. He would put more energy just into survival. There is no excuse for violent hatred tho, and a tree is known by its fruit.
Rome hasnt died either Maths - it has just modernized. That Iraq thing was a modern roman army in action, ( spiritually speaking ).
Man may not be pure, Maths, but the spirit of Jesus is! As an atonement to mankind God has provided his Son, that whosoever believeth on him, will be saved.
Futhermore, if it was within my power, i would not allow any man to lose an arm for theft: or any such cruel thing. Would u stand idly by and watch an animal be tortured and care not?
Jesus taught that there are civil laws to follow as well as his laws. The depth of the soul reveals the truth of ones walk before Almighty God Himself - the Father of Jesus Christ. In its clarity, it is floodlit, and no darkness exists: while the candle of the Lord sears, searches and trains the soul, mind and spirit.
Because this walk is eternal, there - in the end - is no room for comprimize: only compassion...and mercy.
Ubl wouldnt live so simply if he didnt have wealth. He would put more energy just into survival

True , but he does add on the missing survival-aspect as he goes into wars and warzones on his horse .
And you know very well what "simple" Im speaking off .
There is a difference between easy for oneself and simplistic concerning material . Id say UBL wouldnt be living more complex materially if he wouldnt have $ , it would be quite unlogical as well wouldnt u say ?

That Iraq thing was a modern roman army in action, ( spiritually speaking ).

Small tribes of crazy fanatics can kick Romas all the way to Italy , remember the Huns ?

Man may not be pure, Maths, but the spirit of Jesus is! As an atonement to mankind God has provided his Son, that whosoever believeth on him, will be saved.
Futhermore, if it was within my power, i would not allow any man to lose an arm for theft: or any such cruel thing. Would u stand idly by and watch an animal be tortured and care not?
Jesus taught that there are civil laws to follow as well as his laws. The depth of the soul reveals the truth of ones walk before Almighty God Himself - the Father of Jesus Christ. In its clarity, it is floodlit, and no darkness exists: while the candle of the Lord sears, searches and trains the soul, mind and spirit.
Because this walk is eternal, there - in the end - is no room for comprimize: only compassion...and mercy

lmao , what are u a priest ?
Saying lovely hilarious words doesnt change your attitude towards to world and towards Islam , spreading some bad name , behaving like the Romans and their SUPERIORITY to everybody else at. Thats Nazism concerning to me , and thats where you go with your lovely mumbo jumbo .
Ahhh poor Islam...poor misunderstood Islam. They need to fire the teachers that teach Islam in middleeast countries because they mix their hatred in with a holy, peaceful text. When 30% of the nations kids want to grow up to be Martyers something is off there.
Ahhh poor Islam...poor misunderstood Islam. They need to fire the teachers that teach Islam in middleeast countries because they mix their hatred in with a holy, peaceful text. When 30% of the nations kids want to grow up to be Martyers something is off there.

U want em to grow up to detonate bombs from a distance , me too . U c its not Islam that makes them deadly , its Islam that makes them suicidal while they are being deadly .

And btw not 30% is growing up to be martyrs , if so since when , can you bring me in contact with them ? Silly UBL trying to recrute street-mahgrib in the west , while already 30% back home wanna die .

Its not poor Islam , its poor you . And peacefull texts ? There's no such thing man . No peacefull text no peaceless text . Its a certain understanding that is linked to the acts u speak of (and like I sayd this understanding is incorrect as well) , not some letters on some paper or whatever .
allahs maths

the things u really want are the things u want to destoy.
those kids have a better right to life than what you're giving them.
u dont know anything about jesus christ. no idea!
poverty is a cause of many social problems...and lack of leadership.
do u ever wonder why their is conflict between islam and isreal? its becasue of sara. god made a promise to abraham that from him a powerful race of people will come. but he couldnt have kids with sara, and she told him to have a son with a slave. haggai.
al those promises usualy go to the first born, like the birthright.
finaly sara bore him a son too. but sara kicked haggai out because she didnt want her son ishmael to inherit the promise.
but issac got it and there was a conflict.
these simple maths

nice call Edgar....thanks for the info.

Well, we know where Jesus stands in this, since he's the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob....and we do use the Bible for our reference - the Torah being around before the time of Jesus, and from which he grew up learning - these maths being quite strait-forward. Yes! the Jews had a habit of doing that, didn't they? Esau, Jacob: Ephraim, Manasseh. Nor did God choose the eldest of Jesse and David either. And so, really, its all in the name of Jesus.
As i browsed the bible references u offered, Edgar, all the stage elements u speak of become abundantly clear, including the pivotal attitude and role adaption of our distant brother, maths. Just shows the full force of the word of God doesnt it? right down to the dots and tees.
Ishmael got a blessing: Isaac a if everyone was educated....:rolleyes:
and the angel of the lord said unto her, behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name ishmael; because the lord hath heard thy affliction.
and he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every mans hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presense of all his brethren. ( remember, maths? ham, japheth and shem. )
and she called the name of the lord that spake unto her, thou god seest me: for she said, have i also here looked after him that seeth me?
One can agrue is Islam a religion? everytime i give it the benefit of the doubt, it somehow ends up being a history of a people in that time period, preserved. The prophet just basically wrote the cultures of the people of those times and his opinions about it. hmmm, how is it in no way asks for killing of other religions to mark it's own supreamacy? I mean "the sword of Islam" certainly shows Islam as not a peaceful religion. One can also argue that Christianity wasnt so peaceful as we would want to believe. (referring to the crusades).
Yet, other religions dont allow men to belittle women. Yes , in the koran does make it obvious that women are belittle. Islam tried to find some order in that society at that time period.
I mean, take in consideration, Islam knew about other religion when it was formed, yet it says that If you are a non-muslim you are going to hell. It didnt take into consideration others. Its just a great propaganda to spread its word.
Another would be, why is this great religion, monolingual? God doesnt understand English?
Then, if this religion gives rights to women, one right that it acclaims is the right to divorce, yet no muslim would tell you that you have to seek the man's permission first. So tell me, is this still a genuine right?:confused:

points taken. it isnt for islam to decide is it! as we can see, its a dark abyss. same can be said of christianity also. the only law man has is the law of jesus. every knee will bend and declare jesus king of kings, son of god
america is the biggest seller of arms in the world today, closely followed by britain france russia etc. its an important part of their economic base - if not the most important. america will probably make more money out of iraq than what was spent on the war, and an even faster return than by loaning to brasil.
america will support a hitler, it appears, if it suits its global strategy, ( didnt 'saddam' get its chemical rootstock from a florida company via the cia ). god made man upright but they have sought out many inventions.
when the hutus were slaughtering not so long ago, did anybody really care. no! the movies went on, and the brunches, and in time, the hutus were contained. but for so much human suffering beforehand:( ... man is quite corrupt apart from islam.
no! its all in the name of jesus.
the things u really want are the things u want to destoy.

perhaps you are ruled by emotions of greed and envy , I am not .

besides , If I want something Ill take something , not destroy it ...........thats just foolish

those kids have a better right to life than what you're giving them.

me or you ?

u dont know anything about jesus christ. no idea!

I know his name was not christ

poverty is a cause of many social problems...and lack of leadership.

and whats the cause of poverty , bad luck ?

do u ever wonder why their is conflict between islam and isreal? its becasue of sara. god made a promise to abraham that from him a powerful race of people will come. but he couldnt have kids with sara, and she told him to have a son with a slave. haggai.
al those promises usualy go to the first born, like the birthright.
finaly sara bore him a son too. but sara kicked haggai out because she didnt want her son ishmael to inherit the promise.
but issac got it and there was a conflict.

I think you are showing a truth , but thats not why there is a conflict with Israel , thats why there is a conflict with the Jews .
If you wish to reason for the state of Israel or the people of Israel from this point of view , let me remind you that the Qu'ran speaks of Israel as well , and that Arabs see themselves as what is left of the Israelites as the people of Israel mixed in , converged (Christianity-Islam) , they just lost their jewish tradition .

But again......religion is not the cause , oppression is .

Ishmael got a blessing: Isaac a if everyone was educated....

biblical education (especially traditionally) isnt quite representing education in general .

I mean "the sword of Islam" certainly shows Islam as not a peaceful religion.

Read the bible and ull find the sword of judaism and christianity as well .

One can also argue that Christianity wasnt so peaceful as we would want to believe. (referring to the crusades).

not so was barbarbaric and it still is . As if crusades was about the inquisition ? How about the colonizations ?

Yet, other religions dont allow men to belittle women. Yes , in the koran does make it obvious that women are belittle. Islam tried to find some order in that society at that time period.

have you ever read the bible ? And can you quote Qu'ran saying such about woman , besides who cares how an idiot inteprets a text ? Stop stereotyping Islam .

I mean, take in consideration, Islam knew about other religion when it was formed, yet it says that If you are a non-muslim you are going to hell.

bullshit man , hever u ever read anything at all ?

Another would be, why is this great religion, monolingual? God doesnt understand English?

God speaks in a superior language , as you dont even have a decent theological concept I suggest u just dont think about it . some doofus people interpret things is irellevant .
Stop blaming a book

yet no muslim would tell you that you have to seek the man's permission first. So tell me, is this still a genuine right?

who cares what "some muslim" says ? Does he define the text ?

when the hutus were slaughtering not so long ago, did anybody really care. no!

nobody ever cares about shit period , care is simply trendy now and then .

maths, if jesus was not the answer, then why would u need help?
ya'see, maths, we the children can see you, but you cannot see jesus. u actually have to look up and bend the knees, but u dont have to grovel forever, for it's a service of love that is requited. imagine the poor immature kids seeing the pictures u bestow. they become your nemesis. theory is great, but practical application is required. anyone can talk, but who can't talk and perform?
i like your maths tho. u have a good grasp of the fundamentals of islam. keep up the good work. jest remember your responsibilities. u are required to perform good works and not works of hate. u cannot take some parts of the bible for a reference and then deny other parts. simply, its one complete package.
remember also, sin is a condition of man, not god. he is the god of israel bytheway. he also requires justice. that god is jesus christ.