All homosexuals should be stoned to death, says Muslim preacher

Why? I do believe we should tolerate them............but if society deemed it acceptable not to, then it wouldn't be "wrong" ”

I couldn't disagree more. Often the mark of the bravest man is to oppose utterly the will of the majority, where do so it the right thing to do.
Which is why it's taken so long to get where we are today, for a long time they just killed the pesky trouble makers. They still do I am sure but not in public as much.

Furthermore you are assuming that we must tolerate anything that is natural. Or that because of such study we have to tolerate it and it's impossible to hold the position that we shouldn't.
But the religious position is dominantly that homosexuality is not natural and hence the primary reason they object.

There are enough studies now to show that HS is quite natural and that the religious establishment is out of step with reality.

Now there are many things that are natural that we should not tolerate, cancer, and many diseases for example.

The issue is not that we must accept everything that is natural but we should reject religious dogma based on ignorance and intolerance.
From the Bible, Torah.

Lev 20:13 "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death."
Leviticus also says you shouldn't wear clothing of mixed clothes. So, not cotton-polyester blends, or you should be stoned to death!

Where in there does it prove that homosexuals are needed for the survival of the human species ?

I am not saying they are a detriment, and some even have children with women before they come out of course. Some I am sure donate sperm.

But we humans are not in any way having problems bringing children into the world without them, wouldn't you agree ?

Well, it doesn't exactly "prove" it. It just offers evidence that homosexuality appears to be a positive trait (aids in the species survival) in some species.

I'm not trying to backtrack, it's just part of the scientific method, at least as I understand it. You notice interesting behavior, and reach a point where you you form a premise as to "why" that behavior occurs. In this case we would be talking about homosexuality, which is noticed in nature, and our premise is that it is necessary for the survival of the species.

This premise must be falsifiable in that it is possible, at least in theory, to find other evidence that rules out the premise.

Now go test that premise through observation and experimentation. If the results of said observation are consistent with your premise and you can reasonably rule out other factors influencing the outcome, this bolsters your premise.

Share said premise and the results of your observations with others (professionals in the particular field of interest), and they will try to tear your premise to pieces. If they can't, and the results of your experiment / observation are reproducible, your premise may become a generally accepted theory.

At this point, the theory is casually referred to as being "true".

Norsefire's, errors arise in several contexts, one of them being his request for me to "prove" a negative. This is a logical fallacy, and impossible to satisfy. (Google for more information).

Also, I presented him with a premise, i.e. homosexuality is necessary for survival of the species and backed it up with data. He proceeded to reiterate his opinion without falsifying this data, in fact he ignored it.

Once this sort of thing happens, any further attempt at rational discussion is usually fruitless.

P.S. - for the relevant bits from the article I cited, see the bold sections in the second post that has the article embedded.
Leviticus also says you shouldn't wear clothing of mixed clothes. So, not cotton-polyester blends, or you should be stoned to death!

james there are days i agree with that, mostly when i see those nobs riding around in lycra:p

Well, it doesn't exactly "prove" it. It just offers evidence that homosexuality appears to be a positive trait (aids in the species survival) in some species.

A postive trait for the survival of some species I agree, but what about humans ? There may be evidence for that but it's not discussed in the article.

That is all I was questioning. I personally can't think of any for us simply because we have become so successful in making babies. Maybe there was a time when it was an aid in the rearing of children, who knows.

If you think about it. If most women were constantly pregnant and the men were off hunting together, maybe gay men and women were supportive of the group at large in rearing children, doing tasks to help etc . Just speculation on my part.
"All homosexuals should be stoned to death, says Muslim preacher"

While I appreciate the pot advocacy, committing to a life time of smoking seems like it should be a personal decision and it usually isn't a matter of sexual or religious preference.
it's pretty f'ing clear to me. people generally do not read the bible with the intention of understanding it. they read it with an agenda. also, the bible is not simply a text book, but a spiritual tool to be interpreted to you by the spirit. even the same scripture can have many meanings over time, and to different people, and all of the meanings still be true.

Its a conglomeration of ancient jewish propaganda and semi historical religious fiction.
A postive trait for the survival of some species I agree, but what about humans ? There may be evidence for that but it's not discussed in the article.

That is all I was questioning. I personally can't think of any for us simply because we have become so successful in making babies. Maybe there was a time when it was an aid in the rearing of children, who knows.

If you think about it. If most women were constantly pregnant and the men were off hunting together, maybe gay men and women were supportive of the group at large in rearing children, doing tasks to help etc . Just speculation on my part.

I'll be...
You and I arrived at that theory independently. It came to me after I responded to your last post, but I did not want to go back and make such an extensive edit. In fact, this will probably be my last post for today, I've got to get some sleep.

It's possible that you've hit how it might apply to people head on. If anyone demands evidence though, you're going to have to explain how we have distorted that "natural" system with the artificial imposition of laws and social customs. Therefore, unbiased data is unavailable.

You might even be able to make a case towards some of the bigots that run around complaining how "homosexual depravity" is becoming more and more widespread. Maybe homosexuality is on the rise because, citing your post, we are "so good at making babies now". (if it really is on the rise, I have no idea in a broad historical context)

We do know a couple of things: More babies now survive their first year of life and the stable two or more "adults at home" lifestyle is decreasing. Is this supposed increase in homosexuality nature's intended way of compensating?

Save the children, the poor, poor children. Well, OK, but homosexuality is going to rise! What a hoot you could have advocating that theory!
There is no way of knowing if there is an increase in homosexuality rates. It is only in the last 20 years that men and women have been able to admit their homosexuality without fearing persecution since antiquity, and even now that is only true in certain parts of the world. Coming out of the closet in some parts of the United States can still mean death.

But what we do have is an increase in people coming out. Doesn't mean there are more homosexuals, just more open homosexuals.
Now - one more time - falsify this, cite your sources or STFU.
I didn't miss that. That's an interesting study, but I don't see the connection between that study and somehow having to accept homosexuals.

i.e, while we could accept them on the "it's natural and beneficial" grounds, we could reject them on cultural grounds

Therefore it's simply up to our society as a whole to choose. Apparantly in certain societies, they tolerate gays and in others, they do not. Let different cultures live as they wish.


No, I assume that when somebody wants to oppress other human beings who pose no threat to them they are a backwards know-nothing.
I would agree, but then again, freedom is not a given. Efficiency, productivity, and technological sophistication can all be achieved without freedom...therefore civilization can exist without freedom and still be far superior to any we have today.

Then your "morality" reduces to "do what you like, as long as you have a big enough gun, because there is no right and wrong, just might and weakness".

That's not any kind of morality I want to buy into.
But that's the reality; what alternative is there? Honestly, do you think that if you couldn't enforce your "good" on the world that it would make a difference?

What good is the law without the police to enforce it? You see what I am saying? The reality is "might makes right" whether we like it or not.

Well, yes. Some perspectives are demonstrably superior to others, in that they produce better outcomes. (Of course, even that is saying that good outcomes are desirable - something not likely to be argued by anybody but a philosopher with too much spare time).
I agree. However, think of a sadist: their happiness stems from the pain of others.

That would require an essay. I don't have the time.
Not to mention it's a useless concept unless everyone agrees.

I couldn't disagree more. Often the mark of the bravest man is to oppose utterly the will of the majority, where do so it the right thing to do.
Yes but again, this depends on your definition of "right" and "wrong". One could feel that Hitler was one of the "bravest men" to utterly oppose the will of the majority (i.e, the world) and pursue "progress"

But it does exist. The fact that you're personally amoral (or immoral) doesn't say anything about morality as an objective fact. It just means that either you can't or don't want to understand something.
However morality isn't an objective fact. It's existent only subjectively in our minds. Morality cannot be demonstrated to exist independently of human perception. That is because it does not.


But the religious position is dominantly that homosexuality is not natural and hence the primary reason they object.
Yes, therefore they are ignorant.

However, at least this is how I take it, apparantly rejecting homosexuality for any reason makes you an "idiot".

Even if you are informed; although then I call that unfair. If one is informed of the reality, perhaps even an athiest too, and still rejects homosexuality out of, say, cultural grounds or some other reason, then it's their fair decision.

I would agree, but then again, freedom is not a given. Efficiency, productivity, and technological sophistication can all be achieved without freedom...therefore civilization can exist without freedom and still be far superior to any we have today.

Looks like you've been sucked into the belief that things like efficiency, productivity and technology are the only things that make a civilisation "superior". Personally, I'd say social factors are much more important.

But that's the reality; what alternative is there? Honestly, do you think that if you couldn't enforce your "good" on the world that it would make a difference?

Yes. It's happening all over the world right now.

What good is the law without the police to enforce it?

You don't need enforcement if people agree to obey the law, which the vast majority of people do.

You see what I am saying? The reality is "might makes right" whether we like it or not.

No. People agree what is right and wrong, by and large.

That would require an essay. I don't have the time.

Not to mention it's a useless concept unless everyone agrees.

No. Broad agreement is good enough. We don't have to consider the happiness of the sadists (at least as it pertains to committing sadistic acts).

Yes but again, this depends on your definition of "right" and "wrong". One could feel that Hitler was one of the "bravest men" to utterly oppose the will of the majority (i.e, the world) and pursue "progress"

How much "progress" did Hitler achieve? He destroyed his own nation.

However morality isn't an objective fact. It's existent only subjectively in our minds.

We've done this before. People agree that morality exists. It is a colllective thing, not just an individual subjective thing.
Here's a picture of Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ruhollah Mosavi Khomeini. He's kind of like the Pope for many Shia. He ran Iran as the "Supreme" pizza... I mean Leader.

Here he is doing something to some boy?

He spent his whole life studying the Qur'an and the life of Mohammad and then wrote a book that would be the foundation of the Perfect Islamic society.
Here: تحرير الوسيلة

In it he says some very interesting things, based on his life-time's study of The Qur'an and Mohammad.

For example:

If a man sodomises the son, brother, or father of his wife after their marriage, the marriage remains valid.

During sexual intercourse, if the penis enters a woman's vagina or a man's anus, fully or only as far as the circumcision ring, both partners become impure, even if they have not reached puberty; they must consequently perform ablutions.

the belief that things like efficiency, productivity and technology are the only things that make a civilisation "superior". Personally, I'd say social factors are much more important.

In a perfect world I agree. It all depends on whether the fight can be fought. If another society were to use their effeciency, productivity and technology to say wipe out the society that is seeking social equality for example, it doesn't matter.

Their existence ends and to the winners go the spoils. Their existence could be wiped from history as if they didn't exist.

Not saying it is right but in the end did it matter.

To fight the good fight is valid, but for example, if you are one against many and they kill you for it. There is no one to carry on the message. The messenger is dead.

If your voice is never heard were you right ?

I would say yes, but no is equally valid.
Here's a picture of Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ruhollah Mosavi Khomeini. He's kind of like the Pope for many Shia. He ran Iran as the "Supreme" pizza... I mean Leader.

Here he is doing something to some boy?

He spent his whole life studying the Qur'an and the life of Mohammad and then wrote a book that would be the foundation of the Perfect Islamic society.
Here: تحرير الوسيلة

In it he says some very interesting things, based on his life-time's study of The Qur'an and Mohammad.

For example:

If a man sodomises the son, brother, or father of his wife after their marriage, the marriage remains valid.

During sexual intercourse, if the penis enters a woman's vagina or a man's anus, fully or only as far as the circumcision ring, both partners become impure, even if they have not reached puberty; they must consequently perform ablutions.

Jesus christ !
hang on, so acording to him the only "good" (morally rather than pleasurably) sex is oral? i wonder if he has any offspring then and how he got them:p