
im just a crazzy dude
pretending to care about the world
im actualy just another (normal-person)
who realy just wants to make a trillion dollars and then
bake the biggest chocolate cake and see how long it takes to eat it.
i see no need for child psych when most people choose to skip childhood in order to pretend to be another disfunctional adult.

its like ....
so regressive man!
beans are for curds!
and tofu is for eating.
ohh... and how would i assume some one actualy had "honuor" on the internet, ... when most people have NO idea what it is!

groove on :)

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Göd I'm über
sorry for going off topic :(

There are allot of perripheral indepth theoretical idioligys
that are relavant to your topic.

for one line of investigation....
you could choose many topics to use for skeptical analysis
U.F.Os real or made by humans?
plus ... ? visiting ones?
humans use other humans as "guinea pigs"
so the rational is a logical possibility.

my opinion...
sorry im not a typist and i get rsi...
so untill i get speach to text and you get text to voice it may save weeks( :D ) of reading and me complaining, if i dont even start on the boards :)

keep groovin :)

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above

ps Mr Anonymous... now your just playing... like i was! :)
I think it is more probable than not that aliens do exist or had existed at one time. There are trillions of stars and probably as many planets. There are scientists finding new planets all the time. The question isn't so much if there is alien life forms, it's more a question of is it intelligent life. I think if it were intelligent enough to get here it's either millions of years ahead of us or has found some sort of stable wormhole. Though they would probably be like us and not leave their solor system. As for crop circles there are a lot that are hoaxes or art whatever you want to call it. However there are a minority that can't be explained.
heyya all :)
Mr Anonymous
Take good care, look foreward to continuing to see you around. Interesting way of expressing yourself, understand it know. It's actually quite good in a way, prompt's the reader to have to think about what it is your saying.
thanx :D
ive had about 9 broken arms[lost count actualy](4 or so collar bones) so i guess that could contribute :eek:
the healing of the ligaments/tendins/muscle tissue is a tricky thing!(i also have a 75% lefthandedness righthand dominent which can make it seem worse than managable :( )
latestest is 3 ribs, 2 one side, one the other.
enough of my Ob medical history(wont go there)
but you get used to it after a while :rolleyes: or go crazzy...
ooooppss self assesment :D
re: playing... i mean the non physical variety :D

re crop circles...
what i meant was/is i feel comfortable in assuming it is ART from superior technology... extra terrestrial or not.
the crop circles clearly illistrate a form of technology that is not in
percieved public use.
side thought... sad to think we can no longer grow food from the seeds of the food we are sold! such greed!
at least they can pay people to pretend to like them!
must be kinda freaky to live like that!
=from both ends of the equation!!!

groove on all :)

peace light truth love
is it too late now
since they clipped the wings of the dove.
Originally posted by Göd I'm über
he believes that aliens put us on earth and that we are just guinea pigs in their expirements. does anyone else agree, disagree??

they are bad scientists these aliens because they forgot to make a control group in their giant experiment...the idiots...they will never get their research published in 'Intergalactic Nature' this way...

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heyya all :)

Mr Anonymous
Really! I'll have you know I'm British! ...... I don't believe we actually know any other way other than the non-physical way....
that was my attempt to make a joke in regard to communication
on the boards/internet as opposed to face to face...
hence by definition of play to be of a text format rather than
games/physical interaction.

i have british decendents amoung others...
and liken the relative artistic merits of the great poets and theatrical talents to a nature of respect to encompass
the nature of all british to a point of idealism for those who might immagrate there.

continued... rellative..intent...ideal = likewise for all humans rights upholding countrys.
concurrent to max equation of duty to protect, uphold, liberate,
excise deseased intent to resultant culture hence express atcion of artistic liberty to include religouse freedom without indoctrination.

groove on all :)

peace light truth love
the path to thatwe hold above
Mr Anonymous
it's just we have aboslutely no idea what comfortable underware is.
And non of us like to say.....
ohh contrair!
"they"(you/them) choose by own FREE WILL to forsake true love!
and thus... the walking dead!
= psychopathological behaviour...

very sad!
but im sure the money makes up for it...?
how would they know... "they wont"!
because they constantly seek reinforcement of the justification of pathological behaviour.

... so who are the real aliens? :D

groove on all :)
this thread is realy going off topic

Mr Anonymous...
"We're all terribly charming but utterly skint"

your starting to hide behind the skirts of the british women!

this is a forum for ideas!

not assumed sheeplike drum banging!

try saying something orriginal!

im sure you can if you try!

groove on all :)
just a thought...
to accuratley stay in the confines of the thread...
it would be just a huge list of
... i wish i could be allowed to hide(?) amoungst the dresses of sexy brittish women... :D
with their consent of coarse!
or is that what strip clubs are for :confused:

groove on all...
