
Göd I'm über

Registered Member
my friend is a believer of aliens. he does agree that most crop circles were fake, but he believes some where real. he believes that aliens put us on earth and that we are just guinea pigs in their expirements. does anyone else agree, disagree??
Mr. Anonymous

You bring up a good point, yet again, but what if the theory is wrong? It really hasn't been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Is there a possibility of natural selection heading another way on another planet with varying differences? Are we to believe that 'aliens' would have to breathe oxygen? Trees take in carbon dioxide and let out oxygen in the evenings. Could it be possible that life on another planet could be backwards depending on environment? With that in mind, what kind of influence would it have on natural selection if natural selection is to be proven beyond reasonable doubt. I don't doubt it in the animal world, and I don't doubt it in our world. I believe we have adapted, just intelligence wise. Just asking Mr. A. Have a good one.
Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr Anonymous

I think you misunderstood my post. I wasn't really implying anything; more of a question, even curiousity. ;)

If natural selection is to be proven beyond reasonable doubt, what effect would that have on another planet with a different environment? That was really what I was driving at. The other question is are we to assume all life forms are carbon based? I know, we can base our observance of this on this planet, but what about others? More curiousity than a question really, and more what ifs than anything. I'm curious-if there are beings on other planets do they breathe oxygen? Do they breathe carbon dioxide? Do they breathe hydrogen? Or do they even breathe at all?
Mr norad

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All crop circles are real... Real crop circles.

As for who created them, well there are groups out there, individuals and even those that like to make sure that Paranormal activities continue in the media mainstream to keep them in jobs.

As for aliens, doesn't anybody question why they are created if they were alien? It never seems so, and even the answers are pretty rediculous.

Are they messages from some distant alien race... answer plain an simple, No.

The simple reasoning here is why would you create some giant glyph on a planets surface when the only people that would really get to see it are those flying over in aircraft or spying down with satellites. Which means if it was a message, it wouldn't be meant for normal average people.

Are they maps to distant stars where life exists, No again afterall with how mankind is at the moment would you invite him round for a cup of tea and a nice chat? (You'd give the wrong address and hope he doesn't spot that)

As for Aliens, well if they were clever they wouldn't broadcast their existance into the universe, afterall it would be an invitation for people to look in on you.

Hope that deals with some thoughts on the corncircles.
Mr. Anonymous

No need to apologize-I didn't make myself clear with that post. So, easy to see why anyone would misinterpret.

I have some questions on the subject of electromagnetism in the IFO section.

Yeah, Grays do look more humanoid than anything.

Mr. Anonymous, you will have to forgive me, but I have to cut this one short. Something came up and I have to leave shortly. I'll chat with ya later. Have a good evening!


Re: Mr. Anonymous

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cropcircles n aliens

Well, if cropcircles are really just a bunch of hoohas creating them how would you explain the fact that the unexplained ones have a cellular reconstruction on a molecular level and the fact that many have been created in one night on various points of the globe and that there have been cameras set up and circles have appeared in front of the cameras along with orbs of light.
Now just another though turning to the Bible and im not a religious man in fact im a witch but looking at an ancient text in Genesis it speaks of the Nephilim sleeping with the daughters of man, then you have the ancient cave paintings of disk-like vehicles,then whats your viewpoint of the Pyramids,the Sphinx,The face on Easter Island and the oldest 'crop circle' of all as seen from above, the Plains of Gaza which are etched in the desert floor of an ancient airstrip,a monkey and a spider. If your interested in some good reading check out anything by Erich Von Daniken, Sitchen, or Jacque Vallee. Very informed authors. You all have a great night and watch your backs these next coming days.

Get a permanent magnet and move it near a television screen (Be warned this might cause discolouration of the screen if prolonged exposure, but can be done Quickly)

what occurs is the magnetic field alters the colours projected through the screen, this should give you a little clue as to what can be accomplished with magnetic fields.

This is true. I do believe most crop circles are hoaxed, in fact I watched two fellows in England show exactly how they do it within hours!

But, if magnetism is the culprit at times, I wonder if it is a ship that uses electromagnetism? Any thoughts on that? Please, take a boo at the IFO thread before conveying your thoughts on my question.

I am a skeptic of crop circles, but there are a few that cannot be explained away so easily. This is why I asked about electromagnetism. Thanks ;)

How do you think IBM manages to manipulate atoms into alignment to make letters. (While they are busy learning how to make the future of smaller microprocessors, like nano-processors maybe even pico-processors)

The research into "Quibit" computers uses Quantum entanglement to process and store data. The positioning of an atom is again manipulated through electromagnetics.

I mention these two instances because these are the very fine tailored uses of such equipment, and to begin to study to such precise manipulation you would have to start with a larger system and a larger setup.

(Like for instance a satellite array and an open field)

Manipulating the molecules of corn stems through such electromagnetic manipulation is itself a method of testing the ability to "vector manipulate" a mass number of individual structures. So I leave it to you to ponder that.
heyya all :)

Mr Anonymous

Children concieved and born on a planet like that aren't going to be able to cope with Earth at all. For them, Mars be be their Earth and that is where they will always feel most at home.
small point...
if "we" were going to create a coloney on mars...
why would we not create its own magnetic (gravity) feild to ensure non distructive interaction of the rest of our species???
-im sure that would be one of the first issue in a colonisation mandate.
if not you would be creating "desert isaland" mental disorders!
along with unkown neurological development.
kind like building a house of cards out of people just to see how pretty it is as it falls over.
...oops is that us now?

crop cirlces... ho hum on that one... (to me)
what lovely art they make :D
soo many people seeking glory and fame and you choose to believe two secret service "plants"?
need to look around the issue as well as strait at it.

look at the development of the "human" brain...
that should be the biggest clue!
nothing like primal limbic mixed with intelectual development...
makes great wars and great art!
-oh... and a great lab for other stuff.

im not sure we realy need the wars though.
(thanks but no thanks :D )

the next huge step in evolution "should be" mixing plant life with human life...
never ending food!
+oopss someone edit this if im being too obviouse :D

surly you all know how the egyptians built the pyramids by now!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
anti gravaty is screaming HELLO!

darwin-ism is a fine working example...
untill the rain forests are destroyed!
what is a parasite?... clue... freakin morons chopping down all the trees!!!

or is someone hedging the market in bio weapons?
you gotta wonder!

(crazzy dude twitches...!) ... (Coffee.... need more coffee)
(falls off soap box)
:D :m: :cool: :p :)

groove on all

peace light truth love
the path tothat we hold above.

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Originally posted by Göd I'm über
my friend is a believer of aliens. he does agree that most crop circles were fake, but he believes some where real. he believes that aliens put us on earth and that we are just guinea pigs in their expirements. does anyone else agree, disagree??

It's an interesting thought, but you should watch Penn and Teller's "BULLSHIT!". They had an episode regarding this topic. It was glorious. :)
to ripleofdeath that statement u said about merging hmuan with plant, Im pretty sure that was a joke but even though plants have a never ending supply of food they are also A sexual now wheres the fun in that. Other than that great idea.

Also i was thinking could aliens just be evolutions (or mutations) of humans. Like everyone sais teh world statrted with the bib bang, well what if one world ended with the bang and a new one short terms the universe keeps repeating itself after every so many million years.
heyya all :)

thnx :) (waves hello) :)
Also i was thinking could aliens just be evolutions (or mutations) of humans. Like everyone sais teh world statrted with the bib bang, well what if one world ended with the bang and a new one short terms the universe keeps repeating itself after every so many million years
i agree with you about the possibilty of the big bang start...
as a potential concept.
however ... cycles of life "as they are often called" are not always
exactly the way people "LIKE" to think of them

Mr Anonymous...
Hmmmmm, an exceptional idea. Quite extraordinary, and simple to. May I enquire, how exactly does one go about doing that?

Just curious.
no offence intended..... BUT...
you show me the colour of your money and i show you the technology!
your a capitalist arent you?
we are all controlled by money!
why should i make a rich person more rich when they are most likely polluted with intent to be selfish and greedy???
it would only create more conflict and death and suffering!

most importantly...
keep grooving :)

peace light truth love
the path tothat we hold above.

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