
What will be the first aliens we meet?:m:

  • No Aliens

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • Non-sentient Aliens

    Votes: 17 38.6%
  • Sentient Aliens

    Votes: 14 31.8%
  • Monotheistic Christian Aliens

    Votes: 8 18.2%

  • Total voters
Re: Yes

Originally posted by EVILALIEN
Thank you for the support. These nonbelievers, I find them acting as most humans do, but it has gotten rather pathetic if you look at it from my perspective.

Umm, before you gloat, try to keep in mind that I never said I beleive most of the stuff on these forums, so as for your particular claims. . . heh, I'm afraid I have to throw them right in the "crazy rantings of deranged indeviduals" bin along with all the others.

Whatever you say, petty being. While in my true form I am far above you in the hierarchy of the universe.
Hehe, ok, little guy, whatever you say.

You got picked on a lot as a kid, didn't you?

I must admit, you have a sense of humor. However, my opinion must differ. While I was a child I led a perfectly normal life - my brain was too undeveloped to comprehend the fact that I was not truly human, so it never brushed my thoughts, therefore I felt and thought the same as all other children my age. I was never picked on - I was well-liked.
And by the way, I am a female, and i am not a "little guy". my human stature is 5 feet, 8 inches, and my true form is approximately 11 feet, 5 inches, although I have not measured in earth units precisely.
Originally posted by EVILALIEN
And by the way, I am a female, and i am not a "little guy". my human stature is 5 feet, 8 inches, and my true form is approximately 11 feet, 5 inches, although I have not measured in earth units precisely.

Can you reproduce as a human?
Originally posted by EVILALIEN
And by the way, I am a female, and i am not a "little guy". my human stature is 5 feet, 8 inches, and my true form is approximately 11 feet, 5 inches, although I have not measured in earth units precisely.

Oh yeah? Well my true form is over 12 feet tall, has a wingspan of that, and then half again, and has a bio-organic blaster ray that does 3d8+6 against faries! Beat that!
Re: Whatever

Originally posted by EVILALIEN
Whatever you say, petty being. While in my true form I am far above you in the hierarchy of the universe.
Yes. I am quite sure that there is more density in your vicinity than a black hole.

kind regards
You guys kill me sometimes.

Aliens, it is an unusual subject to think of in the way of wondering what alien life form we might encounter. Read all the threads. Kind of comical in some aspects. But have one here for you. Hypothetically of course. You know how when you decide you would like to do something, like a vacation, you vision how it would be. How much fun you will have. Then when you do go, you find that it didn’t work out as you anticipated. Well how about meeting an alien? Maybe not the way we all intend on.

How about this? We have been watched and researched now for years. If UFO’s are real, It’s obvious that their technology is super advanced to ours. Yes we have technology, weapons of mass destruction, technology, we have a sense of survival, and were on our home turf, not alien soil as they are. But what if we find one day our meeting is due to invasion. If they want our planet, it wouldn’t be an out right attack. They know we would resort to nuclear technology in hope of resisting an attack from a superior enemy. If the resources of our planet don’t mean a thing to them then prepare for attack. Enslave every human possible and destroy the rest. If they come in peace, don’t you think they would have made contact and attempt to help mankind evolve in a good way? I think though this, resources are a key here.
I'd be much more interested in exploring a new planet with wild alien animals and no humanesque virus than meeting a super-advanced species that came here. Its awesome to think how many species of creatures are out there in the universe and how fucking weird some of them would be. Look at the creatures here, they're pretty freakin weird, look at the damn octopus! shit thats a weird animal.
There definately would be millions of other planets with life on them too, no way around that, it sucks so much that none of us will ever get to see any of them, EVER :(

Seems as if our EvilAlein's bosses found out he was leakin info and staged what seemed to us humans as a homicide and took his ass back to the planet we can't pronounce. Seems funny how he said they cant live in our atmosphere yet they live here in human suits ....if they leave the human suits and make it look like a homicide they would obviously be exposed to our atmosphere...damn kids with nothing to do but pretend like they are aliens on a website... I find it hard to believe that with all the websites that they could look up and get all the info they wanted on earth and people they would come on here and tell us what they dont know about us.. stoopid aliens..... or should i say "so called aliens"
my bad..

how "SHE" said.... anyhow..... EvilAlien hasnt posted on here since Jan. Maybe that other weirdo who claimed to be her enemy found her and got her..... anyways......with Korea sayin they would use Nuclear force if the US attacked this planet will soon be worthless to aliens......
All stupidity in this thread aside (and lord there is a lot of it), it is far more likely that the first life we find would be non-sentient and primitive. Some microbial form living in asteroids or beneath the ice on Europa, for instance. Statistically, even if the universe were brimming with life, most of it would still be in a non-sentiant, primitive stage. Even on this planet life has only become advanced very recently.
Who says this was the first planet to get life though? I would bet my soul that it wasn't. I don't even want to count microscopic crap because who honestly cares about that? I don't think WE will ever see any of the other creatures out there but they definately are there.

This is for your thread on the first page. I read the hyperspace theory, and it's wrong. It claims the universe was a perfect 10 dimensional universe, but it was unstable-that it would be since adding more dimensions would weaken gravity, and this is from Stephen Hawking. So, in this sense a 10 dimensional universal would not even exist, would it? I don't believe it would have, but the theory did get my hopes up about the alpha and omega.

But, I wonder if all the empty space in between galaxies are where the flattened out dimensions exist? This is possible, at least, I think it is possible.

If you're still around I'd love to play. I've read your posts on this thread, and I find them to be contradictory and moronic. I've skimmed your other posts, you seem to have commented on spider man and created a thread in my forum about dragons. Other than that, everything you've said has something related to aliens. I do not find this intriguing.

Do you humans honestly think we are to reveal ourselves in such an early state of development? This is proposterous. We have very little information on the psychology, weaponry, and rate of development for humans. If we were to begin a war of some kind, we may discover that a common substance on your planet is our deadliest poison (for example, arsenic is a common element on our home planet).

It would be a waste of time to undertake any type of expeditionary operation if you had travelled from another star system. It would be plainly obvious to interstellar travellers and their unlucky hosts that a war would end in the traveller's favour, because weaponry on one side would easily be superior to the other. Spacetravel in itself is an advantage that cannot be ignored. If an operation went badly, moving away into space would guarantee safety.

After a war, you could study the chemicals and substances of our world. If you found anything poisonous, I don't doubt that you could find some way to work around it. Also, you mention that you're a teen or a pre-teen. I have trouble believing that children or teenagers could succesfully study harmful materials in the world. Trust me on this one;)

Actually, there are already aliens planted among the various subspecies of humans. We are subtle, and are never great leaders. In fact, once our human bodies grow old enought to comprehend that we are aliens, we tend to want to transfer from simple, boring human life to our natural bodies. None have ever grown above the age of 15. So if you notice the strange disappearence of any young adults in the papers, you now know why. We often abandon the bodies and make it look like a homicide.

Why am I not surprised. There is no creativity in this post. A moronic strategy for taking over the world, and one completely unnecessary.

Contrary to popular belief, we have never physically abducted a true human being. Occasionally we have retrieved an agent who has gone out of bounds or is not completing their duty. If I am caught revealing this to you I may mysteriously disappear, my human body turning up murdered within the next year or so.

If real people have never been abducted, then how come they spend their lives going on tv shows and doing interviews and trying to increase awareness about a concept the rest of us find insane? Doesn't sound very covert to me.

If I say much more, then my superiors may find out. However, they are unfamiliar with the internet, and have no access. I just hope there is another agent signed up with sciforums.
Our planet's name is unpronouncable in the human tongue, as our languages are entirely different. However, I can say that it is in the constallation called "Dragon".
The people that claim to have been abducted are only claiming. Occasionall we will have to physically send someone down. They are in suits, as our bodies are most likely incompatible with the Earthen atmosphere. A few may have seen us, but they have only gotten glimpses, most people think they are insane, and the human race will never locate our ships because of their lack of (no offense) ineffective technology. Therefore, we do not give much thought to these people. Most events are made up, and if we did take a human sample, we would keep the body, or stage an accidental death scene.

If your superiors have no access to the internet, then they are inferior. Obliteration of any and all communication, and an awareness of it, would be incredibly important when invading another planet. You present the same cliches in our society--that human technology is useless against you, that we have no chance, etc etc. I have seen no originality in your posts. I would expect from an alien that you'd have some new material to show us, some new insight on various affairs, but, this is too much to ask I guess.

To answer your question about evil:
We are evil to humans. It is imperceptible to me i my human form, as it will be to you, but we have no emotion. Love is an impossible thing. I myself cannot perceive it now, I can only know it.
We tend to not care about the welfare of others.
Our goal is to eliminate all other species in this universe. Humans think this a terrible concept, but we all know that stupid conflicts are inevitable if two separate species attempt to interact in peace, especially if they differ so much in psychology, and if one fells superior or has superior technology etc.

How did you, or how do you reproduce, then? Love in all sexually reproducing creatures on Earth is merely an offset of the need to reproduce and carry on genetic information. In some species, there is companionship involved to help raise the offspring. Humans don't think this is the case, but from a broader perspective we are no different. I find it difficult to believe that your race is exempt from basic evolution. Without love, in any of its forms, you cannot exist succesfuly.

Stupid conflicts inevitable? I disagree. You say you have no emotion, but you take a negative tone to every concept you present. Delusions of grandeur, stupidity etc etc, these are words from a mind that knows and feels emotion. If you are the real deal, which I doubt, of course (this is merely an entertainment between two teenagers, for onlookers:)) then you and your species are in denial. You feel that you are better than us, because we acknowledge that we feel emotion, however, the mere feeling of superiority you feel is an emotional state in itself.

You are contradictory. To humans, you are not evil--you are stupid.

Thank you for the support. These nonbelievers, I find them acting as most humans do, but it has gotten rather pathetic if you look at it from my perspective.

More and more emotion. Do you pity the inferiors?

Whatever you say, petty being. While in my true form I am far above you in the hierarchy of the universe.

You're wrong about that, alien. The genocide that you support, that you feel is inevitable, seems to be a philosophy of your species, which shows me that you are all not only in denial but also far lower in intelligence than ourselves. You may have been around for a longer time, but you are weak and hopeless. A higher race would, in the face of conflict, only fight in defense, and endeavor to avoid interaction between different species. Humans, for christ's sake, would do the same thing. Yet, because of your species' paralyzingly stupidity I find it hard to put you above the intelligence of the igneous rock.

I do hope you respond, evilalien. I am a bit naive, so my mind has, since my coming to sciforums, tended to be more open and impressionable to topics like yours that you present. I think I was the top poster on the backslash777 thread. So I am divided between believing you or not believing you. In fact, I had the thought that by providing you with so much information your "superiors" would start the invasion a lot sooner. But, then again, there's no way that you could win--the staggering idiocy that you've already shown guarantees that.

Best wishes, Xeno.
And on the more serious subject

We will "meet" either bacteria or simple forms of life the moment we burrow into Europa's oceans. It is almost impossible for life to not exist there. I'm not sure that we'll encounter sentient life in a long time, we may find some a few hundred years from now that are a great deal different from us, so different in fact that we will not recognize them as sentient at all. When you have a near-infinite universe, the possibilities for different intelligences are near-infinite as well.
Hey, thats what I like to hear!:)
Whats europa? Will we be burrowing into it within the next fifty years? A planet with oceans is bound to have life, no doubt about that.
I'm excited!
Europa is a moon covered in ice orbiting Jupiter. It's about the same size as our own moon. Beneath the ice, because of volcanic plate shifting caused by the other moons orbiting Jupiter, it has been theorized that it is very warm there, and that it really is the perfect place for life. Maybe not intelligent life, but probably something beyond bacteria. I think NASA had a mission in the works for sometime within ten years but I'm not sure...
yeah brain "ha"

there already here ..
communicating with the intelligent one's
communicating through technology music
using spacific patterns and freuencies
think about it...
mathamatics is the language of the universe
music is mathamatics :eek: